**POLL!** Who is the Best Classic Rock Band of all Time?


  • William - 12 years ago

    Geez...I love to get the Led out, I really do--but The Beatles are the top dog, always. I'm not saying that Led Zepplin is not F'ing Great, 'cuz they are--Pink Floyd, The Doors, The Stones, C, S, N & Y (especially Y), etc., etc., they're all insanely great bands...but the Beatles are in a different realm. In less than 1 decade, they created just about every genre of rock there is. They are the foundation on which rock is built. That's just the way it is.

  • Allister - 13 years ago

    Yeah, they're all great but AC/DC are the best. Why's their name not up there?? What a travesty.

  • Diana - 13 years ago

    How can you pick from the stars above? Gotta have 'em all, love 'em all; even if only one or two of their songs, they've all made top charts!

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