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Do you favor traffic roundabouts to replace 'signalized' intersections?

Total Votes: 47
1 Comment

  • Natalie Searl - 14 years ago

    I live in Haycock Township, near Quakertown, and use the roundabout on Quakertown's Main Street quite often when going to Lowe's and Giant, which face 309. Having lived in New Jersey for several years and used their traffic circles, I am used to circle protocol. Roundabouts are smaller than circles. Quakertown (or was it Richland Township) turned a dangerous intersection into one that works very smoothly by installing the roundabout. I don't know the statistics, but I have never heard of an accident there. Drivers are courteous when entering and exiting. Because the roundabout is smaller than a traffic circle, visibility of other vehicles entering the roundabout and the ability to make judgments as to speed and opportunity for entering are increased. Another benefit: you don't have to wait for a signal to go. [Dan, please edit my comments as you wish] P.S. I'm not sure a roundabout would work in a heavily trafficked intersection, but I'm not an engineer.

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