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Favorite H!P Member (Week 60): (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 999

  • KamKami - 14 years ago

    yea kay.. akb does a lot of fansevice...
    idk bout their other songs... tried to listen to those as well...

    but akb's songs has like no solo lines or hardly has idk.... they always sing together....
    i dun like that

    anyways !!!! :p
    VOTE 4 PONPON !!!!!

  • Maya - 14 years ago

    Heavy rotation was one of their dodgy PVs o.O And their others have fan service, but their latest single is quite sweet xD

  • KamKami - 14 years ago

    sayu's blog is so much fun to read xD
    haha ikutan does sound better thatn eripon...
    like how people called her ponpon as wel xD LOOL

    haha i really disliked akb... didnt want that... so tried to listen to on of their songs... xD
    so i watched the ''heavy rotation'' pv...
    xD i was SHOCKED... xD LOL

    that pv made sure i dun like AKB.. xD LOL

  • Maya - 14 years ago

    @KamKami I think what I don't like about AKB is the fact that they sell so much xD I did not have a problem at all with them before, although some people did. I continue to listen to their music, but I have never bought a CD xD I have too many HaroPro CDs to count! UrghhH!
    I hope Ikutan does well(btw Ikutan - From Ikuta sounds better than Eripon, so I use that xD) And yes! :DD I do read sayu's blog on Hyakupa :DD

  • KamKami - 14 years ago

    eh..... lol xD zuki xD
    eripon does smile...though it looks really shy... a bit scared-ish... but thats just how she looks like
    u read sayu;s blog ?? she post really often bout the 9th gen... ull get to know them better by that...
    and by watching bijou gaku.....

    so what if shes a AKBfan... sayumi loves AKB as well... xD
    sayu is the biggest idol beign a wota.. xD
    erina is in momusu.. so thats all that matters
    nd there are enough akb members who like momusu...

    though i get how u feel... i dun want anything to do with akb as well.... but if u think about it....
    theres nothing wrong with akb... just that theyre not with H!P.......

  • Maya - 14 years ago

    @Kamkami Zukii was a hella' a dancer xD HILARIOUS but so sweet! And just to make one thing clear. When I see Ikutan never smiling, I can't help but think because I'v heard she's an AKB fan that she'd rather be in AKB! I can't help but think that! I'm sorry, but that's what my brain automatically thinks for some reason >.

  • Maya - 14 years ago

    @Giullia I understand that. Sayumi got MAJOR trolling for saying she liked AKB and that was really sad. I think It's Ironic that Yuu is going solo, and the other 2 8th gen Finalists are now in AKB xD Acctually I think Tsunku made a bad choice, but that doesn't mean I wont support her! I support all my Idols! Esp since she's only a year younger than me! And I am also a fan of AKB's music. Just not of them.

  • Giulia - 14 years ago

    Guys, it shouldnt matter if she's a fan of AKB!!!
    There's still a reason why she's in Morning Musume and why Tsunku chose her as apart of the ninth generation!
    I hear Sayumi likes AKB too soo liking them shouldnt be a reason to doubt her!!
    and coming from someone who likes both H!P and AKB48, they're allowed to like them! I mean come on, AKB's most recent single almost got to 1 million in less than a week. Chances are that the majority of teenagers in Japan are going to like them, including erina. You can't blame her, they may suck at singing live but they're songs are catchy!

  • KamKami - 14 years ago

    btw.. dont hate eripon for being an akb fan -.-''
    shes allowed to like whoever she wants -.-''
    people shouldnt be complaining... eripon is with H!P ... and shell do her best for H!P....
    (not saying it caus i like akb... NOT AT ALL... but no matter what i like everybody whos in H!P)

    and yea sayu couldnt sing either.... she still cant sing well xD :p (LOVE SAYU)
    but sayu got other things she can do well... like she has among the momusu members the best variety skills... maybe erina as well

  • KamKami - 14 years ago

    gonna vote for the one with the least votes... GO ERIPON !!!!!
    so.. eripon might be not a good singer... xD but its the same for zukki not being a good dancer...
    yet theyre both funny
    theyll improve...


  • Chimai - 14 years ago

    I love ALL of 9th gen! But I'd have to go with Zukkii

  • Melisa - 14 years ago

    Eripon for me~ she needs more love > o >
    Indeed her singing is the weakest, but she has just joined and haven't had experience with singing... I know she doesn't smile often either but she said that she's trying the best to smile to her fans and one of her goals is to improve on her singing... I'll continue to support her and just ignore the haters.... ganbatte Eripon!! ^^

  • Marshie - 14 years ago

    Nina, then she'll improve. :) When Sayu auditioned, I think it's fair to say that her singing was really bad, but look at her now. She's improved so much since then, both as an idol and a singer. I have high hopes for Erina and the rest of the 9th gen. :)

    Mayaar, when I first heard she was an AKB fan, I had the same thoughts, too, but there are plenty of people out there who like both AKB and H!P, right? (Though sadly, I'm not one of them, lol.) Besides, can you really blame a 13 year old girl for being an AKB48 fan? But I'm sure that with time, she'll love H!P just as much as we all do. ^-^

    Good luck Fuku-chan, Eripon, Yasshii, Zukki!

  • michi - 14 years ago

    ^ Aw, I thought she got better since her audition. Not as much as Zukkii did, but it's a lot less monotonous and wavering. (All of 9th gen were waving towards the end of "Tomo", so it's not like she's the only one in need of more live experience.)
    But, to be honest, I didn't really expect too much of a change from her since she sings pretty similar to how she speaks. =\

  • Nina - 14 years ago

    Erina can't sing to save her poor, dear life.

  • michi - 14 years ago

    ^ Do what most others do: "eeni-meeni-miny-mo" There's more than two, so it'll be a fair game of chance~

  • KamKami - 14 years ago

    this means no voting for me this week...='( love them all... dun wanna choose..

  • Candy - 14 years ago

    You are the best >

  • riishako - 14 years ago

    I like Kanon, Riho and Fuku-chan... Erina is weird Oo

  • Mayaaar - 14 years ago

    Marshie, I s'pose you're right. I'm sure she's a lovely girl! She certainly is the most reserved but I think in my head I think 'AKB fan? Uhhh she must really want to be in AKB instead' whenever she doesn't smile.

  • Aurel - 14 years ago

    voted for riho-chan..

  • zoe-chan - 14 years ago

    I just knew Riho would dominate this poll
    GO Fuku-chan!!!!!!

  • Marshie - 14 years ago

    So far, Fuku-chan is my favorite but Yasshii is a close second. ^-^

    But poor Eripon. :( I think she deserves a little love! Out of the entire 9th generation, she probably stands out the least, but from the clips I've seen of her and the 9th gen she seems like a really hard worker and I'll give her credit for that.

    Mayaaar, I agree that Erina doesn't really smile, or as much as the other members, but it could be due to the fact that she's still nervous. Compared to the rest of the 9th gen, she's pretty much the underdog here. There's Fuku-chan and Yasshii who both have years of experience under their belts and Kanon who's a favorite among many with her radiant smile. And that's not even including the current members.

    I am totally psyched for their debut! Still sad about EriJunLin, but I'm sure the 9th generation won't disappoint. ^-^

  • michi - 14 years ago

    Got cut-off:
    I still prefer Eripon over Yasshii, and Fukuchan's the only one I'll be betting to sound great on the first single [without autotune and crap]. Still not going to have a definite fave out of them 'til at least their debut single, but I'm still being drawn to Zukkii~
    So... everyone choosing Yasshii is for her dancing prowess, and Zukkii is for her smile. We should hold this poll after their debut single, Ado! That way we can see how much fans change their minds~

  • michi - 14 years ago

    Got cut-off:
    I still prefer Eripon over Yasshii, and Fukuchan's the only one I'll be betting to sound great on the first single [without autotune and crap]. Still not going to have a definite fave out of them 'til at least their debut single, but I'm still being drawn to Zukkii~
    So... everyone choosing Yasshii is for her dancing prowess, and Zukkii is for her smile. We should hold this poll after their debut single, Ado! That way we can see how much fans change their minds~

  • michi - 14 years ago

    Voted for Zukkii

  • Yominis - 14 years ago

    Most of the time I prefer members who can sing. But this time I just have to vote for Zukki(no, in my opinion she can't sing yet). Her smile is so bright that it just can't be helped...

  • Katjanyan - 14 years ago

    Riho! She's an awesome dancer and has a charming cute personality~

  • Veni - 14 years ago

    Riho the second Reina .....

  • Giulia - 14 years ago

    K soo i voted for kanon chan!!
    and she looks like she's catching up to Riho!!
    Go kanon!!!!

  • riishako - 14 years ago

    Riho! She reminds me of Karin Miyamoto :D She's so cute!

  • Mayaaar - 14 years ago

    I really like Fukuchhan! Seems like such a nice girl and she was a back-up dancer for my 2 fave Mano songs :DD
    Kanon is next! IRRESISTABLY CUTE!!
    Riho too! At first I didn't like her very much because she was good at everything, but now I think she's too adorable to dislike :3
    I don't really like Erina yet. In none of the interviews or anything, she didn't really smile. She might be my first H!P members(besides Goto Maki) That I don't like. And I Reeaally don't like disliking Idols!


  • Dreamiin - 14 years ago

    Kanon-chan :)
    I love her so much, she's my favorite in the 9th generation.

  • Nina - 14 years ago

    I feel like, she's the one who's what a new Momusu member should be. She is new to the idol world. She isn't perfect, but she works very hard and has a bright personality. I feel like that she'll blossom into a great idol.

    I still love Fuku-chan and Riho-chan though :)

  • Giulia - 14 years ago

    Gahh!! I'm having a hard time deciding...
    i like them all!!!!
    i havent seen enough of them yet to have picked a personal fav
    but if it comes down to it, i cant decide between fuku chan and kanon!! they are both sooo awesome!!!!
    I'm gonna have to think about this for a little while and vote later on :P

  • Ayumi-chan - 14 years ago

    My comment got cut off :/
    I was saying Fuku-chan!! I love her so much !

  • Ayumi-chan - 14 years ago


  • lollipop - 14 years ago

    kanonchan! i like riho too.. but i feel she's like the 2nd reina or sumthing.. i hope she wouldn't be like that.. (i mean always getting solo lines though reina's voice is.... well not so good.) but i like riho and kanon best so i'll be voting for them alternately:)

  • zoe-chan - 14 years ago

    Fuku-chan!! loved her from the start

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