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Should the county ban all tethering of dogs?

Total Votes: 1,236

  • Esther Moore - 12 years ago

    I beleive all canines need to be taken care of indoors. That's why they are called "domesticated".

  • Sookey - 14 years ago

    Require tethered dogs to be tied to those chains that cannot tangle and that give
    the dogs plenty of room to move around freely, even chase a ball. Require
    that they be provided with shelter against extreme weather, water, food, and
    shade in hot weather. Require that the owner or other caregiver spend at
    least a couple of hours a day with tethered dogs.

    But for heavens sake, don't ban all tethering. In some circumstances, tethering is
    the safest and most humane way to manage a dog.

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