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Who are you rooting for in today's PoV comp?

Total Votes: 2,845

  • samantha - 16 years ago

    i think adam did not want james out this week cause he cant play next week in hoh. he was afraid that he was the first out of their alliance to go. i think he knew about the girls alliance. prob she bot opened her mouth. but still adam how stupid r u? i mean sheila and sharon need to go b4 u. get a brain u idiot!! and for the record i have never been a james fan. he should of never came back. i voted alex. the hgs shouldn`t of voted for that. they have brought ppl back b4 and hgs never had a say. what is diff this time? anyways i am 4 nat to win!!

  • JT - 16 years ago

    John A, No you are not the only one but unfortunately around here we are outnumbered. I'm not just PO'd b/c I don't like's also b/c I can't believe Adam's idiocy! Granted it was already know he isn't the brightest bulb in the pack but this is way dumber than I thought he was. They had it IN THE BAG for the final 4 & he just risked it all b/c he's a frelling COWARD.

    But you know what...if it ends up Adam & James in the final two I'd vote (while holding my nose) for James over the idiot Adam. And I think if it ends up w/ them in the final 2 then James WILL win over Adam w/ ALL the jury house votes...unless his idiocy is contagious b/c if those other 3 that were in his alliance vote would for him after this then they're just as idiotic as he is!

  • john a - 16 years ago

    I do not uderstand. Am i the only one who cannot stand James? If he says that he had to sit next to Julie one more time I am going to vomit!!!! He has to be the biggest whiner in the history of this game. I don't know why people like him. Please explain it to me.

  • jess - 16 years ago

    i am so happy james is not up against sharon on the block, now he can win pov (hopefully) and will go against his word to adam and take sharon down and then he will likely put up natalie and either she or sheila can go home. here's hoping =)

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