Are you worried about what a government shutdown would do to you and your family?


  • laura regalado - 13 years ago

    I think our politicians should have to take a 5% pay cut , and pay for there insurance the same as the majorityof the people they are suppose to be representing. also pay for there retirement fund too. If it's good enough for us it should be for them.
    I am tired of idiots voting for idiots. It's time for us to take back our government. From the thieves and liars that keep getting put back into office.

  • Ellen - 13 years ago

    If congress wants to cut spending how about starting with their salaries and benefits.Also lets stop paying illegal immigrants all the benefits receive and let's not make the deal with Mexico about illegals getting social security benefits and legal status. If they paid Homeland Security to find them and deport them they would earn their pay and benefits to them will be reduced.

  • Phil - 13 years ago

    The government is too expensive in any case. They will still provide basic services which is all they really should do to begin with. They should get rid of the bogus domestic spying entity know as the Department of Homeland Security while they are at it. I also feel that military spending is way out of control. We spend more than the rest of the world combined and that is just crazy. They should also start taxing churches that support a political agenda or that cause trouble that needs police protection IE Westboro Baptist and Pastor Terry Jones etc. In conclusion: Our government has gotten way too big and could really stand to be trimmed down. Ronald Reagan also helped start this problem by increasing the national debt by 186% and decimating our manufacturing sector.

  • Unique - 13 years ago

    This is a Republican ploy to prove a political point! I know that America and the rest of the world see them for who they are...political opportunists! The Republicans in office care nothing about this country, its people, or its ideals...only their own personal political agenda...causing Barak Obama to fail. They will let no thing nor no one stop them from doing that, no matter whom it hurts! If it makes Obama seem like a failure as a president, then so be it. Everyone who is negatively impacted is simply collateral damage! The Republicans will blame Obama for everything that occurs while he's in office even if they know people are suffering because of decisions. Sad, they didn't blame Bush when he was in office.

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