Should pets be allowed off-leash in public parks/areas?


  • Graham Paul - 13 years ago

    Our dogs are obedience train and taught to heal off-leash. There is a time a place for everything. ALWAYS keep your dog ON-leash. Even the best trained dog can be spooked by a loud noise or when surprised. They may not go far but they could jump in front of a car, fall off an edge, take off after an irresistible wild animal,...

    If there is a fenced dog run by all means let them have fun off-leash. Just be careful that they mix well with other dogs in the run. We will usually only let ours use a dog run if they can be alone or we are sure about the other dogs in it.

  • rvjim - 13 years ago

    Yes dogs should be able to be off lesh as long as the owner has a secure grip on the collar.

  • Ron Vance - 14 years ago

    Yes to off leash if under control

  • Sue - 14 years ago

    It really depends on how well trained the pets and owners are. If the pets are well trained enough to avoid becoming a nuisance or hazard AND if the owners are well trained enough to control and clean up after their pets, then off leash is acceptable.

  • Linda - 14 years ago

    I agree with Pattie. I myself am not a dog owner nor do I ever want to be one. I dislike when owners allow their dogs to run loose to sniff at and generally bother people like me who don't really like dogs. I do, however, think dogs should have a place where they can be unleashed as long as the owner is responsible and supervises the animal constantly and cleans up after him.

  • Pattie - 14 years ago

    I believe that dogs should be on a leash at all times when in public parks/areas. No matter how calm or how much you trust you dog you never know when something will set them off and charge at people. I am all in favor of fenced in dog runs. Your dogs can fun free for as long as you let them. However please remember to pick up after your dogs.

  • Eadie Regenburgh - 14 years ago

    If you can control your dog and it does not jump or show other aggression towards other people or dogs, I vote yes. My doxie mix is small does not jump and rarely barks. He does need a good run which we are unable to provide unless we can let him off leash.

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