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2012 Republican Nominee Wishlist

Total Votes: 2,311

  • Mike Ladines - 13 years ago

    If everyone has done their homework on each one of these contenders, then hands down, without a question, LTC Allen West has the highest qualifications for the job and easily out qualifies the one who's there now.

  • Dave - 13 years ago

    If Sarah runs, there'll be another landslide alright. Think 1980!

  • NjConservative - 13 years ago

    I second the Palin/West combo. Both of these candidates are extemely CLEAR where they stand on the issues and are not afraid to speak out. Too often our national candidates are too nuanced. Rubio, Bachmann and Cain are some of my other top choices. Still need to learn more about Pawlenty. They would DRIVE change and I believe they would be able to motivate the electorate.

  • Forcefield - 13 years ago

    Palin/West is a combo that would be very interesting indeed-Obe Wan Obummer would have no play-can't play the race card with that one-can't really use the not qualified thing.Of course I would venture that Palin/West haven't been to all 57 states like the Chosen One says he has-But there again-who's counting-right ?

  • Idahoser - 13 years ago

    Palin/West '12

    opinions of your enemies should be considered to find out what they fear, but you do not let them pick your nominee (McClown)

    Clearly there are activists within the Republican and pretending to be Republican party. The self-proclaimed 'pragmatists' who would choose another McClown such as Romney or Giuliani or Huckabee or Gingrich in order to claim a win, but in doing so they give the enemy what they want.

    Ron Paul is an honest and righteous economist, but he is not a president. I'm pretty sure I would vote against Ron Paul even against Big Zero. Almost nobody else would get me to vote for that incompetent communist puppet, but a "Libertarian" who thinks intervening when a friend cries for help would be a mistake, well, at least even Zero responds after being pushed into it. Paul would take it as a point of honor to let the world burn, which would leave us to be eaten last. Not just no, but HELL NO. Make him the last chairman of the Fed, if you want him to achieve his ultimate destiny, but not the White House.

    Proof that God does not exist: Zero's head did not explode every time somebody said Sarah Palin was 'inexperienced'.

    I can't tell you what to think. I can only ask you to ask yourself if you think Sarah Palin is [an idiot, inexperienced, whatever] because the left told you to think that, or if you actually know what you're talking about.

    Read that paragraph again, because it's important. I know people I otherwise would respect, who have bought this line and believe it as the truth, but I am completely sure that they do NOT know enough to make that call, they stopped asking questions before they understood the answer they have embraced. It's hard to get somebody to admit they've been wrong, but that's what's happened here. My country needs you to get over yourself and reexamine that answer!

  • Whit - 13 years ago

    The best choice to WIN--not just voting for someone YOU like-is Allen West. And here's why...1. He can hold his own..and then some-against Obama, other conservatives--you name it!! 2. Allen has been a career officer and in these times of war, and no matter WHO from either side gets elected, they WILL be a war time President. An experienced Officer would be a TREMENDOUS asset for America in these times. 3. The fact that he is NOT a career politician is a HUGE drawing card since ALL polls show TREMENDOUS dissatisfaction with most current politicians. Right now, Americans want someone they can TRUST and someone who will have the COURAGE to do what NEEDS to be done, NOT what the politician wants done to fulfill his/her personal agenda. 5. Allen West will absolutely DESTROY ANY candidate he debates. He is the most convincing candidate I have seen on the national stage in my lifetime. I'll stop here so you will go to DRAFT ALLEN WEST to see what all the buzz is about this PATRIOT!! THEN, decide. If you do, I am SURE you will be back here to post a comment yourself as to the character and shear aura of this man's ability to instill a sense of "I'm on the point and will be vigilant and dedicated to preserving our freedom. Rest peacefully now, I'm on the guard for you"!! VOTE ALLEN WEST FOR PRESIDENT!!

  • Robert Mitchell - 13 years ago

    They can throw all the candidates they want us to help make president and it would still be the wrong ones. The only three that I will consider is Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, and Allen West. Anyone else would be a waste of a vote. Ron Paul?? A long shot. A very very long shot.

  • dee - 13 years ago

    Please have Sarah Palin run, that way we can win by a landslide again!

  • debbief - 13 years ago

    What about the best choice of all, Ron Paul?

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