Should Officers Receive Harsher Sentences For Committing Crimes?


  • BJ - 14 years ago

    Yes not only should they be held to a higher standard, they shouldn't even be placed in protective custody. It makes me so happy when a bad cop gets a taste of his or her own medicine.

  • kevin johnson - 14 years ago

    yes of course..... they should be held to 2x the sentence and be sentenced to the full extent and must recieve prsion time no matter what ..and this shouldnt be debateable by no means .its just common sense as it gose....and break the law the second time in prsion..hey we didnt make the rules the ones that reading it ..we just think its the right thing to do since they been trainned to up-hold the law...and took an oath which has meanning and once you break it by being a law official you must dearly pay for lieing ....and that the way i feel about it and always will..cause those crooked officers superviors are the ones that need to be investigated for just letting in one in..cause they know who committing a crime and they should get life in prison just because they didnt do nothing about it and they knew and knows who is doing it .. ..i need to stop here cause i was going to use profanity to finish my expression of this topic.i must refrain from doing reason only.....i would like to here from other people who has the same view...this was written may 21st 2011 at 11; the downtown libary......

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