What's your favorite season of Big Brother?


  • Anthony - 17 years ago

    Caroline what's your favorite season? I've always wanted to ask but couldn't find the right place to ask. Also, what do you think of all the seasons? And who are or were your favorites?

  • HH - 17 years ago

    I have to say season 1 was my favorite. If it was not for a fun and interesting first season I would not still watch the show. Don't misunderstand I have really enjoyed other seasons as well and the changes and twists that have occured over the years. But as I said if it was not for a good start in season 1 I would have no interest in the show today. Just my thoughts though. Have a great day and enjoy the season!

  • Bu - 17 years ago

    BB2 was off the hook from the very minute the HG's entered the house and were all scrambling to get beds or for some lack there of. But it seems when I talk about BB2 on the RealPlayer chats now that so many or most people on the chats have not seen this edtion. This vote is bias of all of the Big Brothers due to the older BB fans that fell away because of BB4 and BB5 that were just horrible. BB2 was the best because the drama did not stop and the game was played from the moment they entered the house and they had fun as well as the feeders and TV watchers built up and also had a blast watching. I have watched all of the BB feeds every years and no other BB had this off the hook vibe that BB2 had and pure non stop game. Even Evel Dick (BB8) cops to BB2 being one of if not the best BB!

  • Ela - 17 years ago

    I loved Season 1. I know I'm in the minority but I loved that season because the HG's seemed more real. None of them were wanna be actors/models (at least, less of them were) and I could actually identify with a couple of them- especially Cassandra, Brit (yeah I know she was annoying, but aren't we all sometimes?) and Curtis.
    After the format change, I think my favorite would be Season 8, simply because I loved Jessica and Eric. Once they left, I stopped watching.

  • miquel - 17 years ago

    I attribute the results to most of the fans on here probably became bigger fans with the success of the BBdishes. Thus those seasons are rated higher b/c we have more info thanks to you.

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