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President Obama has announced his 2012 re-election campaign. Would you vote for him if the election were held today?


  • Robert - 13 years ago

    For all who enjoy the vilify fest on me, why wont you be truthful and give constructive responses? Instead all you do is spew out holier than thou B.S. which just deflects from the question you have no response to.
    It's called "Manipulation by Disfavor" which is a tactic favored my most players.

    Now go worship your money since that is what influences you the most.

  • 7th Generation Texan - 13 years ago

    Felicity - You really need to quit watching so much Fox News. They are way more biased than their viewers think they are. Branch out and watch something else. Watch multiple news sources and see what everyone else says. Just because someone on Fox News says something, it does not make it true. I don't believe that you listen to all sides unless you are talking about the people that some of the Fox News programs bring in. That does not really count.

    Also, to all of you arguing over the English language - English as a language does not follow its own rules a lot of the time (some rules of the English language can't even be followed half of the time) so nitpicking on someone's correct or incorrect use of grammar is not important. Get over it. This language is one of the hardest to learn because of that. Good for you for going to a good school where you learned correct English and when to follow certain rules. Not all public schools in this country are good schools. Some are, some aren't.

  • Felicity - 13 years ago

    Myron - Thanks for your service to this country. I do think both "talk" radio and television are beneficial in that one can get a broad range of ideas. Hannity on FOX has a segment called the Great American Panel and he brings in folks of all political stripes.
    If you really study Obama and even read his writings you may discover that he truly desires to bring down this country, to put us in our place, and make us pay for past supposed wrongs. Even though he was probably born in Hawaii, he was raised in Indonesia and attended Muslim schools. He doesn't appreciate all the US has done for the world - like saving Europe from Nazi takeover in WWII. Did you see his "apology" tour and his bowing down to dictators? Even though I'm a staunch Conservative, I listen to what all sides are saying so I can make an informed choice.

  • kevin - 13 years ago

    Klaus- I thank you for coming to the US for the right reasons AND contributing to this country in a positive manner. We need more people like you here. Too bad you are more patriotic than some of those that were born here.

  • Klaus Werner - 13 years ago

    "Oh....I have live abroad (likely more than you I might add)". WTH is that even supposed to mean, Robert? Some sort of insecure and immature pissing contest-type of remark? Your replies are silly and vapid. I was BORN AND RAISED "abroad", and being steeped in European culture for almost two decades, I don't want to live "abroad" again. I chose America for a reason.

  • Toadie - 13 years ago

    I think it's funny that Robert slams the U.S. for being a monolingual country (no need to capitalize or hyphenate), yet that clown hasn't even mastered his own mother tongue (GRAMMER, your vs. you're, and all other types of grammatical and spelling errors). I'm from Croatia and I have a better grasp of English than he does! LOL.

  • Mr. Roboto - 13 years ago

    You STILL didn't spell it correctly! It's GRAMMAR! Jesus Christ, you have no self pride, do you? So you're AN independent? Ron Paul nut, right?

  • Myron LaMonte - 13 years ago

    Yes...I'd vote for him. Whose the alternative? I don't agree with everything he stands for but I've not agreed with any previous presidents, previously. They all tell you what they think you want to hear and then.....oh well. But one would think that Obama is the stupidest guy who ever stepped in to 1600 Penn Ave. Well we know that isn't true (see previous president). If you listen to talk radio and believe they have the answers then you are an idiot anyway and nothing I could ever say would make sense to you either. These are just MY views and I'm an independent. I'm a retired soldier. I'm a baseball and apple pie no nonsense American. I'm still looking for ANYBODY in the GOP to come forward with a message that doesn't sound like a broken record. Cut taxes and spending! Create jobs and give tax breaks to the wealthy. Sound familiar? same old story. Give me a plan will ya?! Stop bitchin and do something!

  • Robert - 13 years ago folks sure do need division dont you.
    All the hate and vilifying and grammer crap.
    Guess the spirit of the message went right over your head huh.
    I'm sure if my opinion was in sync with yours it would be overlooked.

    Oh and btw.....I'm a independent and not a liberal.

    So much for your self rightous

  • Felicity - 13 years ago

    Regarding GE not paying taxes, this is a favor to the CEO Jeffrey Imault who controls the parent company of MSNBC which is the mouthpiece for Obama and the liberals. That's how he got this big no tax favor from the government.
    I hope in this election cycle we can find even a few people who went to school with Obama as we seem unable to find friends from his youth. He is hiding something and I can't wait to find out what it is. By the way have you noticed Obama supports radical Muslims, deadbeats, and European style Socialism? He doesn't really believe in the values and principals that made this country great (American Exceptionalism) like hard work and independence. I don't need the government to take care of me!

  • Mr. Roboto - 13 years ago

    Robert, it looks like he spent some time replying to John, so maybe he's "saying nothing" to a loser who can't even articulate a retort using proper English.

  • Ra Ra Retard Robert - 13 years ago

    It's GRAMMAR, genius. It's only "Grammer" if it's Kelsey. Also, it's YOU'RE, not YOUR. Der, dee, der!

  • jackson - 13 years ago

    Money issues aside, Obammy is busy dismantling the country morally with his ultra liberal appointments to judgeships and completely ignoring by wrongly-used executive "legislative" powers. These issues will affect generations, i.e. my grandchildren and so on. I don't know if the damage he has done socially can ever be undone. I think the financial side of the argument distracts attention from the moral bankruptcy that has quietly, or not so quietly, crept into every aspect of American life.

  • Robert - 13 years ago

    Right Wing Nut Job - talks a lot but says nothing.
    Instead of a constructive reply, he just vilifies and nit pics over grammer.
    Was the message not understood?

    Guess when your wrong, that is all you have left to spew out I guess.

  • Right Wing Nut Job - 13 years ago

    Robert: "Tax's", "exec's", "ECOMOMIC"?!? Are you even literate?

    John, I totally agree that WFB made a lot of sense. He was the beacon of conservatism that should have remained as the standard bearer. By the way, Sarah Palin isn't nearly as popular in the conservative circles as a lot of people think. I hope she shuts up and goes away. If I see her yappy mug once more today, I'll puke.

  • Kato - 13 years ago

    John and Robert, do you have any more red herring left? I'll take some with drawn butter, please.

  • Robert - 13 years ago

    So Klaus what you are saying is we did not have to borrow and extra 400 million from Communist China? Are you saying the two wars we are still in were fully funded?
    Oh....I have live abroad (likely more than you I might add) and know what folks abroad think of Americans.....we are known as the Mono-Lingual country who thinks english should be the official language (yet we are so diverse in culture).

    And about talkng points.....entitlement much did G.E. pay in tax's last about ZERO dollars. .....were you aware of that? Now that is a entitlement program! Most big corporations have no sense of ecomonic patriotism and sense of shared sacrifice. And you want to whine about deadbeats?? These corporate exec's are just business casual thugs!

  • john lanore - 13 years ago

    Ah Klaus-But here's where your point falls far short of the mark. The out of control borrowing and spending in your adopted country is a Republican function. Every major economist from the far left to the extreme right from Angela Merkel's Finance Minister to Prime Minister David Cameron of the U.K. will admit candidly that no one political party in any western country has contributed more to the national debt in their terms in office than the U.S. Republican party. The recent Bush administration was the worst example. Do you really believe this will end in 2012 with a Republican administration sucking at the public teat. You sound like a bright guy and like you I am an Immigrant (2007) but come on, my friend, be more articulate about reality. We need a strong conservative movement in America like that which was expoused for years by the William F. Buckley's and the David Frumm's of the world but not what the Republicans are currently offering. Today, who would you vote for as a Republican choice and who would he his (or hers if you support Sara Palin) Treasury Secretary???

  • Klaus Werner - 13 years ago

    John, you're spouting the typical spoon-fed leftist talking points, praising the "perfection" of European politics and such, without doing your own research. You've obviously never lived in Germany (I was born and raised there from 1970-1988, only to come here with $1900 in my bank account in search of a much better way of life). There are many parties that are "enemies" of each other. The CSU, CDU, SPD, FDP, and others also trip over themselves to besmirch and block the initiatives of the other. Nothing is different than here. You should see the swag these parties hand out during elections. It's ridiculous.

    Oh, and Robert, it's the entitlement programs, the dozens of them, that have racked up trillions of dollars. You espoused another liberal talking point that has absolutely zero merit. Us top two-percenters (actually 1%) foot the bill for most of the deadbeat loafers who complain because life supposedly gave them a raw deal. Go abroad and ask someone what America means to them, and they'll BEG YOU to find a way to bring them over. America is the greatest country on earth. America defeated the evil juggernaut known as the Nazis, freed Europe and the world from imminent demise, and continues to be the machine that drives the world economy (for now). However, America's greatness is at a dangerous precipice because of out of control borrowing and spending that MUST BE STOPPED NOW before total insolvency occurs. Look at those wonderful European countries you all love and admire - Greece, Portugal, etc. that are BANKRUPT because of moronic and nationally suicidal fiscal policies.

  • Robert - 13 years ago

    Here we have to Borrow 400 million from Communist China so the top 2% can have their tax break (and it wont be to create any jobs either) and then the GOP whines over how there is no money and threatens to shut down the Govt??

    Why would anyone be compelled to vote for anyone with that type of reasoning?

  • Kathy - 13 years ago

    John - We always have a choice... even if it is the lesser of the two evils.

  • John Lanore - 13 years ago

    I don't thinki we have any choice until the Republicans (1) present clearly defined and articulated alternative policies and (2) credible candidates come forward.

    The U.S. is one of the few western countries that have an "empty opposition." That is unlike the U.K. , Australia, Canada, Germany, France and Brazil there is no strong alternative party with clearly spelled out policies on the issues of the day.

    Will I vote for Obama in the actual election. Maybe, maybe not. But for now until the Republicans stop playing this continuing game of criticizing rather than building, we have no choice.

  • CB - 13 years ago

    Yap yap yap. Dems had control long enough into Obama's presidency for something to happen, yet nothing did. Your president and your party are feckless and impotent. Sure, blame the Republicans, who weren't even in control of both houses (or the White House, either).

  • F. Browning - 13 years ago

    President Obama has done a good job when allowed to. Most opposition comes from Republicans - older senior citizens and radio fanitics listen to dufus Rush Limbaugh and his cronies. They have nothing to say except negative comments about everything, then wonder why Democrats will not listen to their side. Politics is very frustrating, it's always the same - All Democrats (myself) are not bleeding heart liberals - All Republicans are not as critical of everything as Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannety, Levin, and Laura ?. It would be nice if everyone were respectful and listen to everyone elses' side of an issue. It will never happen!

  • Dianne Lewis - 13 years ago

    I think voting for Obama is treasonous!

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