What kind of BB Fan Are You?


  • Steph - 16 years ago

    I choose about 4 people based on their ability to really play the game in terms of the competitions, out smarting other people, and stirring up shit to knock other people's games off. I would've liked to see the final 4 be James, Chelsia, Joshua, and Sharon. I really wanted James to win, but so much for that happening :( I now want Sharon or Adam to win. I also pick about 2 or 3 people that I can't stand, and this is done within the first few episodes of the show. It's based on their personality, comments, annoyingness, obnoxiousness, selfishness, etc. All bad qualities. The people I chose to hate on this year...there's actually more then 2 or 3. It's Natalie (can't stand her for a million reasons), Matt (obnoxious, selfish, annoying, cocky, unattractive), Allison (purely annoying, jealous-type, etc), Ryan (selfish, annoying, dishonest), and I don't really like Sheila either, just for the fact that she always plays the "oh i'm a mother card - give me sympathy votes, I have a son" and also when she critisized James for being up on the block...for 4 weeks in a row, and she was placed on the block and threw a hissy fit. Very immature and hypocritical.

  • Lisa - 16 years ago

    I don't pick a favorite right off. once I've figured out who I want to win, I stick by that until they are gone, and then I try to find a new player to root for.

  • Courtney - 16 years ago

    I usually pick one or two players who I root for the whole season. This is the first season that I have followed the Dish Site, so it's been different for me...on TV, we really don't get to find out who these people really are! It's been harder for me to stick with one or two players because I'll read something on here about things that they've said or done and I don't like them anymore! But, I always have someone that I love to hate!!!! I don't agree with how some people play the game, but they are definitely entertaining!!!

  • Kim - 16 years ago

    In the begining I chose one favorite and that was Joshuah. Josh was an awesome player he did explode alot but only after he had had enough. I don't blame him for not liking Allison, the lesbian card that she and Sheila tried to play was mocking his sexuality. I didn't like Amanda because she tried to be the center of attention with all the skimpy clothes and flirting and then when she was called on it she tried playing Miss Innocent. She brought Alex down he could have come far in the game. I didn't see Jen enough to really get an opinion of her, Parker on the other hand, I was glad to see go. He whined way too much. I didn't like Sheila from the begining with the way she downed Adam without even knowing him and now she expects him to carry her thru, He doesn't owe her anything. I wish Natalie had been evicted with Matt. The lies that girl tells in the name of God are too much. I would really like to see her face when she sees the feeds of all her lies! Thatwould be awesome. James to me is the best "player". He is good at all he does. He just got a bad rep because Nat felt he "backdoored" Matt and because he didn't keep his word to her. Matt was a sucky player all he did was flirt with all the girls and try to get in their pants. He was gross. Adam is a good player, he keeps his eyes and ears open to everything. It's just sad the way all the women with exception of Sharon, try to be his best friend now. Sharon is a smart woman and a fairly good player, she keeps her mouth shut and just listens and I believe she is truly a loyal friend to her friends, she's not two-faced like Nat and She-bot. Ryan is just playing off of his friends. If it weren't for his friends carrying him he would have lost along time ago. They are just keeping Sheila because she does all the cleaning for them, they don't have to do anything. I personally think the house would be better without Sheila and Natalie.........no bitching and no lying.

  • Wendy - 17 years ago

    The first few weeks I don't pick favorites, there are too many people, not enough air time.

    Usually by week 3 or 4 I like 4-5 players, and may dislike a few based on attitudes, comments, etc.

    I will then cheer for the ones I like, but will change my opinion if:
    1. I may stop liking someone if they make stupid or unnecessary moves

    2. I may decide to cheer for someone else if they come up with a brilliant plan, or otherwise do something remarkable.

    This season has been pretty bad, with:
    1. Why put Adam and Sheila on the show, at all? If this was about
    people that should be "soul mates?" Why not 2 token older people
    3. Jacob's stupid "Parker is a snake" comment
    4. Jen outing her relationship with Ryan
    5. Alison and Sheila's fake relationship
    6.Sheila's ranting, especially about alison
    7. Natalie's pathetic feelings for Mat
    8. Voting JAMES BACK IN????? HELLO???? CBS??? Natalie??? Adam???
    8. Adam telling Sheila he should nominate her because she can take it??
    9. Chelsia - so full of herself she couldn't handle going home.... what, she
    thought that she had it in the bag?? Bisexual, easy, slutty, threatening to
    do Mat in sequester, with James available to hear, just to try to get a
    jealous safety vote from Natalie???? Probably had MORE sex in the BB house than ANY OTHER US BB CONTESTANT, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
    10. James REPEATEDLY going back on his word, from his very first HOH,
    then making plays to stay that make NO SENSE for the person that he's talking to, refusing to accept that someone goes home every week, and
    guess what? It might be James, he's not immune!
    11. Josh is SOOO full of himself --- WHY???? and the food nom penalty??? You think that we don't think you watched Jen last year try that??
    12. Sharon, please put on some eye-makeup or dye your hair dark.

    so, after the really stupid list,... I guess that just leaves RYAN -

    But - he is stupid enough to like JEN - so, I guess it's a wash.

  • J A Bush - 17 years ago

    Anytime you begin a poll answer w/ such phrases as ,"I am open minded..." your results will be skewed, since being "open minded" has loaded connotations of all kinds.

  • danimas - 17 years ago

    For me it is about the game. As for the players, I like them all, it is interesting to see how each of them deals with the situation of being locked up in the house. I have never found a player that I just out and out hated, everyone has their good and bad about them.

  • marie - 17 years ago

    I bet money on big brother with 3 other people, so we pick players and i cheer for them, even if i dont like them........and i don't have anyone left in the game:(

  • Susan - 17 years ago

    This year I saw the pre-show interviews. There were two, from those interviews, that I knew I could not watch and wanted them out ASAP. (They are both gone) I watch a few episodes and usually pick who I want to win and who I do NOT want to win. Sometimes things happen that make me change my mind, as in some annoying trait or something. I will also pick a different player if mine get evicted, but it usually is in the same group of players. This year I wanted James/Chelsia/Josh/Sharon, however I did not want Sharon when I saw her start to turn on Josh behind his back a few weeks ago. I can not stand Natalie, but now I want her to go with James and Josh to the final 3. She is starting to really play the game, now that she is not drooling after Matt. I want James to win. Mainly because he reminds me of a combination of my sons and all their friends rolled into one. My oldest son is the same age as James, just a couple month apart. So maybe I just identify with one player and that is how I choose. But I do keep a somewhat open mind, such as I do not like Natty at all (I think she is a very fake person who likes to put on airs) but like I said now that she is not chasing Matt all over she is actually planning and trying to play the game.

  • Amber - 17 years ago

    I normally have one or two players that are in a group that I really like, then I always have some I love to hate. So that way I enjoy rooting for someone and get nevrous when the person I hate has power. It makes it exciting for me.

  • Kevin - 17 years ago

    When watching this show, I find that I can not watch it without picking favorites. For some reason, I can not just sit back and enjoy the entertainment. I have to pick sides. So typically, within the first couple episodes, I usually pick a couple players I like and a couple players I dislike, and I root accordingly from there on out. Occasionally someone I didn't like or dislike will move into one of the catagories, but typically, I stick with my original picks.

  • dOgGy - 17 years ago

    I love that fact that the majority of people think they're open minded about the HGs and the game (myself included) ... but if truth be told, we're all fairly biased and bring a hefty amount of luggage to the table regarding out likes and dislikes - who we identify with and who we automatically dislike based on past experiences ...

    what's great about watching BB is that all the HGs ('cept for those few early departures) drop their on camera personalities and behave ... badly. Not to say the HGs are bad people, but considering the money at stake and the isolation - island madness sets in - they go stir crazy - paranoia sets in - and it's all fun to watch - the good the bad and the ugly.

  • Amanda - 17 years ago

    I always pick the person most like me and root for them the entire season, or the underdog.

  • Stacy - 17 years ago

    I usually have someone that I love and want to see make it to the end, but this time, I have to say, I am disgusted by all of them.

  • jessica - 17 years ago

    i always pick 2 players i want to see make it to the final 2. if they are gone, i pick another to replace them. i also choose 1 or 2 players that i just absolutely hate, usually based on them personally or how they look and i hate them til the end.

  • SARAH - 17 years ago

    I pick 4 players from the 1st & 2nd episodes of the show that I would like to see in the end!! I look for the "game" players!! I always pick someone who I think is really good at the endurance comps!!

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