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Should TSA agents be charged with a felony for doing their job and searching passengers?


  • JOY - 14 years ago


  • BigTex - 14 years ago

    just go in there like you want them to grab and grope you, trust me they will back off on the feeling you up. If you dont like it then drive to your destination flying isnt a right its a privalege!!!!

  • texride - 14 years ago

    Do you not consent to the search when you enter into the screening process?

  • creasy - 14 years ago

    what happened to the daily poll?

  • hawk - 14 years ago

    All name calling aside if I did what the ATS is doing I would go to jail.

  • FoxSucks - 14 years ago

    Being a conservative, I think 1) Fox News sucks and should go away. 2) AG is the typical liberal drone who spouts the usual ACLU and MSNBC, I'm sorry, MSLSD talking points and would rather protect the "rights" of those who intend to harm us. This dumbass isn't even conceding those caught so far did anything wrong. AG is the perfect example of "the enemy within" we all have to be vigilant about.

  • AG - 14 years ago

    John Q, so when Bauer mentions "ALL", you don't have a problem with it but when I gave facts to prove that his statements are incorrect, I am the idiot??? Any sensible person with his mind and views slightly open can see who is the idiot over here. But then again, nothing new over here from people like you. Instead of looking at the facts, you would like to scream and yell and call names to prove your point. "Hundreds caught", doing what? Arrested under the broad powers of terrorism but then charged with credit card fraud because they had to charge them with something. Look around, use your brain (I hope you have one) and start getting your news from sources other than Fox.

  • John Qwerty - 14 years ago

    Adam Gadahn. There. I bet that fool can't name a fourth, though. You and Bauer are right, the vast majority are Middle Eastern Muslim males. There's no arguing at all with that fact.

  • John Q. - 14 years ago

    AG - You're a fucking idiot. That's 2 people out of the hundreds caught or dead from their acts. Name one more post 9/11 terrorist who was not a Middle Eastern Muslim male. Go ahead.

  • AG - 14 years ago

    In response to "C Bauer". Get your facts straight. Shoe bomber was a white boy from England. The Christmas attempted bomber was African. So based on your note and the above true analysis, we can include all whites, African Americans and Middle Easterns. Then we need to include people who look like the above group. That leaves Orientals out. I guess they paid their dues during WWII. Terrorism has no boundaries and knows no color. We need to be smart when dealing with all sort of terrorists and terrorism including the home grown version i.e. militias. A real good intelligence network should catch these guys before they act on their intentions. Bush government took away lot of freedom to give us false sense of security and I am afraid this is exactly what you are proposing when you single out a group. Europe has been under threat of terrorism for decades. You don't hear their security personnel fondling travelers at the airports. We should not give up any of our freedom in the name of security because a wise man once said "Those that would sacrifice Freedom for Security deserve neither.".

  • C Bauer - 14 years ago

    Vick, it's called racial profiling and there's nothing wrong with it. These pat downs are a waste of time and money (personnel to perform the pat down, airline travel in decline because of this BS, etc.). The shoe bomber, 9/11 terrorists, attempted bombers, etc. all have these things in common: Middle-Eastern men in their 20's-30's and from foreign nations. Think that's too hard to pull those folks aside and pat THEM down? No 90-year-old granny is packing Semtex or C-4 in her Depends. The only simple-minded people in this debate are the idiots so caught up in the PC movement, they lose all common sense.

  • BDK - 14 years ago

    I don't see how it's appropriate that a TSA agent can fondle a teenager but their school gym teacher can be arrested for the same thing.

    I do not support legalized molestation no matter what the situation is. Terrorists have us so afraid of doing anything anymore that we are willing to give up our freedom to protect ourselves. You know what happens when we have no freedom left? We become China and Iran.

    Sound like the terrorists are winning.

  • VICK - 14 years ago

    What is wrong with all these "simple minded people"? The first time a plane is downed by some idiot with a bomb hidden on their person, all these "simple minded people" will be the first to shout ," Why did'nt they do more to protect us"? This moron GOP'er/Tea P'er is doing this just to try a make a name for himself. (what a dirt bagger) All of us who realize the world is a much more dangerous place , may not agree with some of the procedures at the airports, but I would rather get patted, scanned, and rubbed down instead of "OH NO, NEED A BODY BAG". So, for all of you "simple minded people" who think you should be able to just get on a plane and fly off into the wild blue yonder, (SLAP) snap out of it. If you don't like it, you do have options. You can drive, walk, hop, skip, or jump for all I care, but when you come to the airport, you had better get your @sses scanned, and don't make the rest of us die with you because you want your privacy.

  • C Bauer - 14 years ago

    What the hell kind of loaded question is that?! There's a difference between "doing your job" and an abuse of power. Searching is doing your job, fondling and groping inappropriately is NOT.

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