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Should the Bells Corners strip be renamed Lloyd Francis Boulevard?

Total Votes: 145

  • TonyL - 13 years ago

    Here is where you can find it to sign: Foil Head, 120 Robertson Rd. Paintball Paradise, 130 Robertson Rd. Randall’s, 120 Robertson Rd. Spahara, 150 Robertson Rd. Big Mort’s Little Pub, 11 Robertson Rd. Petro Serve, 50 Robertson Rd. Aado Designs, 3730 Richmond Rd. State Farm Insurance, 120 Robertson Rd.

  • Viginia Merritt - 13 years ago

    How, where can I sign a petition? In my opinion, this name change is absurd, absolutely outrageous, costly, and unnecessary! Give Bells Corners a new image in the city, Mr. Chiarelli? Give me a break!!!

    I'll certainly remember it when the next municipal election rolls around. Hey folks, record these shenanigans in a document in your computer - just in case you think you'll need a reminder a few years from now. There are no excuses any longer for "short memories".

  • OttawaCityCouncilWatch - 13 years ago

    We are not going to allow this to happen. Rick has a lot of plans for Bells Corners that Bells Corners doesn't want. On Friday he realized it isn't going to be that easy.

    This name change is the strangest thing. It is the first time I have ever seen a councillor fight so hard to spend $49,000+ in tax money on a project everyone is against. I'm not going to explain in detail here but Rick has put a lot of effort into forcing this name change. If you want to read about it this is our summery It is actually a very shocking read. You'd imagine this kind of dirty pool would be something you'd get with major development projects but that fact that Rick is behaving like this over a street renaming is insane.

    If you haven't signed a petition please do.

  • Valerie Easson - 13 years ago

    Let's think about the small business owners too! They don't have any extra money to spend on this. And who knew "The City" had extra dollars.

  • Eldon Gaw - 13 years ago

    If this is as important an idea our councilors can come up with pity us. And if it is, if this is the best solution they could find, we need new councillors. Do you dipsticks not realize that that same stretch of unbroken pavement called Richmond Road becomes Wellington Street only a few kilometers east? Then a few more and it becomes Rideau Street, only to change to Montreal Road a few farther? And then Old highway 17.... all the way to the Quebec Border? I guess there are a LOT of lost deliveries along that route...and oh yes, lots of ambulances and fire trucks that can't find addresses either... Nobody in any of the other words are complaining about lost vehicles or mail or what ever...

    Geez …..Why not solve all that confusion and name the whole bloody thing Lloyd Francis Auto-route?

    I hope companies like General Dynamics (Formerly Computing Devices) who have survived being located on a "lost street", and done so very well for over 40 years, employed thousands of people and brought millions of dollars and probably hundreds of families into Bells Corners, take notice and are defiantly miffed. They, (AND MANY MORE COMPANIES along this lost route, ) do more for Bells Corners and do so willingly and in the back ground. How many people do all these other companies employ? Now they ALL have to have every envelope, every shipping label every letterhead and every business card, every telephone listing, every return address, every legal document, every cheque, every invoice, every contract, every reference manual, OK GET MY POINT?) Changed...and for what?

    On top of that their customers now have to do the same for them...because of this terribly stupid idea. Consider every business along the Richmond road/Robertson road stretch and ask yourself just how much are these companies going to want to spend new money for an asinine idea like this? How many companies will be bearing the brunt of this costly, selfish, childish stupidity?

    MR Charrelli I do hope you have an alternate employment plan for the future. I used to think you were an OK guy, but now, YOU have lost my vote for ever. I sincerely hope hundreds of others in this riding consider their choices next election. This was just plain stupid..... and YOU didn't even think so. I hope your rewards were worth it.

    As for the dog and pony show at City Hall today, the Francis Family displayed they really dug deep to act out today. Unfortunately for everyone else there they proved they have absolutely no class. Their Father was a wonderful gentleman . A man with vision and stewardship and poise and honor. The act played out today showed they have none of that honorable Man's heredity. Shame on you all.

    Eldon Gaw.

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