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What should I do about the new Kindle?

Total Votes: 106

  • chilihead - 13 years ago

    Call customer service again. Explain the whole story and ask them for advice and how it will affect your warrantee if you should keep Drake and he breaks down again suddenly. Put Drake through some rigorous kindle calisthenics to see how he holds up under pressure.Good luck!

  • P. E. Simpson - 13 years ago

    I do hope Drake is feeling better and performing as expected. I am sure he felt humiliated as well. I think the doctor should pay for his repair or replacement, if necessary. I carry "Kindle One" in a Case Logic zipper case just about the size of "Kindle One". I purchased it at Office Depot. Amazon may also have them. The zipper is on the top and side and makes it convenient to slip in and out. The best part is it has a nylon loop at the top that I have hooked a round ring through attached to a round squeeze fastner. The other end is attached to a bag I carry to and from work. It is very hand for easy access for reading at break time and traveling. I don't have to dig through my bag when I am looking for "Kindle One". You could attach it to your belt or a neck or shoulder stap. I too am adicted to reading and my Kindle. "Kindle One" goes everywhere with me. However, I have a whole "Kindle Family". My original Kindle died so I replaced it with the newest Kindle 3G and WiFi in white. I was frustrated reading magazines on Kindle One and purchached my second Kindle DX, just referred to as "DX". It is used to read Blogs, magazines and newspapers. It also has some books and games. It generally stays in my office at home. Then I purchased "Kindle Three" to move around the house with me. It has a cover with a stand so I can read at the table or where there is a place to stand it up or just read it like a book. They all serve a special purpose and I can't imagine not having any of my "Kindle Family". Look at this way keep both of them. You have a SO, why shouldn't "Drake" have one too. You could name him "Ditto" and they would get along nicely. If one was in need of some downtime then you would have the other one to keep you company. I am thinking of buying another Kindle to share when we have company. There is just so much visiting you can do. Peace and quiet and some down time mean a lot to me as I get older. I think everyone should have a Kindle to Love!

    After rereading this maybe I should look into "Kindle Family Planning". NOT!

    I really enjoy your Blog. Keep up the good work.
    P. E. Simpson
    (please withold my e-mail address if this is printed.)

  • karen - 13 years ago

    I totally inderstanf. I am attached to my first kindle too. a new one could give you different problems. anyway what is an Orac?

  • Mey - 13 years ago

    You know the phrase "if it's not broken, dont fix it" well... If Drake's not broken, dont return it. I had a similar issue and my kindle started working afte i received the new one. I ended up returning the new one. I think naming the kindles is cute and it makes it easier to remember which kindle one is referring to.

  • jess - 13 years ago

    you don't know what happened to cause drake to suddenly start working again... and it could easily reverse and you'd be back with the same problems that caused you to need the replacement. he could be bleeding internally, so to speak.

  • Bob Bobson - 13 years ago

    First, stop anthropomorphizing you Kindle. It's immature and frankly annoying. You should keep the new device. The old device is obviously broken and although it may be working now, it will likely fail soon.

  • Deb - 13 years ago

    "Drake# needs to be #healed#. keep #Orac# - you two will grow on each other over time.

  • John - 13 years ago

    Your attachment to "Drake" is irrational. It's a machine. Jeez, do you kiss your toaster goodnight? The rational thing to do is to replace the damaged Kindle.

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