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Do you support the aggressive “hacktivist” civil disobedience of groups like Anonymous? (Poll Closed)


  • postfuturist - 14 years ago

    If the Web and Wikileaks had existed 45 years ago the LBJ and Nixon administrations would have almost surely been ended sooner than they were: no need for the Pentagon Papers, no need for subpoenas of White House tapes.

  • Lucette Smoes - 14 years ago

    Civil disobedience cannot be outlawed.

  • Andreas - 14 years ago

    Yes I do - full on.

    On a side note, could these polls have a "total amount of voters" info?

  • Nathan Wosnack - 14 years ago

    I voted "Other". The issue of Hacktivism from groups like Anonymous is like this; if they're spreading knowledge that will not put the lives of others at risk, if it is not fraudulent, then by all means share it. Oftentimes government secrecy does more harm than good, and by Anonymous and Wikileaks exposing cover ups, they are helping us with the democratization of information. The other reason for voting "Other": DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks against corporate servers responsible for playing a part in shutting down Wikileak's servers is a hypocritical and anti-social behavior. Spreading knowledge, then turning around and denying service by way of unlawful network attacks as a punishment to those denying service, is not at all productive.

  • postfuturist - 14 years ago

    We want to know just for instance if officials really thought African 'yellow cake' uranium was available for Saddam in 2002.

  • Nikki Olson - 14 years ago

    Sometimes, and I would say, rarely, secrecy on the part of government officials is in the best interest of public safety, making it difficult to choose 'yes' in good conscience, here, but I'm closer to choosing 'yes' than I am choosing 'no'.

  • Julia Gillard - 14 years ago

    I have a brain ..... No, really I do

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