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Who's Got The Best Little Black Dress? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 255,798

  • Shanna D. - 14 years ago

    I have never accused anyone of cheating, I have also not cheated nor have I planned on cheating. It's plainly obvious that had I been cheating, I would have blown the leader out of the water with votes.
    I haven't called anyone a c#*t. If you read my Twitter page correctly, you will see that I was in fact called the c*#t by someone I've never met because I got back in the lead yesterday. I have never called another contestant a name- as a matter of fact, I messaged the leader to tell her that this contest was at one point fun for me, but some bitter people with chips on their shoulders had brought it to a strange, unnecessary level when all I have done was ask my friends to vote for me.

    Why is everyone so angry? Amazingly bizarre.

  • Debby - 14 years ago

    Stop the hating people. Vote for your friend or vote for the person you think should win, but cut the rest of this sh!t out.

  • Ryan - 14 years ago

    #6 isn't even a 'follower of' nor does she 'follow' @suzannej3 on Twitter. I just researched.

  • just wow - 14 years ago

    Wow, love it, Shanna has resorted to calling #16 a C#NT on her Twitter page just because #16 is ahead in voting. That's some serious mental health issues going on there. I've never seen such an adolescent display of sniping even when I was in high school over 20 years ago. (Oh, and more crap about cheating there, too.)

  • just wow - 14 years ago

    Seriously, proof in writing about cheating. That's really adult... NOT. Advertise your cheating ways some more!!! And I agree, #6 is NOT a pleasant person and that's from personal experience.

  • fruity - 14 years ago way. Not a pleasant person.

  • ihatecheaters - 14 years ago

    this aint the only contest that shanna's friends are cheating on

  • all winners - 14 years ago

    I say let them all go as a prom court! The one with the most votes can have the crown.

  • A cheater - 14 years ago

    I just voted eight times for #16 and her vote count went up by 8. I feel like such a cheat.

  • An Adult - 14 years ago

    Well it's amusing and disturbing to see some of the same shallow, childish behavior we claim to have left behind in our teen years, resurfaces.
    Multiple voting is allowed, as stipulated in the explanation at the top of the contest page. I haven't seen anywhere restrictions given based on geographic location, so anyone could join this contest. This is open voting, as much as you like, for the contestant you choose. So, go ahead and do so, without taking any cheap shots or snide comments about ANY of those ladies that are participating. Take it as the contest title says , A SECOND CHANCE PROM. Time to celebrate, have fun, without the ridiculous judgement, sense of entitlement and snootiness some of you either had, have, or were subject to in your youth.
    Seriously ladies and gentlemen. Grow up, shut up, and vote up. Good day.

  • outtahere - 14 years ago

    Each and every one of these ladies is beautiful and looks stunning in their dresses. Since there are only 19 of them with the courage and moxy to put their photos up, either the radio station or the band themselves should give each and every one a ticket. Then gather them all up at the prom and have the group posing with Duran Duran. Great public relations for TIC, and then the lucky lady with the most votes can get the special recognition she deserves by having a dance with Simon. Come on TIC, bring them all together, and be guaranteed a room full of gorgeous happy girls!

  • Angel - 14 years ago

    I see two people posing as Shanna... does that count?

  • Shanna - 14 years ago

    See what I have to put up with? These people don't even know me.

  • Shanna D. - 14 years ago

    Johnny Rocket, you are way too angry. Still trying to figure out the 'slut' comment... oh. boy. Please elaborate after your blood pressure goes down. BTW these really aren't my friends posting, I seriously have no idea who it is! Damn. Anyway, everyone vote for #6 woooohoooo! Partyyyy!!! :D

  • Simon - 14 years ago

    Ditto what johnnyrocket says. Why isn't anyone ripping #6? She has almost the same amount of votes and since the contest started, she was way ahead of everyone else (including #16) for the longest time. Now that #16 pulls ahead, SHE's the bad guy? Way to show your maturity levels. And for your information, there is a lock on the # of votes you can vote at one time before you are locked out for a couple hours to "cool off" as it says, so automatic voting software can't even be used. Some of you people really need to get a brain. God what a bunch of immature adolescents ripping on #16. Go back to high school where you belong. She is a beautiful women, inside and out, if you ever met her in person. I don't see anyone here ripping on #6, that's because everyone else has CLASS.

  • johnnyrocket - 14 years ago

    Everyone ragging on #16 are just a bunch of jealous jerks. Ever think maybe she has a lot of friends and family who love her and want to see her win? And MikeN - go f yourself. SHE IS HOT. But at least she isn't a slut. And no one has been automatic voting. It's called honest to god elbow grease. And if any of you really thought this was about best dress... I have some swamp land in Florida for sale... (And if you don't know what that means, look it up.) If you have to rip on someone you don't know to make yourselves feel better, you're a sick bunch and should seek help because you're just a bunch of lonely bullies. I guess no one noticed how many votes #6 has, yet I see no one ripping HER amount if votes. Nice of you to out yourselves to the rest of us!!!!

  • youcareobviously - 14 years ago

    or maybe #16 has lots of friends who want to see her win and are voting like crazy right now

  • Mike N. - 14 years ago

    if I were Duran Duran I'd be pissed!! The hot chick is supposed to be prom queen!

  • whocares - 14 years ago

    #16 seems to average between 9-11 votes every 6 seconds...seriously there has to be some sort of scripted autobot

  • yep - 14 years ago

    this contest should be null. #16??? really?!?!?!??

  • huh - 14 years ago

    did i miss something about number 16? i thought this was best dress contest. definitely isnt legit now, is there a picture of 16 im missding or something?

  • Whocares - 14 years ago

    @Um, NOWHERE does it say in the contest rules that the entrant has to live in CT. Nice try.

  • Amy Stirling - 14 years ago

    I'm not using an automated script for #16 either. Just voting and voting and getting that ballot box stuffed!

  • Um.... - 14 years ago

    I didn't think contestants that lived outside CT were allowed to enter. contestant 6?

  • fun - 14 years ago

    I for one am NOT using any kind of auto voting for contestant #16..just voting voting and have fun ya'll

  • Hmmm - 14 years ago

    'Computer script for the automated voting should not be ALLOWED'

    Contestant 16?

  • #10 - 14 years ago

    Computer script for the automated voting should not be ALLOWED

    I NEED / WANT my meet an greet PICK ALL 19

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