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Should the laws continue to limit the services of women in direct combat roles in the Marine Corps?

Total Votes: 4,649

  • Jess - 9 years ago

    Bahahah. Most of these comments are hilarious. Im an active duty Marine (female) and laugh at ununiformed civilians putting in their two cents about combat. Unless you truly understand the military lifestyle and HAVE LIVED IT, women being incombat is not as simple is everyone cracks it out to be. There's multiple issues besides physical strength that come up. Women find themselves in combat already, what these changes are asking is actually making platoons, battalions, companys of female grunts ready to go to combat. The females who happen to be in combat are medics, or engineers, motor T, whatever they happen to be doing for their job and happen to stumble upon conflict. Not direct enemy contact for their ACTUAL JOB. Stop asking for something so ridiculous when most Americans have no clue what they're talking about. That's like me asking what it's like to be a tiger and fight a gorilla. One im not a damn tiger and two, I have no clue what it's like to fight a gorilla, even if im not a damn tiger. America, get your noses out of landmark decisions that you should not be in. This shit isn't about equality, it's about LIVES. Someone living and dying. Understand that.

  • jordan - 11 years ago

    I'm 14 years old and some day i am going to be in the air force.I'm a girl, and i do believe that the constitution says that we have the right to the pursuit of happiness. so how can the government keep us from going into combat if that's what makes us happy? its just not fair and im all for women in cobat

  • Loren - 12 years ago

    They are WOMEN, doesn't matter how and what for they were trained.. no doubds, they are: strong,motivated, trained but they are too young to understand life and all injuries they got in Marines can affect their bodies that they never will have a kids and family, it's plenty things for them to do in Marines, what for transfer women into men?

  • sam - 12 years ago

    In my opinion, females should be allowed in combat. But, changes would have to be made first. Starting with boot camp. Females should be held to the same standards as male recruits. In appearance, and physically. No more of the 12 second arm hang, they should be trained so that they can do at least two pullups. If men can do it, why can't a women? Also, the females in combat could be there only on a volunteer basis. I also think women should have to register for the Selective Services System. If females want to not be discriminated against by being allowed in combat, then men need to stop being discriminated against as well by being the only gender forced to register. It's my dream to be a Navy Corpsman that is FMF, which I also can't do because I am a female. This system needs to change.

  • Ethan - 12 years ago

    Women have no place in the infantry. They're not held to the same physical standards or even appearance standards as males in the Marines.

    They receive extra time for the run and the flexed arm hang is a joke. I've seen Females with corn-rows, hair extensions, out of regulation buns, and excessive amounts of make-up. In Afghanistan. Some were Staff NCO's. (CLB-3, I'm calling you out.) Females are often given wiggle room for height and weight because of their physical differences.

    Point being, if a Female wants the same combat opportunities as a Male, she should be held to not only the same physical standards, but appearance standards as well. I firmly believe that every Female in the Corps should run the same PFT as a male, and have a 0-3 inch gradually faded hair cut. They shouldn't be allowed piercings and excessive jewelry. If Females want equality, they should strive to earn it, not demand it based on the merit of their being Female.

    Besides. All of our gear, from our rifles, to our body armor, to our Cammies, to our boots are all designed around a Male war-fighter. To suggest that we make allowances for Females to be in infantry requires that all these things be adapted for Females. It's just not logistically or fiscally plausible to do so, especially with budget cuts so rampant. We can barely keep Marines properly supplied with the gear as is.

    Then comes the physical and hygienic issues that need no explanation, as well as the psychological reasons.

    All around, Female Infantry at best is a misguided idea, and at worst a dangerous, destructive path that will cost lives.

  • Tara >:) - 12 years ago

    I am a 14 year old girl from Australia..yes most of you wont listen to me but i have something to say...I have wanted to do artillery training in the army corp when im older for a while now and have now found out that i cant. Just because you think that we dont have the strength of males, or we cant stand the fact of sleeping in a tent for months and cant wash doesnt mean you have to be decriminated for your gender. I actually feel disgusted that we are told in schools there are no more discriminative aspects of this country, yet i cant even join the AAF or army units without being just a cook or medic. Yes, they are both rewarding jobs and they are both amazing, but it is still not the same as getting up in the morning KNOWING your next day will involve actual fighting and getting out into the battle field along side fellow men and women fighting for your countries freedom. So far, the only freedom i see is none. I am going through depression and my best friend and i want to join the army. He will do artillery without me, while i get stuck in a kitchen (where all of Australian men think women belong, making sandwhiches). Do you not see the point that i am trying to make? Australia and every other country are sexist and should change their laws and ALLOW females to be able to join an army corps, air force squadron or navy battalion. Thankyou for the ones who listen to me. i appreciate our time.

  • aaron - 12 years ago

    hi i have a question , women want to be equal to men, but if america was to be in needs of arms, they wont bo drafted just becuase of being a women, a man should risk his life and have the same rights as a women,but a women wants the same rights as a man just when it comes to fighting or maybe dieing they dont want to be a part of it. i feel that it is unfare to all men .In arms or not.

  • Megan - 12 years ago

    I understand why there are restrictions for why women should not serve in direct combat units. And females in the military have told me that they have seen firefights and been a part of them. But that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be allowed in combat units just because they already see combat. It is true that not all women could go through and be an infantryman. But why not give us the chance. I know some males that can hardly pass the pt test but because they are male they can be in an infantry unit. The way that i look at it that if women were to go through the same training as men and we passed why not let us be in combat units. Not to be selfish but I believe that if I was given the chance I would pass and excel at being a special forces, navy seal, and probably could make it was a marine recon sniper. I would at least like the chance to training and test. If I failed than I’m going to have to live with the fact that I wasn’t good enough. But give me the change let me prove you wrong. People have also expressed to me that the males might not work as well with a female in there unit. Well me this with all due respect and am going to try to say this as professional as I can. But just because the males are having a problem and can’t function with women there doesn’t mean that women shouldn’t be a part of infantry units. If you thought of it as what if all combat roles were only women. And a male wanted be in the infantry unit. Well because us girls wouldn’t work well with the male because he is a male he can’t be a part of the unit. As a unit you work as a team and became family. My last point is that as women we are aware of the risks and consequences of being in an infantry unit if we were captured or killed. I read in an article "Women shouldn’t be in Combat people already have sons coming home in boxes; parents can’t handle their daughters too." With all due respect please let us make that decision by ourselves.

  • Eileen Walker - 12 years ago

    It never ceases to amaze me that people seem to believe that "EQUAL" means "THE SAME AS". Certainly, women are EQUAL to men, in worth, in ability, in every other way in which EQUALITY is measured. That does NOT mean that women have the SAME abilities that men have. For instance, if I need a policeman or a fireman I do NOT want a woman to be the responder even if she is as big and strong as any man. While there are certainly many areas of life in which there is no appreciable difference in whether a task is performed by a male or female, there are many other activities for which either a man or a woman is better suited. That's the way we're made. And who can disagree with those who suggest that the horrors inflicted on a captured serviceman can and probably will be magnified profoundly if the captured person is female rather than male? What is the matter with a woman who says, "So what? I want to do it anyway."? Are the women who are clamoring for this "privilege" so hung up on what they understand to be EQUALITY that they've totally taken leave of their senses? If their real motivation was to serve their country, they would recognize there are contributions of EQUAL importance that can be made that do not jeopardize national security.

  • Ray - 12 years ago

    If I may speak freely... I believe women can do anything the men can and sometimes even better. Georganna Smith has a point about being a women in battle thou. Women are more likely to catch infections and the whole relationship thing. In some area of the world men are hunted by the smell of there feces now imagine a women on her period. It makes it so much easier to track. Look if nobody wants to say it someone has to... If your captured which I dont wish these on anyone. Men are some of the most evil and cruilest people in the world. The things they are capable of is just.. even if you make it out alive you cant ever truely be who you wher. You could be rapped, tortured, killed. and in some casses disfigured and left alive. For example men in the small town of tomina, lybia took over a school because they new that if they raped the women there own fathers would kill them to reclaim there families honor. So they set out and capture a school and they set up up rape camps for there soldier to just continuoisly rape these young girls. And "we" could do nothing but watch. Why because they place all the boys on top of there tanks and used them as shields so we wouldnt fire at them. These place, these world, its filled with hatred and evil. Women want to get into these? Why? I understand the since of freedom and fighting for ones country or for the rights of others. but in my eyes theres just much more horror a man can bring onto a women then he can a man. So if you know these and still want to fight. We should have a voluntier list. Because its that charactor that changes the world.

  • Miranda - 12 years ago

    The Marines should not limit women being in combat or not. Women have as much rights as men. We have equal rights! If women want to be in combat or artillery, etc., then let them! Don't hold them back. Don't have the men looking at the women and saying it's too dangerous for women. There are women in this country that likes the danger. I am one of those women. I am currently trying to enlist in the Marines. I want to be in combat. It's what I dream of.

  • Robert Clem - 12 years ago

    I think it should stay the way it is. If a women was a POW, men would sacrifice their lives just because its a women and they would lose more troops. Or a women maybe taking fire and/or pinned down and the man is going to feel obligated to save her just because if he is a normal and real man, he would sacrifice his life for a women. But if he does that he could compromise the mission and more troops would be lost. Its not that women lack skill, its just that it would do more bad things than good. There are plenty of men who can do infantry, but women fill up the spots that we can't. They do alot of things that are better than infantry such as medical, working with the citizens, and maybe doing some construction or rebuilding. Im just saying everything seems to work the way it is and I am wanting to join the Marines next year when I graduate and if I saw a women wounded, pinned down, or if even she was dead, I would do whatever I could to get the body out of there breathing or not. Maybe not all men are like that but I am. I would compromise the mission for it just because its my instinct. I would feel horrible if I didnt...

  • Zach - 12 years ago

    sure let em do it... if they want the same rights as men, then they should be allowed to do what we do. also be required to do what we have to do... i.e. the Selctive Services act. At 18 they should have to register for that as well... If they are able to do more than just infantry, i.e. force recon, dont make the training regiment any softer.

    I dont think that this passing is a good idea personally, primal instinct of man is to defend a woman in harms way, and that could jeoprodize the mission at hand

  • Nikolai - 12 years ago

    I figure this. i'm a guy and 20 and enlisting in May. i see no reason why i am allowed to serve on the 'front lines' with men when women with the same talents and abilities are held back. If she can pull her weight and give 120% like any other person on the 'front' then she should be allowed to do so. but, like any guy who cant pull his own, women who just cant handle it either shouldnt be allowed. basically, i figure if a man is allowed to choose infantry, why cant a woman? and if i a woman cant, why should a man be able to? we all bleed the same blood, and if/when i decide to become a Corpsman in the Navy, i'd patch both up exactly the same.

    The idiots who do this stuff should just suck it up and let women do their jobs just like they let the men do theirs. Marines are Marines, no matter if their reproductive organs are on the inside or out!

  • CPL Hammond USMC - 12 years ago

    Nope, not now, not ever. Are these women also going to finally fall under the same physical standards? Are they going to train the same? No, they won't. 7 in 10 American's don't know a anything about the Military and 7 in 10 American's don't know anything about combat.

    You women say you want fair practices, equal rights, blah blah blah. But what you really want is the title and the glory, bragging rights you don't always deserve. Yes, some women are more then capable, but the majority are not and will never be combat effective or combat ready. Scare a woman by jumping from around the corner and she cries, how will she respond when you have a gun in her face and rounds are going down range? If you can't handle your emotions in a safe environment, what makes you think I want you at my 6 in a combat situation.

    But I'm just a dumb Marine, what would I know?

  • larisah - 12 years ago

    and i agree with the comment above mine. and im 14 and want to be in usmc and want to be in an infantry unit

  • larisah - 12 years ago

    i believe women should be in infantry just in an all women infantry unit, studies have shown that women can be just as effective in combat as men women shouldnt be limmited in there career choices just because a man can't handle knowing what might or might not happen to her. And the fact of the matter is that women are already in combat and prove themselfs and some end up dying because they dont have the proper training for combat. I was reading 1 of the coments and 1 of them said that men just have that killer instinct and women dont well not true women are actually more likly to pull the trigger than the male is so those are just a few reasons.

  • Jessie - 13 years ago

    I agree and disagree.
    I think Women should have combat roles in the Marines. If the women can't take the heat or get to emotional then they shouldn't get roles like that. Marines are about strength and bravery. I know some of you may or may not disagree.
    I'm 15 and can't wait to be a female marine, but the only down side for me is that I want to be a combat engeenier, but can't because that role is obviously prohibited for women. Some women may be able to do all the combat stuff. and I saw some comment on where men and women will have sexual relations... That's a part of being human.

    Then theres the other half that says women shouldn't be in combat. It's half and half.

  • Victoria Hawkins - 13 years ago

    I am a 15 (turning 16 Sep 29th) year old female and all I have ever wanted to do is join the U.S. Marine Infantry. I think it is truly unfair to the male marines to fight along side female marines who have lower standards and requirements then they do. I believe that if the Marine Corps made all requirements the same for males and females at bootcamp, MCT, SOI, and in every MOS, that females would be more respected because then the males and females had to undergo the same strenuous training. I know it might substantially cut down the amount of female recruits able to complete bootcamp, therefore cutting down the amount of female marines
    total, but it would create a more cohesive, unified, and elite fighting force.

  • Top Dawg - 13 years ago

    Women already serve in combat. They serve on log trains transporting their fellow Marines from FOB to FOB, man 240G's in the gunner seats, participate in V-sweeps if it applies to their convoy, etc... Women Marines are at FOB's in the communications field doing what they are supposed too -- their job in combat. Women are on FET's and on patrol's in the Bazar w/ the local populous doing what they are supposed to -- their job in combat. That is as front line as it gets. We do not do traditional "front line" combat any more so to ask whether or not a woman should be allowed on the front lines is ridiculous. They already are. The real question is should they be allowed w/ the infantry, the actual line company that is out there on the FEBA (Forward Edge of the Battle Area). That answer is no. While there is nothing wrong with them being their politcally, there is something wrong with them being there, they just can't physically do it. All of the training leading up to the deployments, the hikes, etc... it takes a toll on all Marines and the female Marine that can hang within that line company would be the exception, not the norm. A lot of male Marines struggle in the infantry. Keep our female Marines in supporting roles, just like some of the other male Marines in other MOS's and they will still get their 2 minutes of fame in combat like the rest of us. It's not political, it's not sexist, and it may not be popular but it is the right thing to do (to allow women in combat, like we already do but not to allow them to be with line companies).
    Women Marines should be allowed to be stationed w/ in a "Victor" unit but assigned with one of the supporting agencies (S2, S4, S6, Chow Hall, Supply, etc...). They would be with a "grunt" unit and will do some of the same things as all of their fellow Marines within the unit however they wouldn't be that traditional trigger puller on the front line, just close enough too it just like some of the male Marines in the same entities as i listed above.

  • Nate - 13 years ago

    Women In combat units. Should women have the same rights as men? I say yes, however Combat is not a something we should wager political views on. We could all give plenty of reasons why they should or should not serve in a combat unit, and most reasons would probably be justifiable. This is not something that is sexist or biased. Women are different from men in more than just physical appearance. Like some of the comments here have explained. Along with the emotional toll it brings on a man to have a woman around in a combat situation. The real question to ask is how many lives is it going to take before people realize that their personal agenda has no place in fire fight.

  • Julianna - 13 years ago

    While I truly believe women are just as capable as men at doing the things necessary, the human factor is that they are a distraction. Time and again I see functional, efficient units lose their minds and their focus over women. I arrived on my Iraq deployment and men who were otherwise doing an excellent job immediately started trying to eat with me all the time, walk me to my room, chat with me during shift, etc. It was immediately an issue, and I've had to push many people away and come off as rude because they were trying to get too close. I see them doing the same thing to the other females. A new female gets in and it's immediately a competition to see who can have her attention. I really don't care about the politics of the situation, but I feel my presence, simply by being female, distracts the men around me enough to put them in more danger than they'd otherwise be in. I love these guys, and would never want to be the cause of their injury or death. Keep us out of the combat units. It's bad enough that we're even on the FOBs. I can't imagine how bad it would be if we had to go out on ops that lasted several days with these guys, sleeping in vehicles with them, etc under these conditions. Are some people stronger than that? Of course, but do you really want to be the strong one whose back is being watched by the weak one?

  • Coscu - 13 years ago

    Every man and woman has the same opportunity I think because women are a bit weak is not a justification to have the same opportunity that we have men

  • cole - 13 years ago

    Women are diffrent than men, in almost every way. men have the mind of a killer its human nature men are overly more aggresive than women, and women are more caring and loveing. think about it, if you put a man on the ground on his knees, and give a gun to a woman or a man which one would pull the trigger first.

  • dhg - 13 years ago

    Woman can serve in every field in the Corps except for infantry in my opinion because they just aren't designed for the physical and mental stress put on combat troops. Don't get me wrong I highly respect female Marines they are just as much Marines as the grunts but, they are better suited serving outside the infantry.

  • Cpl anonymous - 13 years ago

    Women should play a part in the combat enviornment for heart and minds aspects, as for combat related patrols or anything leaving the wire, absolutely NOT. There is nothing that can argue that point. Classic example of everything wrong with a female in a combat zone is where Im at now. On my FOB right now is a group of FET's. Ever since they have been here they have been nothing but a distraction to marines, as well as sleeping around with a few. Women bring nothing but problems to the table when it comes to being around infantrymen who are used to not being around females on a 7 month deployment. They should all stay in Leatherneck and never leave that place if I had it my way.

  • Dubbya - 13 years ago

    How about all female combat troops??? Anyone??? Oh yeah.

  • Ari Shine - 13 years ago

    I do not think that women should be allowed to be in infantry units for the many reasons one being that if a woman was in my squad and we went out into a area where the enemy is known to be in then I'm going to be worried about all my Marines bu especially that woman because i know what the Taliban would do if they caught her and so would all the Marines under me so not only would that compromise my thinking but also all of my Marines thinking because we know what they are doing to her while they have her...basically making us combat ineffective.

  • eHomebody - 13 years ago

    I am the mother of both a Marine and a former Airman. The females in our son's Air Force DVD from basic were miserable and the males were frustrated. Just view any military training video where males and females are paired together, and you have to feel bad for both of them. The females often have a hard time keeping up, and the males feel helpless to have to wait up for them. It would be humiliating for both males and females for the males to have to assist the females in training let alone on the battlefield where the mantra is "no man left behind." We mustn't let cultural pressures blind us to the truth of the matter, especially when lives are at stake.

  • Muriel Braddy - 13 years ago

    Women should be able to serve and have roles in combat. If they didn't want to be or see combat, why did most of them sign up for the United States military?? Because of this stupid rule, I can not be a USMC scout sniper. However, I do see in a sense in the opposing view. If I was a man, I would not want to see my female companion be shot down by the enemy.

  • Marine - 13 years ago

    Label it what you want, but Women are already in combat roles and have been for the past decade. They are doing a great job and it's time we give them the due credit that they deserve.

  • David Smith - 13 years ago

    Our country desperately needs oil. Women use just as much oil as men and should have the same opportunity to fight for our resources.

  • Bob Cloes - 13 years ago

    I agree with the poster above. Women should not be in direct combat roles. There's too much involved and emotions will be frayed trying to protect the women. Objectives would be lost and people will suffer.

    However we live in a politically correct society and according to that society they don't care who gets killed as long as they get their way.

    So who knows what will happen in the future.

  • Georganna Smith - 13 years ago

    Ok, I so would love to have my time in combat but when I start listing the reasons, other then women may not be strong enough, why women shouldnt be in combat it makes sense. For the men that go out into combat, they arent able to clean them self everyday. Women have an inner counter parts which can easily get infected. Men dont have those problems nor dop they have a monthly visit from aunt flo. Also when you put men and women out in the middle of nowhere for 6 or more months they are bound to have sexual relations, its not a maybe its fact. So what Im saying is its just not right or good for women to be in the front lines with men.

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