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In the event that America gets a say in who is evicted from the Big Brother 9 house this week, who will you Vote to EVICT?

Total Votes: 4,622

  • Jenn - 17 years ago

    FU*k Josh...he acts like a lil' whinny B*tch!

  • dOgGy - 17 years ago

    The diva has shed her last tear and it's time for her to depart from the stage ... bye-bye joshua

  • jvd357 - 17 years ago

    I hope America misread the question. Sharon and her blankie need to GO!!!

  • nj - 17 years ago

    but sharon is so sweet.. how can you vote against her?

  • Lika - 17 years ago

    I didn't realize there were so many Josh haters out there (86% - 14%). I'm beginning to think people misread the question - what a sad day :(

  • Sue - 17 years ago

    I agree Joshy needs to stay!!!! He has been the light of this BB9. He really keeps the ball rolling. He has been the best playing the game all along. I don't think I would finish watching....KEEP JOSH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Barbara - 17 years ago

    Are you people crazy, why on earth would you want joshuah to get rid of him. Joshuah is great and Sharon is so boring she has no personitaly at all. Come on American pull your head out of you a**. We need Joshuah in there for some excitement. If he is not in the house it is going to be as boring as bb8 was at the end.

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