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New Breast Milk Baby doll comes with a top which allows little girls to simulate nursing. Do you think the doll is appropriate for young girls?

1 Comment

  • Katie - 9 years ago

    Why not? Any tool we can use to teach our young girls the REAL purpose for their bodies is a GOOD thing. Our media spends so much time objectifying young girls's/women's bodies. It's about time we teach them them about their bodies in a safe/healthy way! I'd buy this for my girls...because I want them to know it's perfectly natural NOT to put a plastic bottle in their baby's mouth and feed them something unnatural. The women that have a problem with this type of toy...are the same ones that were emotionally/physically unavailable to their newborns when they needed their mother to bare it and share it. I cannot wrap my head around women that want children, but find the birth & most natural feeding process "gross". Stop reproducing! If you can't do it right...just be selfish without passing it on to your poor offspring.

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