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Would you vote to approve casinos in Texas?


  • harperip - 14 years ago

    the addiction argument is a little silly. addicts will find their fix one way or another. there is no addiction barrier at the louisiana or oklahoma border. if the lawmakers would simply do their job and set up the laws governing the casinos in a thoughtful foresightful way and ignore lobbyists and special interest influence , we would all benefit. there are plenty of examples to study and learn from before doing anything. think and then act.

  • james - 14 years ago

    i was under the assumption that when the lottery came to Texas that it was going to take care of our educational budget. All that it has done is made the crooks richer, put more people on welfare, and destroyed more families due to gambling addiction.

  • Jeff - 14 years ago

    What Happen to the lottery money , I thought It suppose to Help the schools In this state, So why Does the Schools Have to Cut back???. I happy to see Texans Spending There hard earn money In Other states Gambling. That's why This state Is In the hole. wake Up It's The 21st century not The 50's !!! & DUI's You Have them Every day Here In Texas Without Casinos. Texas Is Behind The times

  • The Sogent - 14 years ago

    Depends on who owns the casino's. If the Native Americans own them all the money stays with the tribe, none comes to the Texas citizens. This is in no way a slander to the Native Americans, just telling the truth. Been there, done that.

  • Linda - 14 years ago

    Our educational system is in dire need of help and so is alot of our non-profit programs. There are pros & cons I know, but the Dallas area already has so many strip clubs & dives I think to have really nice casinos would be great. It would definately help the unemployment rate; it would bring in much needed revenue for the city; also be great for tourisum! Instead of giving all our money to Okla. & LA. for ( the dirty word) 'gambling', and all the jobs and growth (hotels,restruants,etc.) it would bring everywhere in Texas, I see more Pros than cons! VOTE YES!!!

  • Mailman Dan - 14 years ago

    Remember you also get what always comes with them.

    A big spike in DUI's around casinos, because the booz are free. Also an increase in pawn shops and poverity in areas nearby, plus there's the morality factor which also sinks in areas around them as well, as human beings are bought and sold around them.

    Do you want this in your town?

  • joseph - 14 years ago

    Keep Texas money in Texas,this will help our much needed schools,and put people back to work here in this great STATE.

  • grace - 14 years ago

    Look at Biloxi MS first THEN decide if you want casinos. I would vote NO. It's not a nice place any more. You can't even see the beaches for the casino buildings!

  • june.coleman - 14 years ago

    No! don't we as individuals and the state have enough problems without casinos? Usually you have people playing who really can't afford it, people out of work, can't pay their bills, cost of everything going up...................NO!

  • Chuntae - 14 years ago

    It's 2011 come on so many people daily get on the Highway and travel to Oklahoma and Louisania just to name a few to go spend money at there Casinos cause Texas has none..Just think of the Revenue not to mention we have scratch offs and Lotto come on now either Gamble or not either way it's gambling..So why not put Casinos here Dallas and Ft Worth or somewhere cloose by, I'm tired of driving to go to another state to go to Casino...Way overdue!!!!

  • mike j - 14 years ago

    I would like to see Texas return the Casinos to the original Casino areas along the Gulf Coast , I think it would be an aid to the Coasts economy and might help fund clean up and maintaining the Gulf Coast beaches for tourist and locals . It sure would add good jobs and increase property tax revenue for the Gulf Coast counties .

  • j. creasy - 14 years ago

    the state of texas would be the second most profit making state with casinos behind nevada.
    it's a no brainer.
    the people in this are itching for this state to get casinos.
    i don't understand why those politcal people in austin won't at least give the people the chance to vote for casinos.
    it's almost as if they know it will pass and they are afraid to be proven wrong about the idea
    of having casinos in this state.
    this state would be a gold mine!!!!!!!!!

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