What do you think about Senator Obama's explanation for the 1996 questionnaire?


  • GB in MA - 16 years ago

    Briefly, He is a deceitful liar that flip flops every time has more excuses than Carter got liver Pills. He does not deserve nor do I want him to be commander and chief! He is too inexperienced can't deal with world leaders and his solution to everything is Raise Taxes Raise Taxes Pleaase Obahma should be dropping out. I do not see anyone clapping or fainting at his rallies anymore because he has offended a great deal of people in this country.

  • Sande - 16 years ago

    News flash folks......America is not the greatest nation on earth. Isreal is the greatest nation on earth. The Bible says that "I will make you a great nation, greater that all other nations." Israel's people are the chosen people not american people that was picked by G-d and set apart from all other nations. Finally, Jerusalem is G-d's holy city which means what???? That america is not mentioned in the Bible, it is just a nation like any other nation maybe with a little more than most but certainly the greatest nation on earth! Read your Bible for the facts. That is what is wrong with america it thinks that it is greater that G-d Himself.

  • Judy - 16 years ago


  • Jacqueline Walsh - 16 years ago

    Dear Greta,
    It seems tha tMy Obama blames his aides, his not being in church when things were said......there seems to always be someone else to blame. Whaever happenede to taking personal responsibilty for ones words, and actions???? Or, are the words.....just words????


  • ed johnson - 16 years ago

    It seems the media is trying to make any and everything a big issue to try and stop Obama. This is a man for the people and he wants to put the power back in our hands. The racist remarks about him in the media is really unfair to him and us as a african americans. Please stop the bull and stick to the issues. If republicans get in office again, we all loose. So lets pic the best candidate for the best candidate and not because of the fear of a black man, fear of he future. We are all American.

  • Tim - 16 years ago

    I am more concern with the deceitfulness of the FOX network, Rush Limburg, and Sean Hannity. It is very obvious to any one with half a brain that all three entities are totally bias toward the conservative agenda and will use any unfair tactic to push a one sided position to their listeners.
    They are making every attempt to create conflict between Hilary Clinton and Obama. In the case of Obama, all three are daily attempting to lynch him through something as stupid as the character of his minister or how liberal he might be from some documents he may have signed.
    It is my opinion that their actions are symptoms of desperation that they all fear that John McCain does not have what it takes to honestly compete for support from the American people.

  • Rosa - 16 years ago

    He lied when he said that in 20 years of listening to his preacher he did not find a reason to quit that church and go to another black church and got away with it.
    Now he is trying to deny he filled the questionary
    We already have a lier in the White House do we deserve another one? No! No! No!

  • E Korczak - 16 years ago

    Christianity does not use such language - cursing - especially in a holy building. Also to call down the curse of God on our country is hardly Christian and certainly less than patriotic. Do we want persons who believe the USA should be damned in charge of our government? Shouldn't patriotism be number one in a presidential candidate? If one does not believe in what is shouted from the pulpit, shouldn't one find his way out of the congregation within twenty years? How does this differ from belonging to radical groups calling for the downfall of the USA?

  • konamike - 16 years ago

    Amen, Alex.....Obama is relegating himself into irrelevance...an empty suit...

  • Jacob - 16 years ago

    As a long time Democrat voter, when time comes to vote our new president, I know that Obama would not be the one.

    The men is one of the best speakers but no trust.
    Just imagine if voters knew about Wright before voting in Tx, Al, etc.

  • Alex - 16 years ago

    "I didn't know" or "I didn't do it"; is that what he's going to do if he becomes president ..... And when it gets really "hot" in his seat, he will just leave for a nice vacation and avoid the problem completely??? Like he has already shown us.

    I hope people will finally wake up and see him for what he is!!! He won't get my vote!

  • konamike - 16 years ago

    i see we have Obama kool-aid drinkers here prepared to trash the opinion of our soldiers who are doing the heavy lifting to preserve our right to express our opinions....shameless!

  • Carisa - 16 years ago

    Just Say NO-BAMA

  • kathy - 16 years ago

    More of an increasing disturbing pattern of refusal to be accountable--diverting attention...outright deceit. The horribly biased (with very very few exceptions--Greta, Bill ORielly) have treated Hillary Clinton woefully unfairly while repeatedly looking the other way and all but actively campaigning on Obama's behalf.

    He is far and above not the best candidate for the Democratic Nomination. Nancy Pelosi is WAY OUT OF LINE as are soooooo many other OBAMA supporters in suggesting that Hillary step down or that Obama has won anything. He/his campaign have strategically denied millions of American the right to have their votes counted (Michigan/Florida) in the hope of "stalling the delegate count"---OBAMA should step out---and try to learn how to be an effective representative of those who elected him Senator--a job he has not spent 5 minutes doing since elected.

  • Greg - 16 years ago

    He says what will get him votes. And the most of the media runs with it. His track record in the senate sides in with this questionare. He knows he'll scare people off if he appears too liberal. It's just like the pastor issue. He ducks under the truth.

  • Ernie - 16 years ago


  • Sande - 16 years ago

    Lance...don't be a follower because you are around a bunch of jar heads who likely packed their prejudice views with them when they set off to boot camp. You sound like an impressionable young buck who could be swayed easily instead of standing on what you first believed in. Obama is a man of G-d who does not want war or to have you stay they for a 100 yrs although not you specifically. Vote your conscious not what the hate moguals are shouting. Jesus, Martin Luther King, Kennedy, Ghandi, were men of peace. Obama is a man of peace wanting to bring unity to a hate filled world, like Jesus, and the others mentioned, satan always tried to find a way to stop peace from coming. Stop love from happening. Created betrayal, hatred, rumors, anything to accomplishing separating man from his G-d. McCain=war (endlessly), Obama=unity, prosperity, global peace (more so than McCain). Choose wisely my brother it maybe the last time you ever will.

  • konamike - 16 years ago

    if Obama doesn't know, can't remember, was not aware, never personally observed any of the issues that surround him, and is truly as unaware and unperceptive as he claims to be, then he has no business being placed in charge of the greatest nation on earth.

  • Mary - 16 years ago

    LIAR LIAR............more lies from this terrorist in American clothes!

    When will the American people open their eyes????? WAKE UP!

  • LB - 16 years ago

    He is a lair......

  • Jay - 16 years ago

    Not an Obama fan, but seriously. As a "straight talker" and an "honest man," it is becoming quite clear that he is quite full of it. As soon as the MSM starts asking questions about this man (lie they have done with Hillary and the Repubs they shoehorned out of the race) perhaps we can see a clearer view of this man.
    I am becoming a fan of FOXNEWS, since they seem to give the details, then lets uS decide, not mold the news to fit their views.
    Thank you for giving me a CHOICE and than you for KEEPING THEM HONEST!!!
    Go Cubs!

  • Judi - 16 years ago

    I hate to use the term in this circumstance, but... a pure "whitewash" by Sen. Obama. He has learned well from FLip Wilson, "the devil made me do it", or in Sen. Obama's case, "the staff did it". How can one trust a person that will not take responsibility for his actions. Oh, we elect them President of the United States, same as we did for President George Bush.

  • LikeH2O - 16 years ago

    This is what I think of BO: Liar arrogant snob liar crook deceitful liar useless worthless lazy liar bamboozler arrogant crook smug lazy liar puppy mentally ill psychologically unfit to be POTUS smug did I write Liar? Liar Liar Pants on Fire.

  • Pam - 16 years ago

    #497...Sande, you support the words of Reverand Wright...I support the words of Mother Teressa..."...may today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us..." Mother Teressa's left a robe and a pair of slippers...she had no worldly possessions...a true Saint...Reverand Wright is being rewarded for his years of service to his church with a 10,000 square foot house...his congregation believes he is a Saint...Mother Teressa served God...Reverand Wright served his congregation...

  • specialPlace - 16 years ago

    Sandi ... There is a special place in Hell at the right hand of the Devil, for Rev Wright for being such a helper of evil and hate on earth. Rev Wight, I'm sure, will one day have Obama sit at his right hand to be his secretary of anti American hatred and racism, a position Obama will gladly take on. Obama will probably make his children sit along side him.

  • Maxwell - 16 years ago

    Ec. 10:1-3
    As dead flies give perfume a bad
    so a little folly outweighs wisdom
    and honor.
    The heart of the wise inclines to the
    but the heart of the fool to the left.
    Even as he walks along the road,
    the fool lacks sense
    and shows everyone how stupid he
    vs5-7 There is an evil I have seen under the
    the sort of error that arises from a
    Fools are put in many high positions,
    while the rich occupy the low ones.
    I have seen slaves on horseback,
    while princes go on foot like slaves. (NIV) ( King Soloman)

  • Sande - 16 years ago

    Wow, Don Waters where have you been? Anybody born with an african blood is black whether he is american, italian, japanese, chinese etc. American why does he need to constantly prove that he is an american. How about just being Christian. News flash Don!!!!! waving a flag or wearing a silly pin or calling yourself an american is not going to mean a damn thing when you stand before G-d. His will want to know one thing...did you believe in His son Jesus Christ as your savior. And you better have the right answer. Obama said he believes in Jesus Christ at the presidential debate....did you???? Now that's the kind of President this country needs for all of the sins is has committed aganist man from this country alone. G-d has heard the cries of innocent babies and the blood of victims crying from american soil. Rev Wright spoke the truth about america only whites hate hearing it because their sins originated the problem when they arrive to america and brought slavery to this country. You think 911 was bad? You better pray that america repents for it's sins before G-d wrath is really unleashed against america.

  • Corrine - 16 years ago

    #494 Lance - God Bless You and We Are So Very Proud Of All Of You. I Thank You From The Bottom of My Heart For My Continued Safety And For Keeping THe Bad Guys Away! Don't lose heart with some of these nuts over here.

  • Lance - 16 years ago

    #424 I liked Obama and thought he was the candidate america was looking for; it was't until I spent 13 weeks in Marine Corps boot camp and surounded myself among other marines. We talked about two things the entire 13 weeks; love for the country and liberals. That's when I realized the two truly don't go hand in hand and that the majority of the military supports McCain. John McCain was a **** star admiral with 20+ years in the Navy, I believe. He also has a son in the Marines who served in Iraq. That's all I really need to know about him, we gets my vote aswell. MARINES for McCain !!
    P.S. Greta we love your program and FOX News is the news channel of choice among the soldiers, we would'nt watch anything else!!

  • bailee - 16 years ago

    the first question i listed is #443, thanks again to listing #424.

  • Annie - 16 years ago

    Greta - Barrak Obama scares me. He surrounds himself with racists like Rev. Wright and Rev Meeks. He calls these people friends and advisors and makes them part of his campaign staff. If this is the kind of people he has on his staff, what kind of people will he surround himself with in the White House. It makes me shutter to think what could happen to this country. He has been caught in so many lies and the media covers them up and pretends it's no big deal. It scares me that the media could be so taken in by this guy. If he was truly interested in uniteing this country he would not have sat in that church and listened to that hatred being spewed for 20 years.

  • bailee - 16 years ago

    support goes to #424 and all the men and women supporting the USA,

    Why have none of the BO or HC supporters responded to the question I asked earlier...we are discussing the USA both domesic and abroad? This topic needs to be discussed...

  • obamaloves2lie - 16 years ago

    #487 Facts - Interesting point there............

  • Obama is Anti- Christ - 16 years ago

    The more I hear Obama talk the more I am convinced that he is NOT a Christian as per the Bible, St. John 3:7 where Jesus said'Ye MUST be BORN AGAIN" His pro abortion stance is against Gods Word and I do not want him in the whte house. God have mercy. Obama is a deceiver and I pray that he will show his black heart even more and that God would open the eyes of those who are bewitched by his excellancy of speech and oratory. I am a born again-Spirit filled Christian who hope that God will have mercy. TRUST JESUS

  • obamaloves2lie - 16 years ago

    #484 Jeannie - I have to dramatize when hit with idiotic comments. Can't argue logically you know.

  • Corrine - 16 years ago

    #485 Craig - You and I totally agree on that. Its hard to make ANY politician speak the truth isn't it?

  • FACTS - 16 years ago

    Unleashed ... what about Senator Byrd. Republicans WERE and Democrats were NOT the party that lead to slavery freedom. Now, Democrats simply steal money in the form of taxes, to keep slavery alive by just paying slaves cheap with food stamps and welfare.

  • irene blaine - 16 years ago

    Obama is a LIAR!! The media should now start talking to the people who have already voted in the primaries. They now wish they could retract their vote and definately will not vote for him in November. Gob Bless Us!!!IB Phoenix

  • Craig - 16 years ago

    #474 Corrine

    I was not aware of this, I will follow the news.

    Keep them honest !!!

  • Jeannie - 16 years ago

    To # 475 ObamaLoves2Lie:

    That's grrreeatt. Your flair for the dramatic doesn't help your argument. Moving on...

  • Kirtesh - 16 years ago

    iunleashd. Here's the difference pinhead. John McCain didn't associate himself with the Klan, nor did he write a book about them calling them his inspiration and spiritual advisor. I don't think he McCain forced his daughter to attend Klan meetings either. I'm pretty sure McCain's never turned to the Klan for marriage, baptism nor advice. Not even the same, quit twisting the facts.

  • Bernardo Smith - 16 years ago

    This Obama is a perrenial liar He lied from Rezco involvement,Nafta issue,Wright connection and this new issue about what he filled up and his denials,all issues of character.Please find ways that all of these are shown on TV everyday so that people who are backing him up and hypnotized by Obama will open their eyes and wake up from a long sleeep. He again mentioned about his judgment opposing the Iraq war in 2002. That was a mere speech making a belief and opinion and not judgment.I also had the same opinion then but did not agreee with the way Pres.Bush is conducting the war like what he said.

  • iunleashd - 16 years ago

    one criticizes Obama for his association with a man 'likened' to Klansman David Duke, then one must likewise criticize McCain's failure to denounce his association with the Klan itself.

    The Council of Conservative Citizens, supported by both McCain campaigner Trent Lott and VP hopeful Haley Barbour, is traced directly to the infamous White Citizens' Councils of the 1950s and 1960s, and has deep roots in a vicious, violently anti-American, terrorist organization known as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). To date, John McCain has NOT repudiated the CCC, or rejected or denounced the endorsements.

    No major news network has called for John McCain to distance himself from this known racist radical organization or its associates Lott and Barbour.

  • BK - 16 years ago

    Greta wonder why the other networks don't jump on this stuff that Barack Hussian has lied about like they do Hillary. I would like to know who is shoving this guy down our throats. Does Oprah have that kind of pull? Anyway the networks are picking this guy they should let the people decide. They need to be fair and treat both of them the same. She should stay in all the way to the convention. And the poles are not a true way of how this thing is going to turn out.

  • obamaloves2lie - 16 years ago

    #473 Jeannie - P.S. Its funny, the only one who brings up the word "hate" is you. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • pam - 16 years ago

    #424...God Bless our Troops! You fight for our Country with honor and courage and you should know that we do respect your sacrifice and your family's sacrifice and pray for your safety daily!

  • WowJeanneYouAreCrazy - 16 years ago

    jeanne ... How can you possibly be so stupid as to think the proven, without any doubt, liar Obama, is honest? Can you really be so gullible as to think this sack of sh it is not the con man he has proven himself to be many times over ? You are one of the pied piper's ignorant rats following the racist lying piper Obama to destruction.

  • dave - 16 years ago

    Enough with him being a racist,a liar......What about him being anti-american.He needs to take his anti-american wife & anti-american pastor & go live in another country.

  • obamaloves2lie - 16 years ago

    #473 Jeannie - Sorry Jeannie, but your silly comments are making me upchuck right now! BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  • Corrine - 16 years ago

    #470 Craig - I agree - but they did confront him and he said he didn't fill it out. Just like he said he never heard one of those neg. sermons from Wright in an interview with Major G. from Fox than the next week said he "had". He is way to liberal for my blood. He'll try to creep back some but I think the people that actually pay attention to politics and the truth and not body color will see the truth. UNLESS, they just believe his pretty words and not find out about the "real man". I have to say Craig, that man literally scares me. I have never been scared about any candidate b4. Its something in the pit of my gut. I'm sure you've had that feeling b4 and I feel I've got to trust it.

  • Jeannie - 16 years ago

    To ObamaLoves2Lie #459:

    Oh no no... I'm glad you didn't upchuck just yet. Save it for when Obama gets inaugurated :) Don't hate.

  • DeAnna in MA - 16 years ago

    TO: #437 Debra

    You said:

    "Obama represents all races and is the only candidate who can cross all color lines."

    What a load of crap! Obama barely acknowledges his 'white' roots and only when it's absolutely necessary or he thinks it's to his advantage. If he's so 'color-blind' why doesn't he call himself an "American" and drop the 'African' adjective?

    You criticize Hillary for ignoring her husband's infidelities and I agree she set a horrible example. However, I submit Obama and his anti-American wife have done more damage to their impressionable young daughters by having them in the church pews listening to their hate-mongering racist minister rant on about this country and about all the evils of the 'white' man.

    By the way, somehow Obama's supporters stated a while back that blacks consider being called "articulate" to be a racist comment. I admit I do not understand that logic but what do I know.....I'm just a 'dumb' white who also belongs to a United Church of Christ, a church which does not discuss politics from the pulpit nor spew hate-filled comments about our country. In my church we talk about religion, forgiveness, redemption, spirituality and being good Christians color not withstanding.

  • Justin - 16 years ago

    #460-iunleashd-Trent Lott and Haley Barbour are a respected Senator and governor of Mississippi. Barbour whom I voted for is extremely popular here, amongst whites and blacks. Your argument is irellevant, sorry!!

  • Craig - 16 years ago

    #439 Corrine
    I would agree with you if this happened last week, however it was twelve years ago.
    Because of the twelve year laps, anyone will get the decency of a benefit of a doubt.
    He needs to be confronted.

  • Alvin - 16 years ago

    #424 Brother my family loves you and prays and sheds tears daily for all of you. Tell em old Alvin in Louisiana is with them all the way. I wish they would let me come help all of ya'll. I'm 64 but I can still shoot and I have lived most of my life so I would love to fight with you. Since I can't I will keep praying and vote for John McCain to show we want to support you to victory.

  • Nancy - 16 years ago

    #424 - Thank you for your service. God Bless you and your family. God Bless America!!!!

  • BLACK OBAMMA - 16 years ago

    ya'll be sure to come to da bbq we have lotta fried chicken and watermelon Iz saves uz a plate too....we good at dat...

  • Liberals Lie - 16 years ago

    acadet and Jeanne --- Why do you support Obama, the admitted liar. Obama is pure scum from the bottom of a septic tank. Obama has never heard a truthful statement he likes. Obama is a LIAR, LIVE WITH IT LIBS. You are the rats following the The Pied Piper of Hamelin, then late he steals your chilodren and lets Rev Wright teach them how to be racists, anti American haters and lazy blood sucking parasites off the hardworking, successful Tax payer.

  • iunleashd - 16 years ago

    one criticizes Obama for his association with a man 'likened' to Klansman David Duke, then one must likewise criticize McCain's failure to denounce his association with the Klan itself.

    The Council of Conservative Citizens, supported by both McCain campaigner Trent Lott and VP hopeful Haley Barbour, is traced directly to the infamous White Citizens' Councils of the 1950s and 1960s, and has deep roots in a vicious, violently anti-American, terrorist organization known as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). To date, John McCain has NOT repudiated the CCC, or rejected or denounced the endorsements.

    No major news network has called for John McCain to distance himself from this known racist radical organization or its associates Lott and Barbour.

  • lisa - 16 years ago

    What do you expect from a radical born Muslim he is FULL OF LIES, promise anything and everthing he is a convincing liar, the U.S. Citizens Black,White, Hispanics, Indians, Italiens and so on, are looking up to his empty PROMISES. We are being misled by this lost sole, he wants AMERICA IN HIS HANDS.
    Jeremiah Wright knows alot more about Barack Hussein Obama than anyone in the country, his conversion from Muslim to Christianity, his father from Kenya, step father who raised him in Indonisia it is a predominant Muslim country. Barack Hussein Obama has several brothers, sisters, uncles, a huge family in 13 muslim countries. How? father from Kenya had 3 wifes, first step father from Indonisia had 4 wifes, 3rd step father SEE INFORMATION IN NY TIMES. I beleive he has an agenda. BEWARE AMERICA!!

  • Chris - 16 years ago

    Mike. Bush lied Americans died; thats why you're a liberal my friend. You're a hater!!

  • iunleashd - 16 years ago

    one criticizes Obama for his association with a man 'likened' to Klansman David Duke, then one must likewise criticize McCain's failure to denounce his association with the Klan itself.

    The Council of Conservative Citizens, supported by both McCain campaigner Trent Lott and VP hopeful Haley Barbour, is traced directly to the infamous White Citizens' Councils of the 1950s and 1960s, and has deep roots in a vicious, violently anti-American, terrorist organization known as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). To date, John McCain has NOT repudiated the CCC, or rejected or denounced the endorsements.

    No major news network has called for John McCain to distance himself from this known racist radical organization or its associates Lott and Barbour.

  • KAY C - 16 years ago

    Hi everyone!!!!!!!!! Give us a break all you people who don't get it about Obama. Where are you? I don't have a college education and I am 66 years old and I see the light. I have been through alot of elections. Never did I see
    a candidate Democratic or Republican for an election like him. He never did a
    a thing about his so-called pastor. Like leave that church. I am a Catholic and I have been to a church once that I left because of a priest who was immature. But he was not close to being like Wright. As they say, get a life
    before it's too late not only for you but all of us folks. Thanks!!!!!!!!!

  • iunleashd - 16 years ago

    one criticizes Obama for his association with a man 'likened' to Klansman David Duke, then one must likewise criticize McCain's failure to denounce his association with the Klan itself.

    The Council of Conservative Citizens, supported by both McCain campaigner Trent Lott and VP hopeful Haley Barbour, is traced directly to the infamous White Citizens' Councils of the 1950s and 1960s, and has deep roots in a vicious, violently anti-American, terrorist organization known as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). To date, John McCain has NOT repudiated the CCC, or rejected or denounced the endorsements.

    No major news network has called for John McCain to distance himself from this known racist radical organization or its associates Lott and Barbour.

  • obamaloves2lie - 16 years ago

    #455 Jeannie - You almost made me upchuck.

  • Jeremy - 16 years ago

    #424- I will also thank you for your service. I was in the Army for 21 years. It's amazing to see the hatred expressed by liberals and the liberal media. John Kerry, John Mertha both expressed discust with our military by throwing out medals and calling Marines rapists and murdering innocent civilians. Moveon.org and code pink(liberal) betrayed our General and called Iraq a lost cause. barack HUSEIN obama stated that our heroes "are being wasted". If barack takes office we'll lose Iraq and he'll slash military spending in half. These people try to undermind this great nation, the very nation in which men like you fight to protect. The people will see through him, I assure you. Semper FI bro.

  • Y'all are a BUNCH of racist haters!!! - 16 years ago

    I have never seen so many sanctimonious, self-righteous, pontificating hypocrits! STOP the hate, we ARE going to the WHITE house! You're ALL welcome to the B-B-Q, though!! I'll save you a plate! ;) OBAMA 08

  • Corrine - 16 years ago

    #447 Mike - Bush Lied? Get over it!! Most of the Dems. And Republicans believed the message of weapons in Iraq and they DID have them at one time. Saddam WAS a weapon of mass destruction. Are you so callous to believe that the killing and mutilation of human life wasn't bad enough? Don't go anywhere else with this now or spin it. Those people were tortured and our Men & Women of the armed forces saved them from continued violence. We should be proud of THAT. People are always stating the weapons issue and are too selfish or ? to speak about the horrific fear those people lived with. They now have a chance thanks to the USA/ I may not agree with everything but I'm proud of what our country along with the men and women who sacrificed did and is doing for them.

  • Jeannie - 16 years ago

    It's too bad that you all are so enamoured to FOX news (aka "The Republican Loudspeaker"), that you cannot fathom the idea that Sen. Barack Obama is the closest thing to an "honest politician" running for President. What would it take to get you to open your eyes and see that Bush's war for Haliburton was leaps and bounds beyond the dishonesty line, and yet you are determined to bring down a man based on a questionaire he may or may not have filled out. Or the church that he belongs to whose leader is the extremist equivalent of Billy Graham, Bush's spiritual consultant. I may be on the losing side of THIS backwards thinking blog, but thank God the majority of the nation has the good sense to recognize double-standards when they blatantly look us in the eye. And you all should know that Barack Obama will rise above all the shallow right-wing attempts to throw him under the bus, and in the end, he WILL be the next President. You might want to get used to the idea. :)

  • Liberals Lie - 16 years ago

    Should the media cover a story, If McCain had a close 20 year relationship with David Duke, and let David Duke teach his children? Would any of you left wing loonie tunes, " nita & catnine " want the media to cover story on McCain if he were as big a racist as Obama, and one of his 20 year best friends was David Duke?

  • Acadet - 16 years ago

    Rev Wright is a VET too, he put his life on the line for America. love him?

  • Worried, in FL - 16 years ago

    Americans remember when America had an inexperience president, Carter, what mess he had gotten American in and it's never been the same. O is cut from the same cloth.

    I'm very worried, how can people believe what O says? He had his two children raised in a church that preaches hate of America and hate of whites? They have a mother that also hates America! Of course they've been corrupted. All because he didn't have the nerve to approach the Rev., no because he believes the same. He claims that he can bring everyone together, Why? How? with Hate?

  • CLaire - 16 years ago

    Maybe it's time for the NEWS MEDIA to say it is time for Obama to GET OUT OF THE RACE.
    So sad we have such an unfiar news media.

  • Y'all are a BUNCH of racist haters - 16 years ago

    But check this out, we ARE going to the WHITE house. You trolls are ALL welcome to the B-B-Q, though!! I'll save you a plate!
    What you want?
    Dark meat or white???
    Gotta love it. ;)
    OBAMA 08

  • M. Joan - 16 years ago

    Thank you, I wish more news people were as straightforward as you. Obama is a liar...plain and simple. When are Fox news or you going to address this Larry Sinclair episode?. Sinclair filed a lawsuit against Obama and his "handlers" for intimidation.. Sinclair says he did drugs with Obama and engaged in homosexual sex with Obama in 1999, when he was a state Senator. He (Sinclair) tried to get the Obama's people to listen to him and said Obama was a liar!! Obama's handlers reacted, OVERREACTED if the suggestion was groundless and harrased Sinclair. This was back in November?? when Obama was still the darling of the media. Now that we are seeing the real man we should also look at this lawsuit. See htp:// larrysinclair0926.wordpress/. EVERYBODY SHOULD GO TO THIS SITE. Thank you.

  • obamaloves2lie - 16 years ago

    #437 Debra - Have you even heard or read anything about Obama? From your statements you must have had your head in the sand for the past 6 months. Obama has lied A LOT! Like he's a professor! another joke!!! Gosh Girl, pull your head out of the sand and start investigating him. You'll soon change your mind, IF your mind is open.

  • mike - 16 years ago

    It is ridiculous to play the "got ya" game with Obama the fact is it was in 1996. Bush lied our bravest Americans died and the republican party is still in want to vote for McCain? Who is guilty by his own words and Association to the Bush wrecking crew?

  • Corrine - 16 years ago

    #424 - I'm thanking you for your service! If it wasn't for you men and women I know we'd be hit here and worse than 9/11. Of course my husband and father were and are vets. God BLess You! I really understand your total frustration. Obama and Hillary will get us all killed and it will be on US soil.

  • mww - 16 years ago

    how's he gonna remember what he wrote 12 years ago, he doesn't even know what his preacher has preached for the last 20 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • BOB427 - 16 years ago



  • bailee - 16 years ago

    Greta, this is a bit of topic (but give me a moment). Why are so many people regardless of race so ready to bash the USA and look for someone to blame for their issues? If a person signs a lease, home mortgage, rental contract etc. they are responsible for the choice they made good or bad...Gov't should not intervene.

    Here is a person that speaks CHANGE and will place blame on someone other then themselves again and again. When the USA can be blamed for everything, it gives people a way out, instead of looking in the mirror. And yet, we have CHANGE. Do people really want the gov't to run the economy, health care, and the way business is conducted? This issue with BO shows how desperate some people are to blame anybody, but themselves, for their work, judgement, and overall being.

    I do however have one question to the BO supporters, how do you feel about our troops? These are men and women that support your right to disagree and have discussions such as this. What if you lost a family member, best friend, spouse etc? Would you want there memory to be of defeat, withdrawl, as we CHANGE our support for the troops under both BO and HC?


  • Alvin - 16 years ago

    I am proud of the black man that responded to not being fooled by Obama. I want him to know that I am a 64 year old Republican and I would love to have a ticket of J.C. Watts and Condy Rice. Practically every white in America pays no attention to the color of a man or woman's skin. I can see that you realize this and I wish more black Americans would believe it because it is true. I think we are almost past the race issue in America. We now need to unite and educate ourselves on the best candidate for all Americans. I cannot see that either of the Democrats fit the requirements for our President.

  • DeAnna in MA - 16 years ago

    Never mind the fancy pc words: Obama is a liar.
    To me it is obvious somewhere along the line, Obama must have studied up on 'Bill Clinton-speak'. Clinton is the champ and wrote the book when it comes to parcelling out words or twisting them like a pretzel.

    Obama's 'hear-no evil, speak no-evil, see no-evil' bs is quickly becoming boring not to mention redundant. If he's so naive and unaware of what's going on around him, what the h*ell kind of president would he make? Frightening!

    Shame on everyone who is supporting him based on the fact that he's black [and only half-black at that]. One would hope voters used more criteria to choose a president than someone's race or sex. The average voter spends more time choosing a computer, mobile phone, refrigerator, car or what to have for dinner than evidently some do in selecting their candidate for president. Voters had better wake up and figure out we're not voting for our high school prom king/queen but President of the United States.

    I fear we're only hearing the tip of the iceberg. Obama will not or cannot speak in plain English and tell voters exactly what he thinks. He, thus far, has accepted zero responsibility for anything. He's big on saying whatever he thinks will make a good sound bite or what voters want to hear. He has vague, unbelievable and ridiculous excuses for any criticism that comes his way. His opinions are based upon which way the wind happens to be blowing at that moment. The more I hear him, the more frightened I get that someone like him could actually be a viable candidate for the most important job in the world.

    If Obama isn't a closet racist, I'll eat my Easter bonnet. If you need proof, visit his church's web site and read Rev. Wright's 'talking points'. http://www.tucc.org/talking_points.htm
    or read the Rev. Wright's "Black Value System"
    (The web site, by the way, says Rev Wright is still active, not retired.) It couldn't be any more racist unless it was the KKK. Surely, Obama is more than familiar with the fundamental teachings of his church. What really scares me is that Obama, and obviously his wife, thinks it's OK for his impressionable young daughters to sit in the pews and listen, week in-week out, to these hateful, racist messages. What kind of judgment is that?

    I'm no fan of the Clinton tag-team but Obama is making Hillary look like Snow White, abeit a liberal Snow White.....

    Heaven help us all!

  • Corrine - 16 years ago

    #435 Craig - You wouldn't believe the truth if it hit you between the eyes. But you do have that right. Its your vote, your decision and Your Outcome. You also say to seek the truth. How would that be? Ask Obama? You've got to be kidding? He's lied so much his nose is about 8" long and so is Hillarys.

  • Corrine - 16 years ago

    #435 Craig - You wouldn't believe the truth if it hit you between the eyes. But you do have that right. Its your vote, your decision and Your Outcome. You also say to seek the truth. How would that be? Ask Obama? You've got to be kidding? He's lied so much his nose is about 8" long and so is Hillarys.

  • barack HISEIN obama - 16 years ago

    Hello people I'm barack HUSEIN obama; vote for me and you're a dumb ass!!

  • Debra - Encino - 16 years ago

    A black man who is educated and articulate, still some people find this hard to believe judging from some of the comments. That's sad. The reality is, we cannot afford another four years of the Bush-McCain administation---the middle and lower class will not survive financially. We also cannot afford a President, like Hillary who lies so easily on tape. Hillary also said during the last debate that she would show her taxes. She has no intention of showing her taxes--why isn't this a problem for people? Obama represents all races and is the only candidate who can cross all color lines. If Hillary could provide healthcare for everyone, should would have done it by now. Obama is reflective of the lower class, he's lived it. Having been raised by a white family, he is able to love and overlook bigotry and racism within his family as well as the church. If you want the old politics, by all means vote for Hillary. I find it very difficult to respect Hillary for staying with a man that has repeatedly cheated on her. She sends out a message to young females in relationships to stay in it if it means you get money and power. At least Obama is a family man who respects his wife. And what about McCains wife and her drug issues---are we blind when it's convenient. It time to move toward the future for a better life.

  • George - 16 years ago

    HoooRaaaah424 RIGHT ON BROTHER. Thanks for your service!!!!!

  • Craig - 16 years ago

    #423 Corrine "There are notes on the page in his handwriting!"

    Yes I agree, Now show it to him!! It was TWELVE YEARS AGO

    He does not seem to remember it. Seek Truth DON'T MAKE IT UP!!

  • obamaloves2lie - 16 years ago

    #431 Darlene - Whats your point? Any imaginitive comments besides a bbq invite? I can see the high intelligence factor in the obama voters.

  • carol - 16 years ago

    Greta: Enjoy your show. It is so sad to see this proud country villified by a so-called clergyman and a wannabe (even though he doesn't have the credentials) president. If they dislike the USA so much, why don't they go to another country and see how long those types of comments are allowed.

    Just as a note, does anyone have the correct number of dictators/governments/presidents/leaders that have ruled the continent/countries of Africa and for what time periods? Just asking.

    Also, why aren't the two aforementioned men investigating why their ancestors sold/killed their spoils of war and condemn THEIR descendents the same as the two men continue to condemn the descendents of Americans whose ancestors (mostly from the north but all whites are included in the condemnation) purchased said spoils of war?

  • Corrine - 16 years ago

    #419 Sande - You have the audacity to speak of God. God would never condone abortion. He would never condone the type of so called preaching that goes on in some Black churches. And don't think we're stupid enough to listen to the excuses that these are just "snippets". What an excuse for filth. You better read your "Bible" instead of listening to "man". Man does not always preach from the Word, and obviously you don't wish to do the bidding of God just Obama. Its you that should be shamed. I have heard the words out of Obamas and Wrights mouths and so have the others. And you have the nerve to call us racists. SHAME ON YOU!

  • DARLENE - 16 years ago

    To; y'all are a bunch of racist haters.
    y'all keep the B-B-Q, we'll keep the WHITE HOUSE.

  • George - 16 years ago

    Patrick 343. You worry about GB, seems you have alot of problems there too. Hows the scores with the terrorists doing there? Didn't Islam rule just take over part of your country, or atleast its in the process?

  • Shep - 16 years ago

    #398...I want you to go to the shore...you will find a glass bottle that washed up on the beach...now open it...what did you find? It is a headline from the Newspaper dated 1/01/09...President McCain wins election by a LANDSIDE!

    Thank you for the barbeque invite...what is the address for the event? All you mentioned is a "white" house...there are so many white houses...

  • dave - 16 years ago

    IS THERE ANYONE besides me that thinks obama is a jihadist infiltrator?????

  • Judi - 16 years ago

    Enough of the pretty words and slick maneuvers. Won't someone insist that Obama give us details? And then - follow up with more questions. I am a recruiter and my clients always want to hire "Change Agents" to improve their businesses. Not one of them would hire a candidate based on the platitudes and self-serving bullshit we have had pushed down our throats from this guy.

    NO MORE PRETTY WORDS - We want truth and we want details. Personally, I am convinced Obama is really pushing a Socialist agenda. But he is very effective in hiding this and no one in the media challenges him - or worse yet, it is highly likely that the media, hollywood, and the rest of the far left also want to dump our countrys standards for a socialist country.

  • Jim Stephanou - 16 years ago

    Barack Hussein Obama is a smooth talker and even a BIGGER LIAR. Everything that spews from his mouth is a lie. He thinks he can talk and charm his way into the presidency and through the middle east problems. He's an arrogant FOOL that will destroy this country if we're so blind & ignorant to put him in the presidential office. His wife is of the same ilk, LIAR. He sat in Jeremiah Wright's congregation for 20 years & listened to that anti-white, anti-American etc & did not say a word to wright, to tone it down. He had the choice to go to another church, but did not, he stayed because he liked what he had heard for 20 years. He got caught with the hate filled wright, but he's talking his way out of that mess. He must be stopped, he will ruin this country with increased taxes and the terrorists will be all over us on our own soil.

  • Craig - 16 years ago

    Do any of you Remember exactly what you might have filled out TWELVE YEARS AGO!!!, Im not saying any of you are so Stupid, but.. SHOW HIM the DOCUMENT and see If he remembers it. ...Gimme a break... TWELVE YEARS AGO!!! OK twelve Years! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!

  • Hooraaaah!!! - 16 years ago

    To all you liberal tree hugging hippies; quit trying to use us, the (military) as one of your left wing agenda tools. We enlisted, the majority of us want to be here and we'll vote Republican in 08. I'm tired of hearing they're being killed, maimed, etc. It gets old and you left wing loons could give a rats ass about what we do. When's the last time you thanked a veteran and really meant it; you don't understand a damn thing we're about.
    Death before dishonor.

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