Which Current HG is playing the best game?


  • sam - 17 years ago

    natalie and ryan are the best players in the house. ryan just under radar and natalie is playing everyone and they dont even realize. u go girl. nat to win nat to win.

  • Bu - 17 years ago

    Ryan and Adan major floaters in this game!

  • Zy - 17 years ago

    No one seems to be giving Sheila enough credit ...she's working it pretty good.

  • Tammy J - 17 years ago

    Ryan is SO flying under the radar. Even though he has been on the block, he always gets saved without saving himself. Natalie and James aka Good vs. Evil are putting way too much attention in the way of winning comps on themselves, and let's face it, everyone who's left are physically weaker in comparison to those 2, they will constantly be targets til the weaklings pick them off. After all, it's votes that win the game, NOT competitions. Adam and Sheila seem to blow the same way as the wind-the definition of fair-weather friends. Josh is a wuss with a big bark and no bite, and Sharon is just a filler. My preference is for James to win it all, but the rest of his time will be damage control and trying to win comps to stay alive, I think he'll peter out sooner than later. JMO of course.

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