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Do you have a bailout bag in your RV for emergencies?


  • Denise Smith - 12 years ago

    We subscribe to a secure backup service called Carbonite, where designated folders on our computer are automatically backed up to secure servers. We have scanned all important documents including passports, drivers licenses, vehicle titles, etc. These scans are stored in encrypted files on our computer, and backed up to the secure server. Even if the computer is destroyed, these files can be retrieved from any computer and copies printed. Our concern with hard copies of some of these documents is the possibility of identity theft, should they fall into the wrong hands.

  • Sarah Shong - 13 years ago

    We call it our "Grab 'n Go"; it's a medium-sized backpack containing copies of insurance policies, copies of credit and insurance cards, passports; small inverter, extra keys, and an external hard drive (password-protected financial records, other selected documents; could be a thumb drive). We also have a fire-proof lockbox which contains the original policies, our passports, and (while we were FTing) vehicle titles. (We now have a safe deposit box for titles, jewelry, deeds, etc.) On the road, the backpack lives right behind my seat in the motorhome. The lockbox lives @ the opening of a curbside storage bay, ready to roll out onto the ground in an emergency. NOTE: Remember to update photocopies of documents as ins. policies are changed, new passports issued, etc.!! Review bag/lockbox contents regularly.

  • Barbara Denning - 13 years ago

    No, we don't have one, but thanks for the idea. I will have the information in at least three places now, in the truck, one in the trailer and one at our daughter's house. Thanks for all of the good ideas we have gotten from you.

  • william share - 13 years ago

    why not just scan all important papers, photos and instructions onto a thumb drive and keep it on a chain around your neck?

  • Al Hollister - 13 years ago

    Our bailout bag is a small fireproof safe containing all our critical documents. Since we are fulltimers we include our RV and toad insurance info, titles, but also our birth certificates, life insurance policies, passports, financial records, etc. Don't forget prescription records, spare checks, maybe duplicate credit and debit cards and a few dollars. The safe stays on the floor right next to the exit door.

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