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Do you think the U.S. should arm the Libyan rebels?

Total Votes: 74,517

  • 'uprisings' - 13 years ago

    But did Gadhafi massacre civilians or plan to commit genocide?

    His forces certainly harmed innocents while defeating rebels in urban areas, as U.S. forces have done in Iraq and Afghanistan. And he did threaten "no mercy" in Benghazi, but Gadhafi directed this threat only at rebels to persuade them to flee. Despite ubiquitous cellphone cameras, there are no images of genocidal violence, a claim that smacks of rebel propaganda.
    No-win situation

    Indeed, Libya's rebels started the war knowing that they could not win on their own, and that their attacks would provoke harm against civilians, aiming to draw in outside support — and it worked. Tragically, this same dynamic has cost thousands of lives in other wars.

    In Bosnia's conflict of the early 1990s, for example, the most influential Muslim politician, Omer Behmen, later told me that his whole strategy was to " put up a fight for long enough to bring in the international community." The result? Three years of war and 100,000 dead.

    In Kosovo, a senior ethnic Albanian official, Dugi Gorani, confessed on BBC: "The more civilians were killed, the chances of international intervention became bigger, and the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) of course realized that." NATO's intervention backfired by escalating the conflict, leaving 10,000 dead and a million expelled from their homes.

    In Darfur, Sudan, the top rebel leader fought for three years and then rejected a peace offer in 2006, despite retaliation that killed more than 100,000. Abdul Wahid al Nur later explained that he was waiting for greater U.S. and British intervention "like in Bosnia."

    Sadly, there are evidence showing that in most of these places , the rebels were aided by Al Qaeda, getting a training from them.. And we've seen so many evidence showing the Al-Qaeda+rebels atrocities commited in Libya... I hope that they won't be armed more than they already are..

  • todtodtod - 13 years ago

    Ironically, Obama has applied little pressure on Yemen and Bahrain, which slaughtered peaceful protesters, but he bombed Libya for responding to armed rebels. This sends precisely the wrong message to the Arab street: If you want U.S. support, resort to violence.

    Instead of fighting Terrorism, We are the Terrorist.

    In his March 26 radio address, Obama said the United States acted because Gadhafi THREATENED "a bloodbath." Two days later, he asserted, "We knew that if we waited one more day, Benghazi — a city nearly the size of Charlotte (N.C.) — COULD suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world."
    Really? Obama implied that, absent our intervention, Gadhafi MIGHT HAVE killed nearly 700,000 people, putting it in a class with the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

    In fact, none of this happened, there are no evidence of massacre.

    Proponents of Nato intervention claim it is the only way to protect Libya's populace. But intervening actually magnifies the threat to civilians in Libya, and beyond. That is because armed uprisings, such as Libya's, typically provoke massive state retaliation that harms innocents.

    By helping rebels, we thus increase the risk of retaliatory massacres or even genocide. Indeed, The New York Times reported that violence threatening Libya's civilians was " provoked by rebels." Aiding the Libyan rebels also encourages copycat uprisings in other countries, proliferating the risk of atrocities.

  • RobertL - 13 years ago

    @adam.. you just posted another interview from CNN.. CNN always informed us, on what the regime wanted us to believe..
    have a look at this video btw which shows HOW THE REBELS WERE ALREADY HEAVILY ARMED SINCE DAY 1... WITH THE NATO WEAPONS ...

    i also noticed on many other videos that the rebels have brand new wooden boxes with turkish marks, full of brand new arms, etc..
    It's funny how they tried to present them in media as civilians, who doesn't know how to use the arms... when the truth is different.. they have just couple of hundreds of true libyans among them who probably don't know how to use the arms.. but the other 9000 are payed mercenaries, soldiers from abroad,funded by Cia and Saudis, including al Qaeda fighters ( we saw so many evidence of that)>..


  • Adam - 13 years ago


    Who says Libya not Yemen??...the US gave up its support to Saleh and Mrs. Clinton asked him to leave!!

    The Gulf countries are asking him to leave, which means that the US also wants him gone and wants an end to the bloodshed and the suffering of the Yemeni people

  • Free Libya - 13 years ago

    I hope this will give those who are afraid that Al-Qaeda is behind what's happening in Libya, watch this from a former BIN LADEN associate

    PLEASE TWEET AND SHARE THIS ON FACEBOOK....let the world know!!!

  • Adam - 13 years ago

    I hope this will give those who are afraid that Al-Qaeda is behind what's happening in Libya, watch this from a former BIN LADEN associate

  • Husein Ali Shoshan - 13 years ago

    In terms of USA's long term interest, Libya must be a democratic country with its civil institutions and peaceful sharing of power; this cannot be achieved without arming the oppositions to overthrow long lasted brutal dictatorship. Building modern democratic Libya will lead to the whole region’s stability. Free Libya shall have strong ties with United States, because all Libyans, strongly believe that the building of advanced and prosper Libya cannot be achieved with the contribution of Americans and British’s unique capabilities.

  • Husein Ali Shoshan - 13 years ago

    In terms of USA's long term interest, Libya must be a democratic country with its civil institutions and peaceful sharing of power; this cannot be achieved with arming the oppositions to overthrow long lasted brutal dictatorship. Building modern democratic Libya will lead to the whole region’s stability. Free Libya shall have strong ties with United States, because all Libyans, strongly believe that the building of advanced and prosper Libya cannot be achieved with the contribution of Americans and British’s unique capabilities.

  • luckdragon - 13 years ago

    So, the issues in Libya are a new learning? Our "fearless" leaders have known about these horrors and those in other regions for a long, long time... and we do business with these guys all the time. Now... in the spotlight... this country's leader must go.

    I wish I had a president who, first and foremost, focused on leading OUR COUNTRY to greatness!

    Instead our leaders foolishly decide to throw a target on a man's back based on popular opinion of the hour. They've all known he's bad, but he's one of many.
    - Why Libya and not also Yemen? YEMEN IS A FRIEND IN WOT
    - Why didn't we help civilians in Iran with their recent, bloody rebellion? SCARED
    - Why don't we enjoy the spoils of our conquests (e.g. Iraq's oil) FOOLISH
    - Why do we feel the need to play "world police" when the majority of the world is not stepping up? IT'S EASIER FOR POLITICANS THAN DOING THEIR JOBS - FIXING ISSUES IN OUR OWN COUNTRY

  • luckdragon - 13 years ago

    If we're not clearly getting paid >= cost, we need to put our "volunteer hat" on and decide if we can afford to support this.

    It seems folks in general have a hard time understanding the concept of limited resources. If the gov't were a person... and that person were broke and/or ill (our great country is both) he/she would not be signing up to work 10-12 hours a day for a check and then also volunteer for habitat for humanity. This is very basic common sense. But our "fearless" leaders apparently lack this critical skill.

    Think about the "emergency flyer" in an airliner... put your mask on before helping others!

  • Libyan Pro-Democrat - 13 years ago

    اللهم إنا نسألك بأنا نشهد أنك أنت الله لا إله إلا أنت الواحد الأحد
    الفرد الصمد ، الذي... لم يلد و لم يولد ، و لم يكن له كفوا أحد
    نسألك يا منان يا كريم ، يا بديع السماوات والأرض
    يا ذا الجلال والإكرام يا حي يا قيوم
    يا رحمن يا رحيم ، يا قاضي الحاجات ، يا مجيب الدعوات
    يا من له العزة و الجلال ، يا من له القدرة و الكمال ، يا من هو الكبير المتعال
    نسألك اللهم عزا و تمكينا و نصرا للإسلام والمسلمين و نسألك ذلا وخسرانا لمعمر القذافي و اعوانه .

    اللهم اهزم القذافي واعوانه وكل من عادانا ومن عاونهم ومن نصرهم

    اللهم فرق دولتهم وشتت شملهم ، وزلزل أقدامهم ، وألق الرعب في قلوبهم ، وشلَّ
    أركانهم ، واجعل بأسهم بينهم ,واجعل تدبيرهم تدميرًا لهم ، وأرنا فيهم عجائب
    قدرتك ، اللهم وعجل بهزيمتهم يا أسرع الحاسبين.
    اللهم انصر المجاهدين في ليبيا و في سبيلك في كل مكان ،
    اللهم كن لهم ، و معهم ، و قوٌهم ، و سدد رأيهم ، و صوّب وارم سهامهم ، و ثبت
    أقدامهم ، واربط على قلوبهم ، و اجمع كلمتهم ، و اصلح اللهم قلوبهم ، وأنزل
    السكينة عليهم وانصرهم وارم واقتل عدوك وعدوهم

    اللهم عليك بأعدائهم ، اللهم عليك
    بأعدائهم ، اللهم عليك بأعدائهم .

    اللهم عليك بمعقل الظلم و الالحاد ، معقل الكفر و الفساد ، اللهم عليك بجيش
    القذافي و حكومته ، اللهم عليك بهم ، اللهم انت بهم عليم ، و عليهم قدير ،
    اللهم أفسدوا في أرضك و قتلوا عبادك و أهانوا دينك
    اللهم اللهم اللهم
    فسلط لهم و عليهم ، يدا من الحق حاصدة ، ترفع بها ذلنا ، وتعيد لنا عزنا ، وتسقط بها عدونا ،

    اللهم عليك بهم اللهم
    سلط عليهم ريح عاد والصرصر العقيم، و صيحة ثمود ، و طوفان قوم نوح ، اللهم سلط عليهم ما نزل
    من السماء وطيراً أبابيل، و ما خرج من الأرض ، اللهم و ثبت وسلط الأعاصير عندهم وعليهم اللهم و أجعلهم
    في قبضة عبادك ، يا قوي يا عزيز ، يا الله ، يا الله ،
    إنك على كل شيء قدير ، و بالاجابة جدير ، و أنت نعم المولى و نعم النصير ، و قلت

    وقولك الحق ((ادعوني استجب لكم )) فها نحن قد دعوناك كما أمرتنا ، فاستجب لنا
    كما و عدتنا ، و لا تردنا خائبين ، برحمتك و فضلك يا رب العالمين ، و صل اللهم
    و سلم على نبينا محمد و آله و صحبه ، و الحمد لله رب العالمين .
    اللهم آمين اللهم آمين .

    اللهم ها هي جيوش القذافي أتت بخيلها ورجلها طغيانا رافعة شعار ( أنا ربكم الأعلى ) ،
    اللهم فأنت الله لا إله إلا أنت اللهم فنصرك الذي وعدت. اللهم شتت شملهم واقذف
    الخوف في قلوبهم. اللهم احصهم عدداً واقتلهم بدداً ولا تغادر منهم أحداً. اللهم
    أرنا فيهم يوماً أسوداً مثل يوم عاد أو ثمود أو أشد من ذلك يا رب العالمين.
    اللهم فإنك تعلم ضعف حال اخواننا الليبيين اللهم فأنزل السكينة على قلوبهم وثبت
    قلوبهم واجبر خواطرهم.

    سبحان الله والحمد لله والله أكبر ولا أله إلا الله
    اللهم إنا نسألك بقدرتك وقوتك وعزتك ورحمتك أن تنصر إخواننا المسلمين في
    ليبيا اللهم انصرهم نصراً مؤزرا
    اللهم إنا نسألك ياحي ياقيوم أن تيسر أمرهم وتجمع كلمتهم على الحق يارب
    العالمين .
    اللهم إنا نسألك باسمك الأعظم الذي إذا دعيت به أجبت وإذا سؤلت به أعطيت ،
    نسألك يا الله أن تجمع شمل المسلمين وتوحد صفهم وتقوي كلمتهم وترفع
    راياتهم لآ إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله في كل مكان .
    اللهم اشف مرضى المسلمين واجبر جرحاهم وتقبل شهدائهم .
    اللهم يسر أمرهم وفرج همهم وبدل ألمهم وعسرهم يسرا وحزنهم سعادة يارب العالمين.
    اللهم العن اليهود والنصارى وأعداء المسلمين ومن والاهم
    اللهم رب لا تذر على الأرض من الكافرين ديارا

    اللهم احصهم عددا واقتلهم بردا ولا تبقي منهم أحدا
    اللهم انشر بينهم المرض والفتن والزلازل والمحن .
    اللهم اخسف بهم الأرض وزلزلها من تحت أقدامهم .
    اللهم لاتبقي فيهم أحدا
    اللهم يامجرى السحاب ومنزل الكتاب وهازم الأحزاب اهزم الكفرة والكافرين ودمر
    الشرك والمشركين واقتل أعداء الدين .
    اللهم أدر عليهم دائرة السوء
    اللهم اجعل تدميرهم تدميراً عليهم ، واجعل كيدهم في نحورهم .
    اللهم أرنا فيهم آيه اللهم أرنا فيهم آيه اللهم أرنا فيهم آيه

    اللهم يا من لا يعجزه سؤال السائلين اللهم فأجب دعاءنا.

    ربنا تقبل منا إنك انت السميع المجيب القريب .
    وصلي اللهم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم .
    سبحانك ربك رب العزة عما يصفون وسلام على المرسلين
    وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين

  • Libyan Pro-Democrat - 13 years ago

    Qaddafi Died for more than week.

  • JoanneMc - 13 years ago

    It's a shame that such a lovely country is going through all of this.. I'm also ashamed that my country is one of the main players in all this mess. I have to say that while I lived in Libya (up until october 2010), i have never noticed any kind of repression or infridgment of the human rights. I have no idea where that came from. The social care system was amazing, and although a lot of people were unemployed, they were taken care of (similar like in the other countries where the social benefits are good, like the UK, many people chose not to work, acting like they cant find the job etc..).. Health care was free and reliable, education as well (i must say, much better than in most of the US schools).. I was quite shocked when I found out how much money Libya invested in the students studying abroad as well. concerning their religion (well, having traveled and lived in a lot of Muslim countries), I might say that Libya was one of the most liberal, with women treated with respect, people with disadvantages as well etc.. They had virtualy NO HOMELESS PEOPLE, which was my biggest shock. Gadaffi made this under-desert water system for milions of people, he eleviated the biggest enemy of North Africa, the thurst! He worked with other African leaders for the implementation of that system in all parts of Africa! That's why Africa liked him, couse he worked on giving them water, while the west works on giving them ARMS!! Up untill the last year,The UN,the human rights watch,all such organisations praised him for his HUMAN RIGHTS RECORD, which was realy visible! what happened in the mean time?? i have no clue, this is all so weird....

  • Globalresearch - 13 years ago

    Then there is the water. Quaddafi's project to make Libya's vast desert bloom, has been dubbed by some "The eighth wonder of the world." A succinct over view cites: " .. the large quantities of water in Libya deep beneath the desert ... Libya’s Great Man-Made River Project. A project worth 33 billion dollars. The value of the small reservoirs is about 70,000,000,000,000 dollars." (xv) When the project was announced in September 1991, London and Washington were reported to be "ballistic." At a ceremony attended by Arab and African heads of state, foreign diplomats and delegations, including President Mubarak of Egypt, King Hassan of Morocco, Quaddafi called it a gift to the Third World. He also said: "American threats against Libya will double." (xvi)

    Looking at the all, it is impossible not to think the truth of an attack of over thirty nations on a country of six million is buried deeper than Libya's aquifers. "Operation Odyssey Dawn", was well named. An odyssey indeed. Odysseus's tortured journey lasted ten years.

    End Note:

    'Libyan rebels in Benghazi said they have created a new national oil company to replace the corporation controlled by leader Muammar Qaddafi whose assets were frozen by the United Nations Security Council.

    The Transitional National Council released a statement announcing the decision made at a March 19 meeting to establish the “Libyan Oil Company as supervisory authority on oil production and policies in the country, based temporarily in Benghazi, and the appointment of an interim director general” of the company.

    The Council also said it “designated the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and the appointment of a governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi.'

    And of course, given Israel's chronic water shortage, Libya's abundant underground blessings, and the close geographical proximity of the two countries, there might be other regional advantages mooted in regime change.

  • Global research - 13 years ago

    So how does the all tie together? Libya, in March being praised by the Majority of the UN., for human rights progress across the board, to being the latest, bombarded international pariah? A nation's destruction enshrined in a UN., Resolution?

    The answer lies in part with the Geneva based UN Watch.(vii) UN Watch is : "a non-governmental organization whose mandate is to monitor the performance of the United Nations." With Consultative Status to the UN Economic and Social Council, with ties to the UN Department of Public Information, "UN Watch is affiliated with the American Jewish Committee." (AJC.)

    Among those involved in UN Watch are Co-Chair, AJC's David A. Harris. Core values: "AJC has long believed that the development of a comprehensive U.S., energy program is essential to the economic and social well-being of our country." Their website is an exceptionally instructive listen and read. (viii)

    Ambassador Alfred Moses, former US Ambassador to Romania, Heads UN Watch. His company, Secure Energy's Mission : "Improving US., Energy security", "Securing America's Energy Future." (ix)

    Board Member Ruth Wedgwood is : "an international law expert ... at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) a former member of Donald Rumsfeld's Defence Policy Board (formerly headed by Richard Perle.) Closely associated with: "a number of neo-conservative and rightist pro-Israeli groups - including Freedom House, UN Watch and Benador Associates - a neo-con dominated public relations firm." She "has been a vocal advocate of the war on terror ... strong defender of the Patriot Act and decision to invade Iraq." (x)

    Executive Director Hillel Neuer, has served as law clerk to the Supreme Court of Israel, is a Graduate Fellow at the Shalem Center think tank and holds a host of law degrees. In addition to extensive human rights legal Advocacies and Testimonies, as associate in the international law firm of Paul Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison llp., (New York) "He was associate in the legal team that successfully represented Raytheon Company in various claims against Hughes Electronics Corporation." Neuer was also instrumental in achieving victory for the California Public Utilitites Commission in: "various disputes with Pacific Gas and Electric Company ..." (xi)

    Speakers at events hosted by the company have included Hillary "I met the rebel leader in Paris" Clinton (xii) and Vernon Jordan, former political advisor to Bill "I would be inclined to arm the rebels" Clinton. (xiii)

    The UN Watch's relentless campaign: "to remove Libya from the Human Rights Council" began in May 2010: " .. working closely with Libyan dissident Mohamed Eljahmi."(see vii) Mr Eljahmi is: " ... a Libyan/American human rights activist. He is a co-founder and former Communication Officer of American Libyan Freedom Alliance. ALFA was founded 2003 to help educate and inform US government and media about Libya. Mr. Eljahmi actively educates and informs US government, national and international media and NGOs about Libyan affairs." (xiv)

    An aspect of especial ire for UN Watch has been Libya's place on the five Member investigation by the Human Rights Council, on the use of mercenaries. Given their woeful excesses from Blackwater's (now Xe) shoot ups to CACI's man-management at Abu Ghraib (then there's Paravant, an Xe subsiduary at Bagram; Guantanamo and KBR) it is a supreme irony that UN Watch's cry of "foul" over Libya has won out, as the US place on the Council is unsullied. (Libya was suspended from the Human Rights Council on 25th February this year.) And did Libya employ "black African mercenaries", to fight the rebels? In the fog of disinformation, certainties are scarce, but it is a story which would seem to be unravelling.

  • Globalresearch - 13 years ago

    "America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam." (President Barack Hussein Obama, Al-Azar University, Cairo, 4th June 2009.)

    George W. Bush embarked on the casual snuffing out of uncounted, unique, human lives in majority Muslim populations, chillingly called it a "Crusade." President Barack Hussein Nobel Obama did not go that far, he left that to the French Minister of the Interior, Claude Gueant who, on 21st March, praised President Nicholas Sarkozy for having: "headed the Crusade ..."

    When President Obama: "updated the American people on the international effort we have led in Libya", on 29th March, he stated that: "we are naturally reluctant to use force to solve the world's many challenges" and referred to: "our interests ..." being: "at stake." Reluctance would be a first. America's bombing for "interests" would be an encylopaedia.

    Colonel Quaddafi, had, of course, stated the President: "denied his people freedom, exploited their wealth, murdered opponents at home and abroad, and terrorized innocent people around the world ..." busy man. Heaven forbid "NATO's" blitzkrieg should send the occasional shiver down a spine.

    However, interestingly, at the end of March, a Report was due to be presented by the UN Human Rights Council leading to a Resolution commending Libya's progress in a wide aspect of human rights. Numerous quotes from UN diplomatic delegations of many countries commented. Citations included: " ... achieving a high school enrolment rate and improvements in the education of women", Libya's: " ... serious commitment to, and interaction with, the Human Rights Council ... enhanced development of human rights ... while respecting cultural and religious traditions."

    The country was commended: "for the progress made in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, namely universal primary education (and) firm commitment (to) health care." There was "praise" for "cooperation with international organizations in combating human trafficking and corruption .." and for cooperation with "the International Organization for Migration."

    "Progress in enjoyment of economic and social rights, including in the areas of education, health care, poverty reduction and social welfare" with "measures taken to promote transparency", were also cited. Malaysia: "Commended the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for being party to a significant number of international and regional human rights instruments." Promotion: "of the rights of persons with disabilities" and praise for "measures taken with regard to low income families", were cited.

    In May 2010, Libya had also been voted on to the UN Human Rights Council by a veritable landslide, 155 of 192 UN General Assembly votes. As noted previously (i) Libya comes top in Africa on the Human Development Index, which measures longevity (the longest) infant mortality (the lowest) education, health services, well being. (ii)

    All that said, before this publication is flooded with complaints about the writer's naivety, "propagandist flights of fancy" (an orchestrated old favourite) or whatever, some of the countries making positive recommendations regarding Libya did not have the most shining human rights records. But then the US., UK., and NATO Member countries, pontificate from the high moral molehills of the mass graves of the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, overtly, and Yemen, Somalia and other countries, covertly. And of course there is Guantanamo, Bagram, Abu Ghraib, rendition flights and secret torture programmes and prisons across the globe for US., UK., convenience.(iii)

    Whilst many respected oil experts have argued that since so many western energy companies operate in Libya, this is not about oil, there are some points worth pondering. All companies operating in Libya must have Libyan partners, entitled to 35% of profits.(iv) Trading is via the Libyan Central Bank, in the Libyan Dinar, not US$s. The Libyan Central Bank is also independently outside

  • MarcoPollo - 13 years ago


    Excuse me, what was this voting poll about khkhkhhh???

  • innocent Libyans - 13 years ago

    ...(اللهم إني أشكو إليكَ ضعفَ قوتي وقلة حيلتي وهواني على الناس، يا أرحم الراحمين، أنت ربُ المستضعفين، وأنت ربي، لمن تكلني إلى بعيدٍ يتجهمني، أو إلى عدوٍ ملكتهُ أمري، إن لم يكن بكَ غضبٌ علي فلا أبالي، ولكنَ عافيتكَ هي أوسع لي، أعوذ بنورِ وجهك الذي أشرقت له الظلمات وصَلُحَ عليه أمرُ الدُنيا والآخرة من أن تُنزل بي غضبك، أو تُحل علي سخطك، لك العُتبى حتى ترضى، ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بك)

  • JonP. - 13 years ago

    It's a scary world when the concensus believes that the best way to avoid harm is to inflict it.

    We don't like you hurting civilians, so were gonna fire 1000 missles into your country next week........
    We want to enact a no-fly zone over your country, but the only way to do that is by bombing your entire countries air defense system. As if putting Jets over Libya and waiting to see if Libya shows any aggression, is any riskier than just bombing there entire air defense system from the start.

    That's like saying to a class of school kids, we don't want you bullying each other. So we got a group of older kids to come in here and beat all of you up.

    Our government is broken

  • JonP. - 13 years ago

    Why do we (USA) not remember anything that is more than a month old?

    Mujahadeen = Al Queada

    We already sell weapons to half of the world, armored personnell carriers used to squash proitesters in Egypt, American Made. Saddams "chemical weapons" American made, Iran's fleet of F-15 fighter jets, American Made. The nuclear reactor at Bashir in Iran, American Made (GE)..........

    If you want to keep innocent civilians from being hurt or killed, stop supporting brutal dictators & Despots because it servers our(USA) "national interest". Stop selling weapons all over the world. Stop purposely keeping the middle east destabilized as to make it easier for our(USA) corporations to pillage countries resources. It's a lot easier to bribe a Dictator to let you mine his countries natural resources at fractions of the true value, than it is a strong nationalistic democracy.

    Ironic that we (USA) put the tag line "spreading Democracy" on every act of aggression we do, when in reality we were probably the main reason the middle east hasn't gone more democratic sooner.

  • ed - 13 years ago

    so that we can arm and train next osama? no

  • Innocent Libyan - 13 years ago

    We are not rebels, we are not opposition either, we are prodemocracy seekers. How you name more than 95% of the Libyan nation rebels.
    We are legitimate Nation (Libyan Nation all is anti-Qaddafi).

    Qaddafi is a rebel, Qaddafi is an opposition. Qaddafi is non-legitimate , Wake up CNN please...

    Respect the feeling of human beings of the Whole Libyan Nation. rebel has a bad connotation and this is very insulting for our innocent Libyan Nation,.


  • Rod D - 13 years ago

    The US must not arm a fighting force that it cannot control, because there is no accountability. The political will must be attained to send a cohesive military unit to achieve a predetermined political goal. The end game is the same, get rid of Gaddafi and his regime, and at the same time not create an unruly, and unorganized fighting force

  • toto - 13 years ago

    I'm going crazy of this ugly world we live in ??? you know why ??
    because every day we her our be loved united states president Mr Obama talking about peoples freedom and defending human wrights like all other western leaders,and while they watch this murderer killing our civilians every where
    Tripoli is under siege since 17th FEB, I don't know why the west believe the big layer Ghaddafi and disbelieve there ayes haven't they here or saw in TV all this killed people and ships full of hundreds of injured civilians???????
    haven't they seen how is the city of Zawia after his mercenaries destroyed it
    so please please help my family and Libyan people to survive this immanent massacre Ghaddafi is planning to carry out in all Libyan cities

  • Toto - 13 years ago

    I'm going crazy of this ugly warld we live in ??? you know why ??
    because every day we her our be loved united states prisedent Mr Obama talking about peoples freedom and defending humen wrights like all other western leaders,and while they watch this murderer killing our civilians every where
    Tripoli is under siege since 17th FEB, I dont know why the west beleive the big liyer Ghaddafi and this believe there ayes have'nt they here or saw in TV all this killed people and ships full of hundreds of injured civilians???????
    have'nt they seen how is the city of Zawia after his mercenaries destroyed it
    so please please help my family and Libyan people to survive this immanent massacre Ghaddafi is planing to cary out in all Libyan cities

  • Adam - 13 years ago

    first, I must say I giggles a little when i saw the list, but it sounds more like UAE or Qatar not Libya

    Can someone from Libya tell me is this true or not? PLEASE!
    Life in Libya under Gaddafi:
    1. Electricity for household use is free FALSE

    2. Free health and education TRUE (but because they suck so much everyone goes to private, many borrow money and many need to go to Tunisia for proper healthcare....Education, I was one of the people that escaped the corrupt education system, where the professor has ultimate freedom on who passes and who doesn't regardless of your efforts, so some people definitely always pass, if you know what I mean, and many fail, especially those who condemn the corruption)

    3. Free higher education abroad TRUE/FALSE because only those related to Gaddafi or know someone powerful actually get these scholarships...regardless of their grades!...I for example studied very hard throughout, but never got anything, I came to north america and did both Bachelors degree and a masters, I had to work hard and so did my parents to be able to afford it...I have been applying for a scholarship since 2001!! never got a cent!

    4. Receives the average salary for this profession if you do not find a job after graduation....HAHAHAHA FALSE FALSE FALSE, this way the 30% unemployed will actually be happy, most university graduates do not end up working in their field that's if they find a job at all...Many of my friends do not have career jobs, if at all

    5. Every unemployed person receives social assistance 15,000 $ a year FALSE

    6. After the entry into marriage state pays first apartment or house (150m2) FALSE even those who pay for government houses had to wait an average of 20 years, so now they are using those apartments for their kids to get married in!!!

    7. For each infant, the couple received $ 5,000 for his needs FALSE

    May I ask where you got this information?? sounds amazing!! and i am pretty sure gulf countries do that for their nationals

    I hope this clear things for you!

  • Adel - 13 years ago

    Many videos are fabricated by Gaddafi’s criminal supporters and broadcast on his TV Channel. They are no more than baseless propaganda. I am sure an expert can tell you that much.
    It is foolish to believe everything you see.
    You people have an ulterior motive, or are simpletons, take your pick.

  • Adel - 13 years ago

    milica.janketic asked 6 hours ago:

    The scam is that 66,000 people from Serbia vote based on mis information. It is also SPAM.
    What is to you? Howe much are you being paid? Shut up and Go away, you ignorant fools, You know nothing about Libyan realities.

  • Cate - 13 years ago

    Can someone from Libya tell me is this true or not? PLEASE!
    Life in Libya under Gaddafi:
    1. Electricity for household use is free
    2. Free health and education
    3. Free higher education abroad
    4. Receives the average salary for this profession if you do not find a job after graduation
    5. Every unemployed person receives social assistance 15,000 $ a year
    6. After the entry into marriage state pays first apartment or house (150m2)
    7. For each infant, the couple received $ 5,000 for his needs

    I'm against every violence, war, terror!!!
    I just want to know the truth if it's possible!

  • Adam - 13 years ago

    Look at what Gaddafi is doing...the poor baby will suffer from this for the rest of his life...I pray for him and his mother

    Gaddafi must go!!

  • Libyan from Tripoli - 13 years ago

    It's not the minority supporting the interim council when you have about 1 million people in Benghazi alone supporting it.

    My family, my friends and all their families are against Gaddafi, and it is because they want democracy nothing else...these families include all social classes.

    And I think it's horrible what happened to those children on the video, but lets not judge quickly and quickly forget the massacres that Gaddafi's troops committed! more than 6,000 civilians killed so far...did you not watch the videos of what was happening the first couple of days in Benghazi then in Tripoli, then Zawiyah (did you see the skynews report on Zawiyah about 2 weeks ago?), recently in Ajdebia and still happening in Misrata??? families are killed with children as young as 4 months old.
    If Gaddafi stays then we'll be seeing more of this: (this is the "Al-Qaeda" that he's fighting)
    /Please be warned that some of the images are deeply disturbing, I still cry when i see them/

    There are many more, I'm sure you can find them on youtube

    Oh and to the person wondering why there are only 9,000 Nos i say it's because people have more information than you and have voted is not a scam I have been following this since it had about 15,000 participant, I have encouraged the Libyans, and my american and Canadian friends to vote.

    You guys should have seen how well the "rebels" have been treating many of the prisoners, there are many videos of that too!...Dont you remember about 3 or 4 weeks ago how they pulled back from Bin Jawwad because the Gaddafi troops were using civilians as human shields??...they decided not to advance so that they can protect those civilians...So don't accuse them of terrorism, it's VERY disrespectful....THE ONLY TERRORISTS IN LIBYA ARE GADDAFI AND HIS THUGS!...

  • AlewC. - 13 years ago

    i've seen before these videos, and yes it is ugly to see that we alowed such a thing to happen..

  • Ohiooo - 13 years ago

    Thanks to a 'war-reporter' for sharing those horific videos with us... People should be told the truth.. a lot of us already know it, but there are bunch of people outthere, blinded with the media.. we should distribute this, and give it to all the media channels..

  • Luis-LibyaTopic - 13 years ago

    o my god.... poor children in the video... why? why? why? WE ARE THERE TO PROTECT INNOCENT CIVILIANS , NOT TO KILL THEM!!! PULL THE TROOPS AT ONCE!! these videos should be distributed everywhere, for everyone to see... NO ARMS FOR REBELS! WE DO NOT SUPPORT TERORISM!!! What's wrong with the Obama, he should know better then to side with Sarkozy on this one, without even asking who are we defending!!?? STOP THIS WAR!!

  • DavidM - 13 years ago

    GOSHHH, those videos of NATO BOMBING CHILDREN ARE HORRIBLE!!! What are we doing there in Libya????? Killing innocent children in order for AL QAEDA to come to power??!!! Well just great!!!! Are you crazy people?? AMERICA IS NOT LIKE THAT.. WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS!! there's something very disturbing about this voting poll

  • milica.janketic - 13 years ago


  • allah - 13 years ago

    to the WAR-REPORTER who posted those VIDEOS....

    1. WE, the people who fight against Gadaffi , ARE NOT GILTY if the NATO HITS A WRONG TARGET, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH US, Nato bombs killed some of the rebels as well, couse it's difficult to see from the sky who is who.... we understand that it is easy to make a mistake, but we do not blame them for this... it happens to anyone, bombing anything.. WE support them to continue bombing and helping us!!!!

    2. AL Qaeda are not who you think they are!! They are better then Gadaffi!!! Gadaffi is the evil one!!! Those Al Qaeda rebels in the video you showed, are fighting for the freedom of Libya... they are supporting our Council, they are SUPPORTING DEMOCRACY... We all want american democracy!! Gadaffi is a terorist, stealing oil for 40 years!!!! we want to give back that oil to the people!!!! Please help us make democracy in our country... we need more heavy arms to protect our women and children!!! please vote 'yes' , or we going all to die !!!!

  • war-reporter - 13 years ago






  • crisscross - 13 years ago

    NOOO REALY??? SINCE THE 17th of FEBRUARY 2011?? council was made in the 17th of february?? and you expect us americans to give you the power??? 'This is the only legitimate representative of the all Libyan people'..AHAHHAA... you made it a couple of days ago, with your friends of Al Qaeda.. you are a minority, representing couple of villages, and fighting against the Libyan army.... you want us to give you the power??? ahahahaha .... this is funny as hell... I was all about bombing Libya... but after I found out that the ones that we support actualy represent the very very small minority, that they are led by al qaeda, and that they commited such a horrible atrocitites before the Gadaffi reacted..... I'm all for pulling our troops from there... and stop this crap.. how did we got involved in this in the first place??? o yeah, sarkozy begged us... well, GOOD LUCK SARKOZY, you will need it... GO LIE SOMEONE ELSE ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL ENEMIES!!!

  • Adam - 13 years ago

    We are not 'rebels' how can you call more than 90% of the population rebels??...There is no links to Al-Qaeda in Libya...our population is a very moderate one and are not extremists in anyway!...We want democracy and we finally had the guts to say NO to Gaddafi, it's enough enough!!

    Also remember that no one is perfect and people make mistakes, especially when blinded with fear and anger!...however, in Gaddafi's case it's organised crime that is consistently targeting all civilians who oppose his rule.

    Turkey and NATO, shame on you for not protecting the civilians in Misrata, Zintan and the whole western mountain region...people are sleeping outside in the cold because they fear that gaddafi's bombs will hit their houses!

    Gaddafi is the TERRORIST of libya and so are his militants

    Please protect libyans now!!

  • Pro-democratic Libyans= AntiQaddafi protesters - 13 years ago

    We are not rebels, we are pro democratic seekers. we should be supported under the control of our Council:
    Introducing the Libyan Interim Transitional National Council of Libyan Republic
    This is the only legitimate representative of the all Libyan people. The council derives it legitimacy from the decisions of local councils set up by the revolutionary people of Libya on the 17th of February. These local councils facilitated a mechanism to manage daily life in the liberated cities and villages. The council consists of thirty one members representing the various cities of Libya from the east to the west and from the north to the south. The aim of the Transitional National Council is to steer Libya during the interim period that will come after its complete liberation and the destruction of Gaddafi’s oppressive regime. It will guide the country to free elections, democracy and the establishment of a constitution for Libya.
    The Council members representing all Libyan cities. Few have not been disclosed due to security reasons. The council has nominated representatives from most Libyan cities and regions including Tripoli.`
    The Council notes that it is the sole legitimate body representing the people of Libya and the Libyan state and calls on all the countries of the world to recognise it and deal with it on the basis of international legitimacy. The Council also notes that it will honour and respect all international and regional agreements signed by the former Libyan government, emphasizing its aspirations in seeing Libya play a significant role in the establishing international peace and security.
    The Council also stresses that the heads of envoys and Libya’s representatives in the UN, the Arab League and all international and regional organisations, and our embassies and diplomatic missions who have joined this revolution are the legitimate representatives of this Council in these places. Most Libyan diplomatics have transferred their affiliation with this Council.
    The Council will seek to maintain peace and security in the liberated cities with all its strength. It will also plan and work towards liberating the remaining cities still kidnapped by the tyrant Mu’ammar Gaddafi and his gang. Here, we call on all the people of the world to participate in achieving these lofty goals through the commitment to the noble Libyan ethics and by prioritising our country before the self.
    Long live Libya free and dignified.
    At this critical time for the people of Libya we call for all the world, Countries, International organisations and institutions must recognise the Libyan Interim Transitional National Council of Libyan Republic

  • Mladen - 13 years ago

    America has the right to arm the rebels, as they interfere in everything so far - more peaceful way for the theft of Libyan oil.

  • Marko - 13 years ago

    Arming the rebels will not solve anything.

    Why bombing civilians?
    What will come after Gadaffi?
    What will the rebels do with the weapons?
    Are they a strong islamic extremist group?

    WHY dont people ask these questions BEFORE doing something stupid as giving rebels weapons.

    Before someone comments: Think of what the U.S. did in Afghanistan. First telling the Russians that they should stop killing muslims. Then giving extremists weapons. And now we are in a never-ending battle.
    Same happened with Kosovo.



  • ahmed - 13 years ago

    I think Gaddafi son is sick. the Libyan government says about any body who says Gddaffi must leave and leave the Libyan people free, is sick.

    I think all European government should united about taken Gaddafi family out of the political life in Libya. Because Libya will be a much better place without Gaddafi.
    The Turkish government tries to help Gaddafi family to stay in power even if the country is split to two states. This is because the Turkish government afraid of that it will loose all the contracts which has been signed with Gaddafi family for the construction companies.
    However, we all should remember that Turkey is far from Libya and they don't care if Gaddafi remain in power and started threatening European country, we all didnt forget what he had done in the past, killing the British police women, booming air planes and killing many people around the world.
    The Turkish government should feel shame by offering that Gaddafi can remain in power.

  • libyandemocrat - 13 years ago

    no, the al qaeda is not on our side, we are peaceful democratic seekers!!! and so what even if the al qaeda is on our side, they are better then gadaffi anyway! everyone is better then gadaffi, he is evil!!! and not a real muslim!!! he is just some kind of liberal muslim, a traitor, who kills his own people, and doesnt realy care about Quran and our profet!!!!

  • FreeLibyaaa - 13 years ago

    We are democratic movement against gadaffi, and the al qaeda has changed, they have different goals now, that's why they are helping us... CIA realised it, when will the other good people of america realise it as well.... we have democratic goals in our minds... please help us to kill this mean man Gadaffi, who opressed the people for 40 years!!!!! there are not many of us, but he is killing us each day you hesitate to help us, soon it will not be any other democratic person left to fight gadaffi! help us as sooon as posible! we are duying!!!

  • Al-CIA-da - 13 years ago

    this is so funny.... and sad in the same time... I've seen a video of a man al qaeda member number 63, and his different indentities, each for the different war he was sent to by the CIA and Al Qaeda... in afganistan, iraq, and now Libya, to fight for the 'peaceful' rebels and to train them... Trust me, Gadaffi is a much better solution than these extremists guys.. o yeah, and for the record... this has nothing much to do with Obama... think about it.... it's been going on for a long time.. but it must be stopped at once!

  • mudjahedin - 13 years ago

    so what???? yes, there are Al Qaeda infiltrators on our side and in the transitional council.... but we all fight for the same reason!!! to free the country from the tyranin Gadaffi!!! we will be better at ruling this country,and distributing oil, just give us more f... arms!!!!!!!!!

  • milana - 13 years ago

    These videos are horrible proof of who the US is actualy supporting.... Al Qaeda.... sad.... i've seen those swords before when I was studying for my exams, i learned all the characteristics of terorist groups in the middle east... there's no mistake.... our government is siding with Osama Bin Laden :((((((((((((((

  • jack-theseriousone - 13 years ago

    whaaaat???? we are supporting these terorists!!! OMG!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW THEY HANGED THAT GUY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHURCH, AND HUNDREDS OF THEM RECORDING HAPPILY WITH THEIR PHONES,while the others stub him with the swords!!! I've seen the other videos as well, where you can hear rebels speaking about Al Qaeda and how great Al Qaeda are... and i saw some of their atrocitites.... what i'm supposed to think now about 9/11????

  • hillarylovesjo - 13 years ago

    i'm gonna send this videos to the other media, couse it looks like the CNN is not brave enough to release them on air... or somebody just forbid them to do that... are we realy about to arm these people.... don't think so!!! when the americans see all these lies... horrible.... ripping a man's heart like that, and playing with it in the middle of the day???!!!!!????

  • adam.the.greatest - 13 years ago

    I will never vote for Obama again if he arms this terorists!!!! these videos opened my eyes... how could we fall so low..

  • muppetshow - 13 years ago

    WHAT THE HECK???????? WHY CNN DIDN'T SHOW US THESE VIDEOS BEFORE?????? WHY THEY ARE NOT ON EVERY CHANNEL AND NEWS??? I'm all against this stupid media game!!!!! I'm done with the CNN

  • anti-al-qaeda - 13 years ago

    and you can have a look at this VIDEO as well, from 2 months ago, 'the peaceful rebels' from Benghazi, in the middle of the day, on a square, CUT OFF a man's HEAD, HANDS, LEGS and TAKE OUT HIS HEART AND PLAYED WITH IT... while cheering... this is what the 'peaceful rebels' were doing to ordinary citizents of Libya before even Gadaffi started a fight with them... these rebels are led by AL QAEDA.. they were mostly infiltrated from abroad in order to make this riots, and help the west make a regime change, so the US,France and UK can have a Libyan oil... supporting the Al Qaeda by the CIA is nothing new, it already happened before in Kosovo, Iraq, Afganistan.... they infiltrate and use Al Qaeda to make riots and terorise people, becouse they know that the government will try to protect their own people and fight the terrorist, then the western media game would come, presenting the terrorists as peaceful civilians terorised by the 'opressive government'.. so they could get a clearing for the bombardment of that country... they also arm the terorrists (secretly and publicly, both ways)- they seek public approval for arming them later on, just becouse they want to cover up that they are already heavily armed by them... THE SAME SCENARIO HAPPENED IN KOSOVO, IRAQ, AFGANISTAN.. THE IMPERIALISM IS A HORRIBLE GAME..EVERY VICTIM OF IT,SUCH AS ME, KNOWS THIS SCENARIO REALY WELL...

  • anti-al-qaeda - 13 years ago

    i will give you a video to watch... what the al qaeda did to a man in a mosgue in you can see for yourself the traditional swords of al qaeda, with traditional al qaeda scripts on them etc..there are many distinctive marks, they even speak differently (couse most of them are coming from abroad and not from the east of Libya) every honest Libyan person can diferentiate that... and for the person called Ben- everyone here in the middle east know, what the west has been hiding for a long long time, that the Al Qaeda are the puppets of the CIA... people from Afganistan know it, People of Iraq know it, people of Bosnia know it... It's just that the western people didn't know it up until now.. enjoy the video..

  • Podrška al Gadafiju iz Srbije - 13 years ago

    I think to usa not need to arm rebels because:
    1) there have al-qaida
    2) Libya is free country with so much oil and all want oil!!!
    3) Rebels is not civils they kill civil with bombing like nato,when nato attack they kill many many civils,also this local band(rebels) and terorist have good gun 82mm 107mm is that civils?? o.O
    4) All Libyan people have good car they got after 18years old house with 150m2 a
    5) all good student got study in any country in the world 2500euro every mounth flat, food
    6) Libyan people for 0.30$ buy 40bread ....they live very good!

    Srbija - Libija

  • The libyan fighter - 13 years ago

    ok, you know what, now i'm FURIOUS what the heck is your problem people?!?!?!?!?!?! How the hell do you want the world to even belieive that gadaffi is'nt a theif and a heartless criminal?!?! most of you people are simply heartless non-human aliens! And this comment goes to many silly people out there...GET A GRIP OF YOURSELVES!!! i bet that ur not more than people in rehab! you need help, so go get some! And as for one specific person (no names need to be mentioned) you know who u r u freak, this is a place where people say logical comments not play 2 year old games like supporting a sick heartless person such as gadaffi!! Iswear that if i found u people infront of me, u have NO idea what i would have done to you, so i suggest that u back off!! Hassbee allah alaikum!!!

  • the libyan fighter - 13 years ago

    The U.S should arm the libyan people and as soon as possible!!! The libyans reallllly need it! When the libyans are armed they will fight the gadaffi groups out with force and there wont be anything such as a long lasting war as mentioned above!!! The silliest and most selfish comments have been mentioned above, and me as a libyan i hope that the world even recognize the agony that the brave libyan fighters are suffering!! So pleassseeee help them!!!!! And AS SOON AS POSSIBLE PLEASSSEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you wont regret this ever i guarantee you!!!!!!!!!

  • inocent libyan - 13 years ago

    If we are al Qaeda then it is forbidden to seek help from USA. because IN AL Qaeda idiology it is contraindicated to seek help from non-muslims. But we are not Al- Qaeda. We are -Anti- directorship= Pro-democracy fighters. The world must arm us now. not tomorrow.

  • Adel - 13 years ago

    Excellent editorial, Thank you Ben Majorand.
    You have done these idiots who still support Gaddafi a big favor, they need the education.

    Gaddafi supporters, you have now been told, get the point.
    It's a shame to go through life living in darkness and fear, you owe it to yourselves to learn.

  • Ben Majorand - 13 years ago

    o ground and kick them and take out guns (and the women grab knives), because they care so much about them? Oh, you probably think the journalists are too stupid, too crazy, spys for Western Oil Companies, they're all Jewish, or they're on Al-Qaeda drugs for five, the government can't let them go out to find information and take pictures. That's why Qaddafi police and soldiers take the mobile cards, camera, video equipment and notebooks away from Libyans and journalist. It all makes sense to me now. Everybody lies about Libya, even the Arab League. Or maybe the Arab Leauge is really stupid and/or Jewish?

    5. Are you seriously telling us than Al-Qaeda is in control of Ben Gahzi, Misurata, and all the other Libyan cities that are being destroyed by un-targted shelling and missiles and machine guns into people's homes and businesses? Are you telling us that whole units and generals of your army are stupid, on drugs or crazy to go to the side of the citizens? Moussa Koussa defected to England because he is crazy, stupid, on drugs on Jewish? So, I guess, the same is true about the police from towns and cities that went to the side of the Citizens. Also, many ambassadors to foreign countries, and tto the UN....Your Interior Minister, gone. Several Pilots sent to bomb civilians but gave themselves and some planes to the Fighting Citizens. Many countries now are starting to see the Citizen Revolution as the real government of the people, and not Qaddafi....All these people are crazy stupid Jewish Arab Al-Qaeda too. Wow. They are probably also jealous all his people love him so very very. All of them. Or most of them. Most of the one’s still living...

    6. So far, the World has seen what Qaddifi is doing. and 34 of them so far are helping the Citizens against Qaddafi. They are all crazy stupid Jewish Arabs? Some even Al Qaeda? If Brother Qaddafi is so correct, why doesn't he invite police (for example) from any Western, Asian, or South American country to see the Qaeda you are fighting, killing and capturing? Funny, but you know how many countries have secret agents and spies in your country? You think they would not have any idea there was Al Qaeda involved? All the diplomats and help is coming to Al-Qaeda? It’s like the whole world is stupid, crazy, and so on.

    5. If it’s true that Al Qaeda is behind the revolution, why would America stop bombing from now? We have enough money to bomb a lot more. We want to stop Al-Qaeda anywhere they go. Why would Italy and other countries be giving arms to them?

    6. Oh, I thought of a good test to see who is doing the violence. Post another reply that says that Qaddafi is a murder and thief. Then, go open your front door and wait for the secret police. They know where you are sending the email from, just like we do. Scary, no?

    So, those of you that plan to go to heaven and hang around with Qaddafi. Won’t happen. Not a chance.

  • Ben Majorand - 13 years ago

    Hello! Salam Alaykem Brothers and Sisters. This is Ben in New York City! I watched 9/11 happen and many thousands of people die. When you say the Revolutionaries are criminal gangs and Al Qaeda, I want to hear about it.

    But there is one problem. The terrorist group in your country now is not named Al-Qaeda. I know this for a fact, the terrorists go by a different name. I don't know exactly how a Libyan would pronounce the name, but in English, I think it is spelled something like "Al-Qaddafi."

    Listen, I don't know if the people here saying "Al-Qaeda! Al Qaeda!!" are Libyan government agents, teenager kids whose parents work for the government, or people who are just sadly confused or mentally ill.. Let me say it again WE KNOW THAT THE REVOLUTION IS NOT BEING LED BY AL-QAEDA.

    You want to know how I know it is not Al-Qaeda? OK, do you have a few more minutes? I'll tell you the many ways I found this out:

    1. Some of the fighters haven't shaved for a while and have beards! OMG!!!
    2. Sometimes the citizen fighters shout "Alah Akbar!" ("God is Great!") when they are fighting.
    3. They drive a lot of pick-up trucks, just like the Taliban and Al-Qaeda have often used.
    4. When someone gets killed by Qaddafi people, the citizens call the dead "martyrs".
    5, When hundreds of citizens came to the Katiba in Ben Gahzi, they wanted to go in, but the wall around it was high. No problem, because a suicide bomber drove his car and blew-up his car so one part of the wall went away, and then the people ran in and, you know the rest.
    6. This last reason is kind of cool: I have seen many many photos of the citizen fighters, and the few guys that I see have beards, they never show them smiling and dancing. They always look serious, and a little angry maybe also. Makes you wonder, right?

    Well, it doesn't make me wonder. Because I have another list now that shows that the Revolution is not an Al-Qaeda Show.

    1. Anyone who supports Qaddaffi is either a bad person, not very smart or very crazy. Whatever you say, cannot be trusted. He is the Godfather of Global Terrorism for 40 years...What? You don't believe that? Sorry to spill your tea or coffee, but the whole world knows what kind of person Qaddafi is a very long time already. Maybe you should also? (Just a thought.) And, no, it's not all lies. It's the truth. Sorry. The world does not tell lies about your Father of All Libyan People because we made a deal all together one night in secret.

    2. The last time I checked the Real World, killing thousands of innocent men, women and children, with disgusting brutality is not the best way to get rid of "Al Qaeda". Oh, you say "it's all lies!" Yeah, right. Sure. It's Al-Qaeda that is using tanks and artillery and airplane bombs to kill the innocent Libyans and destroy their homes! What did your Brilliant Leader say? Hundreds of thousands of protesters and fighters are all on drugs from Al Qaeda?! The videos I have seen "with my own eyes" show Qaddafi forces killing men, woman and children in very terrible ways. They are all fake? They were made by Steven Spielberg, who we know is a Jew, That, obviously can only mean one thing: Al-Qaeda is really Jews pretending to be Muslim Suicide Bombers!...All the African Mercenaries? Again, they are special Tall Jews who put black shoe cream on their faces!...And the government people who attacked the journalists and Heman At the Rixo Hotel? Not Jews? Oh, Aliens from Another Planet?

    4. I was wondering...maybe you can answer this question: If it is really Al-Qaeda, can you show evidence that we can test and check for ourselves is true or not? Not the fake evidence that your government shows journalists from many countries. The journalists are not stupid. They know what is going on...Also, why do foreign reporters have to stay only in the Rixio Hotel? Why can't they go see the evidence by themselves? You are worried about them? I see, so Qaddafi's Secret Police punch them, throw them t

  • Walid Shaari - 13 years ago

    The world should support the victims of Libya, in this case it is the people of Libya presented by the Interim Libya National council and the people of the liberated cities (most of the East, Misrata, Zintan), one support is to provide them with logistics, intelligence, and stop killing civilians in Misrata, Zintan & other western cities. as well show Qaddafi and his war gangs that there is justice and remove his strong control on Tripoli and allow the people to raise their voice and walk the Egyptian walk to freedom. this is still a peaceful protest , however he changed it to a viloent bloody one sided war, people still claim it is a civil war, what ever the name it is one sided war from who supposed to lead and protect his country against his own unarmed people

  • Adel - 13 years ago

    Listen up Gaddafi puppets, there is no Al Qaeda in Libya.
    Not unless your evil leader brings it in.
    Gaddafi is keeping some Al Qaeda elements in training camps somewhere in Algeria, with consent of the Algerian government, just in case he needs to show some Al Qaeda activity to the world.
    He keeps repeating his accusations of Al Qaeda presence in Libya because he's got the goods;
    got it dummies ?
    You support Gaddafi for what you say he provides, but you are getting basic stuff which should not be worth selling your soul for and should be yours any way.
    I feel sorry for you Gaddafi supporters, you are so few and so out of your minds.
    We will get arms and defend ourselves and live free.

  • Adel - 13 years ago

    You watch too much Libyan TV (Gaddafi TV) , it perpetuates lies and regime propaganda.
    Find the facts your self or you will continue to be the ignorant dumb ass which you are.

  • Mostafa N. Mamdouh - 13 years ago

    I disagree with calling them rebels. These are freedom fighters up against their 42/43 year dictatorship rule.

  • muhamed - 13 years ago

    why is america protekting al kaida in our country?? we do not want them to run this country!!
    we were ok with kadaffi!!! what's wrong with you americans?? you distroyed our infrastructure, killed civilians, ruined homes, and suporting al kaida! why all these lies??
    we had virtualy NONE homeless people in Libya, now half of them are homeless!!!! what's wrong with you people?????

  • SarrrrahJones - 13 years ago



  • JohnAdams - 13 years ago


  • Podrška al Gadafiju iz Srbije - 13 years ago

    Nato and Americans please stop with ataking libyan listening lies from rebels (or that is yours oil interest?) You are not World police,you are supporting terorist all over the world: Pakistan, Yugoslavija, Libija... STOP You making history,same like you made history with Indians. Shame on You! murderos! killers! Watch on youtube what yours army doing in Iraq,how they treting people and the property of that people... sick...and one day they will come back,to you,to America,and then they will treat you same. remmember lost generation,Wietnam generation,are they happy?Are you happy for them? Stop with that on time. Please , for pease... and humanity...

  • Patrick - 13 years ago

    Bravo Marko, you said the truth and nothing but the truth.. I am ashamed of my own country.. When will we turn to ourselves and our own inside problems??? Shall I support the biggest traitor of our time, Barack Hussein Obama, the Nobel Prize Winner for Peace, WHO SIDED WITH AL QAEDA, in his new run down for the office???? NO F WAY!!!!


  • alia - 13 years ago

    I beg Ben Major NOT TO REPEAT HIS POST ALL THE TIME... thank you Ben

  • Marko - 13 years ago

    American's history of bombing
    1945 - Japan (Nuclear)
    1945-1946 - China
    1950-1953 - Korea, China
    1954 - Guatemala
    ...1958 - Indonesia
    1959-61 - Cuba
    1960 - Guatemala
    1964 - Congo
    1965 - Peru
    1964-1973 - Laos
    1961-1973 - Vietnam
    1969-1970 - Cambodia
    1967-1969 - Guatemala
    1983 - Grenada
    1983-1984 - Lebanon
    1980's - El Salvador
    1980's - Nicaragua
    1986 - Libya
    1987 - Iran
    1989 - Panama
    1991 - Iraq
    1993 - Somalia
    1998 - Sudan
    1998 - Afghanistan
    1995 - Bosnia (Serbians in Bosnia)
    1999 - Serbia
    2001-2005 - Afghanistan
    2003-2010 - Iraq
    2011 - Libya

    Never ending story...

    It's funny to see how NONE of those wars touched american soil...

    what I can see they are the ONLY ONE killing, destroying and making wars around. They live from war, their economy is 70% military based

    AND THE RESULT IS: victim is always guilty as charged and always accused for the things the murders do

  • Ben Major - 13 years ago

    I agree with others here that America should arm the Revolutionaries and anything else that can help protect and save the lives of innocent men, women and children. I also agree that we should funnel the arms quietly through honest and accountable third parties, and to do so QUICKLY. It is beyond me how the UN Resolution that specifically says to protect civilians by "ANY AND ALL MEANS" can be interpreted to mean not giving the civilians the means to defend themselves! It makes no sense that they have to be killed and terrorized, only to pray for the coalition planes to come sooner than later and find a good target.

    I would like to add one other thing about this poll: I have to laugh at the pro-Qrapdaffy people voting here and repeating the Al-Q nonsense. However, I am too disgusted to laugh. I hear on the radio and TV how Q's fans love him and say things like what a wonderful life it is under their Brother Leader, because they have free education and free healthcare and blah, blah. Sounds great, unless you open your eyes and care how insane and evil he his. I think these people must prefer to be brainwashed and happy while turning a blind eye to his truly evil history, and his evil actions now. Pro-Q People: Your education and health care isn't free it cost your oil money. The money and oil belongs to you, not to Q for him to buy you off and ignore pay attention to his acts of inhumanity. Foolish Libyans. It is paid for with the oil wealth that belongs to you anyway, and the the blood of innocent people your Dear Leader has killed all over the world for 4o years, as well as on your own street.

  • Goxa - 13 years ago

    Rebels are mostly Al Kaida stupiddsss !!! So ... offcoure, they later destroy everything else with that arms. Americans are realy stupid people sometimes !!!

  • MilanovicZorica - 13 years ago

    well Adel.... I know, becouse i live in Libya, and I can see with my own eyes that the rebels are just a very very small portion of people, led by Al Qaeda.... they are doing atrocities in here.... In my free estimate, there are around 80% of Libyan people who are truly afraid of the Al Qaeda rebels.... becouse they are doing horrible things... they killed an unarmed very young boy in Benghazi in front my own eyes, and stabed him so many times with their traditional swords.. he was around 13-14 years old.. they hanged him for the leg after that.. If you were visiting hospitals in Libya and providing help like me, you would definietly know what is happening!!!!!! these fabricated lies i hear on the internet and from the 'transitional council' are so funny and completely ridicilous... i won't even try to mention how many innoccent people died from the Nato bombs, and how much damage it did to the infrastructure, oo and how the depleted uranium will affect the newborns with cancer deseases.. and i cannot see HOW MORE the west can ARM the AL QAEDA.. THEY WERE HEAVILY ARMED SINCE THE BEGINING OF RIOTS.. FULLY EQUIPED... IF AMERICANS OR NATO GIVE THEM WEAPONS, WE WILL NOT SEE THE END OF THE ATROCITIES COMMITED TO A INNOCCENT CIVILIANS, LIBYAN PEOPLE....

  • Adel - 13 years ago

    MilanovicZorica, what do you know about Libya and Libyans, and why should you care?
    Your writing say you are an ignorant dumb ass.
    Get some education and leave Libya, it is none of your concern.
    Libyan affairs are decided by Libyans

  • zanga - 13 years ago


  • Libyan man - 13 years ago

    We are not rebels , we are pro-democracy defenders (anti Qaddafi protesters). yes we should be armed now. to defend ourselves.

  • Innocent Libyans - 13 years ago

    This is a message to the whole world and the international community to stop Qaddafi's mass deadly attacks on civilians and massive bloodshed before it's too late. Protesters demand democracy and freedom and they have no any al Qaeda agenda or ideology. It is a public spontaneous movement and is not fundamentalistic nor islamist radical neither religious movement as Gaddafi allegedly want to convince the world. This is a Libyan revolution with a very national prodemocracy ideology. (This tactic of Gaddafi is to mislead and to deceive the western countries, NATO, rest of the world and to convince them that he fights an Islamist or terrorist, movement to have their support and stay in power, which is totally a big and an absolute lie by Gaddafi).
    The anti-Kaddafi prodemocracy uprising starts with these very spontaneous Libyan public demonstrations who have no link or any relations with al Qaeda or any external agenda as Gaddafi allegedly insist. The anti-Kaddafi Pro-democracy defenders (Libyan peaceful protests) are purely very Libyans against the tyrant, the criminal, the dictator, the insulting and the killer of Libyan people Col Moammer Gaddafi and his very oppressive regime. Qaddafi continues to fabricate videos, articles and prepaying writers for allegedly accusing the Pro-democracy defenders of al Qaeda ideology.

  • MilanovicZorica - 13 years ago

    No shit 'Libyanman'!!! '99% of the Libyan people are against Gadaffi....'???????????? AHAHHAHAHAHAAAA..... if you are to dumb to lie, dont lie....

  • al-qaeda-in-libya - 13 years ago


  • Innocent Libyans - 13 years ago

    Tripoli now, Zawia, Zentan and Misuratah, cities are now under complete blockade and siege by Kaddafi Battalions soldiers (most of them are prepaid Africans, prepaid in cash) Africans have been brought to kill innocent Libyan civilians, children. Libyan people demonstrate very peacefully. Most of demonstrators are very educated. Kaddafi African soldiers open fires on and shot public to dead indiscriminately. African soldiers committed rapes in Libyan cities. Gaddafi loyalist forces raped Libyan women and girls in streets especially women who are natively from the east of Libya. Gaddafi forces Cut electricity, cut transportations, cut internet. Kaddafi solders and snipers use ambulances, Masjid minarets, factory Silos, High towers, public buildings to shot and open fires on public peaceful protesters. The State TV spreads gossips among Libyans and only covers prepaid Kaddafi supporters (most of Kaddafi supporters are his family and tribe plus African soldiers Mercenary). Thousands of Libyans were killed, Tens of thousands of Libyans were wounded and kidnapped away from hospitals, tens of thousands of Libyans were arrested. We officially complain against Kaddafi. Complete shortages of drugs, blood transfusions needed in Libyan hospitals.
    Kaddafi soldiers and his prepaid African soldiers prevent Libyans to donate blood to wounded people. Mass destructive weapons are used by Kaddafi against his people. Great violations of international, national laws, war crimes are committed against peaceful demonstrators in Libya. Wounded people are hijacked (Kidnapped) from hospitals by Kaddafi, Most of wounded people are killed by Kaddafi soldiers in hospitals (to destruct the evidence of his crimes). Four weeks now no food to children, Infants have no milk, most of families in the capital cities are hungry, no oil, no electricity in this very cold winter. Tripoli and some Libyan cities are at risk of real humanitarian crisis.

  • Innocent Libyan - 13 years ago

    One more serious thing is that criminal Gaddafi is now (kidnapping) the relatives and families of all Libyan diplomatics who are outside Libya and arrest them, put them under severe punishment so that he can have the loyalty of Libyan diplomatics out side Libya.

    Most of Military and security forces are now killed to destruct and demolish the evidence of his mass civilian killing and eradication of Libyan civilians.

    Libyan cities like Tripoli, Zawia, Misuratah, Zentan. Ras lanoof are now under severe bombardment, strict blockade and siege, Gaddafi malicious uses warships, Katyusha and Garad rockets, antiaircraft and artillery tanks for bombing, butchering the civilians who just said no for Gaddafi regime.
    Additionally Gaddafi is now preparing to put millions landmines around Sirt and Tripoli. Gaddafi knows nothing other than killing, bloodshed and gunshot on public.
    Kaddafi does not allow any access for aid organizations to assist civilians, even to regions and cities who are under Kaddafi control.
    Mean while the opposition urge, cooperate and act very hardly to allow humanitarian aid in even in region which are under Kaddafi control.

  • Libyan man - 13 years ago

    What International community, UN and powerful countries can do TO SAVE Libyans? The world must act very urgently on the basis of:

    1.To urgently impose No-Fly Zone on Gaddafi war Planes. Also No-Drive Zone for Gaddafi tanks and heavy artillery machines would be necessary to protect civilians.
    2.To Urgently Recognise the Libyan National transitional council as the sole legitimate representative for the Libyan people.

    3.To urgently arm the opposition (which is more than 99% of Libyan People= to defend themselves).
    4.To urgently facilitate the access of humanitarian aids to the Libyan cities before it is too late.

    5.To urgently impose pressures on Gaddafi and enforce him to step down immediately.

    Very important
    1.There is no real ceasefire on earth by Gaddafi malicious
    2.Most of the civilians that Gaddafi allegedly insist, that were killed by the coalition, in fact they were killed by him on the previous last weeks.
    3.All the Libyan NATION want more Tomahawk and cruise land attack missiles on pro Gaddafi loyalist forces , please more on him , more , more to get rid of this criminal sooner.
    4.Qaddafi loyalist forces commit rape in Libyan cities. Drunken Soldiers and Gaddafi continues to burn Libyan Nation oil.

  • LIBYAinHEART - 13 years ago


  • Libyan man - 13 years ago

    This is a message to the whole world and the international community to stop Qaddafi's mass deadly attacks on civilians and massive bloodshed before it's too late. Protesters demand democracy and freedom and they have no any al Qaeda agenda or ideology. It is a public spontaneous movement and is not fundamentalistic nor islamist radical neither religious movement as Gaddafi allegedly want to convince the world. This is a Libyan revolution with a very national ideology. (This tactic of Gaddafi is to mislead and to deceive the western countries, NATO, rest of the world and to convince them that he fights an Islamist or terrorist, movement to have their support and stay in power, which is totally a big and an absolute lie by Gaddafi).
    The Uprising starts with these very spontaneous Libyan public demonstrations who have no link or any relations with al Qaeda or any external agenda as Gaddafi allegedly insist. The rebellions (Libyan peaceful protests) are purely very Libyan against the tyrant, the criminal, the dictator, the insulting and the killer of Libyan people Col Moammer Gaddafi and his very oppressive regime
    Libyan nation want real democracy can not tolerate any more. Youth people in Libya want to restore their dignity and freedom. 42 years Gaddafi selling oil and he stole peoples’ hundreds of billions of money leaving a very poor nation with an unemployment rate of more than 30%. The unarmed Libyan protesting against Gaddafi is purely a very national event, very Libyan with only internal agenda against Gaddafi tyrant regime. Protests demonstrate very peaceful, however Gaddafi wants it to be very bloody. Gaddafi came to power in Libya since 1969 with very military betrayal coup. 42 years Gaddafi in power without Legitimacy, 42 years no free elections in Libya, 42 years of oppression and tyranny, cruelty, brutality, criminality, Capital punishment, Innocent human executions, man slaughtering, genocide and bloodshedness of Gaddafi regime

  • majkemi - 13 years ago

    the message to Ben Major: You think that you are NOT brainwashed? 90% of the news you here in the western media about middle East is false and fabricated, I know couse I live in the middle East... Why dont you come over here to see some things for yourself?? instead of listening to your brainwashing media...

  • libya4ever - 13 years ago

    there are so many video proofs showing atrocities of so called 'rebels', the proofs showing that those rebels are actually AL QAEDA... it is proved that the NATO is supporting Al Qaeda in this war..... everyone can take a look at those videos, rebels have clear markings of Al Qaeda... why is this funny site still trying to fool the people.... so funny.... this voting is a joke...

  • zakaria.. - 13 years ago

    From what I've heard from the people living in the Libya, the Al Qaeda rebels were heavily armed from the start.... who armed them??? And I don't understand how come all this pro-rebel Arabs commenting here, speak in such a perfect English...where are the comments from the pro-Libyan people???????? Thousands of Al Qaeda supporters on an American media site.... WOW

  • Ben Major - 13 years ago

    I agree with others here that America should arm the Revolutionaries and anything else that can help protect and save the lives of innocent men, women and children. I also agree that we should funnel the arms quietly through honest and accountable third parties, and to do so QUICKLY. It is beyond me how the UN Resolution that specifically says to protect civilians by "ANY AND ALL MEANS" can be interpreted to mean not giving the civilians the means to defend themselves! It makes no sense that they have to be killed and terrorized, only to pray for the coalition planes to come sooner than later and find a good target.

    I would like to add one other thing about this poll: I have to laugh at the pro-Qrapdaffy people voting here and repeating the Al-Q nonsense. However, I am too disgusted to laugh. I hear on the radio and TV how Q's fans love him and say things like what a wonderful life it is under their Brother Leader, because they have free education and free healthcare and blah, blah. Sounds great, unless you open your eyes and care how insane and evil he his. I think these peole must prefer to be brainwashed and happy while turning a blind eye to his truly evil history, and his evil actions now. Pro-Q People: Your education and health care isn't free it cost your oil money. The money and oil belongs to you, not to Q for him to buy you off and ignore pay attention to his acts of inhumanity. , foolish lIbyans. It is paid for with the oil wealth that belongs to you anyway. And also the the blood of innocent people Dear Leader has helped kill for 4o years all over the world, as well as on your own street.

  • Waseem Halim - 13 years ago

    At the end of the day you have to look at the main point of the 1973 resolution. As far as my understanding it is meant to protect the civilians, and if this mean of protection(airstrikes) did not protect the civilians then you have to look to other means. Let us look to the bigger picture?

    As far as I know, their still massacres in Azzawia, Misrata, Tripoli, Azzanta, Jadu, Kkkla, Nalut and so on, this means we have to look to other means to protect them even if it takes to arm them if it is necessary.

    I am aware (from my family and relatives) and they are as first sources, that women are raped, some of them by medical proven personnels that the captured Qadafi soldiers in Ajdabia are tested positive for HIV (we have the prove).

    Also women are systematically were raped especially and Azzawia and Misrata, what they do is they look to the pictures on the videos and hubt those peoples wives, sisters, daughters and then rape them infront of their fathers and mothers to humiliate them.

    Children were raped too, some of them killed in the street and eaten their heart after opening their chests infront of the people to scare and terrorize them.

    Many of women had to abort their pregnancies after been raped.

    I think whats happening now is same what happened in Bosnia. I think it would be Serbetia of Libya.

    One of the men from Azzawia who was shown on the video clip on Facebook opposing Gadafi earlier (before Azzawia fallen in the hands of Gadafi), is captured and brought his daughter 17 years old and was raped infront of him. Many Women and girls (especially teens) were raped in Tripoli , Azzawia, Misrata, Kkkla, Ajdabia and Zwara.

    Now in Azzawai he brought mercenaries and put them in the houses of people of Azzawia living with their wives and sisters and daughters of the residents and raping them every night, also gang raped.

    He is raping wives of his military high rank people too, as i have been told(not sure of this), but their is evidence to suggest this (I am working on this to confirm).

    The story is long, this is just a glimpse and the world will see when this finishes, they will wake on huge Serbentia massacre and more.

    Thank you

  • Ivan - 13 years ago

    NO!!! and this poll is a scam...

  • Dusan Antic - 13 years ago

    What kind of question is this? If there are rebels in America, would it be normal to ask "Should EU arm American relebs"

    I can't belive that people support criminal act and yes it is criminal to interfere in domestic issues of other countries.

  • Fatima - 13 years ago

    I agree with Adam, I am a physician and worked with no salary when I graduated from medical school, I paid my own courses and managed my own expenses to study in UK, I know I recent years that Gaddaffi's son saif elslaam tried to bring up improvements in the country but that was part of his hidious plan to take over the power from his father.

  • Fatima - 13 years ago

    I am totally with arming the pro-democracy fighters, they are not rebels they are educated normal civilians like teachers, musicians, engineers and so on, they seek freedom and only freedom Gaddaffi had imposed on them to carry weapons to protect themselves, protesting in Libya is prohibited and any one protests get killed, they really are fed- up with this dictator and his sons in power, it is a mafia and not a government with each one of his sons leading one of the armed brigades that's why it is difficult for the normal soldiers to defect easily because they will be killed.

  • Adam - 13 years ago

    Note that it was an PECEFUL deomstration in begnning BUT Qaddafi's forces change it to war between his powers and the LIBYANS.

    Engineers, Docoters, normal ppl how are fighting.

    We should support them with weapans @ least!

  • Julius - 13 years ago

    U.S a should not arm Libyan rebels at all,Libya is a supreme state she should be left to iron out
    their internal wars.Only the US should intervene through UN security council.In any case Libya
    country under the embattled Gaddafi is one of the country portraying a reasonable GDP and Per Capita Income.Why fight a leader who brings stability , however much a dictator.

  • esmaiel - 13 years ago

    yes, I think the U.S. should arm the Libyan rebels as soon as possible... it is an urgent need for the freedom of Libya from Gaddafi regime ........ pleas as soon as possible arm the Libyan rebels .THANK YOU (USA) in advance

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