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Has someone close to you committed suicide?

Total Votes: 131
1 Comment

  • kamm - 13 years ago

    I voted 'No" but that was wrong. One of the nurses I worked with injured his back at work just days before his wedding. After PT, surgery and a modified work schedule and responsibilities, it was determined he had a 100% disability and was removed from the hospital. He overdosed with Dilaudid patches 11 months after the injury, had 2nd thoughts called 911 and started removing the patches but was dead when the Paramedics arrived. Vigorous resuscitation efforts at the scene and in the Emerg Dept were unsuccessful. In a subsequent staff psych meeting, many male nurses said they are defined, to some extent, by their profession and would have a hard time fighting depression to see any alternatives if they were in the same situation.
    He was a quiet, private person who was made alive by his work. His RN wife was distraught and so angry with herself because she saw no signs. So sad! Her friends and colleagues were proactive in helping her with her grief on a daily basis, even if only keeping quiet company when she didn't want to connect. We continue to do that even years later.

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