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If you could send Allison Grodner one message about this week, which of the following would it be?

Total Votes: 4,560

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  • Dan Carneal - 16 years ago

    Bring Big Brother to CANADA!!!!!

    Love Ya, Grodner

  • Julia - 16 years ago

    I'm a Crazy James Fan

  • warren - 16 years ago

    I would love to see Julie introduce the "two remaing relationships" at the fanalie, and have someone walk out with the guinea pigs

  • suszanlynnn - 16 years ago

    Oh and also the "older" people. I mean come on, all its been about is young, blonde, big boobed and slim.

  • suszanlynnn - 16 years ago

    Being a full figured woman yourself Allison, dont you think it is time you give us full figured women a chance to play?

  • L Bailor - 16 years ago

    Next BB there really needs to be more age diversity. Lets make half the house in their 20's and half over 40. Those two age groups would think totally differant and create new situations, instead of a big frat party. That gets really boring fast.

  • DB - 16 years ago

    Who cares if they cheated!??! I've been watching every season since it started and it isn't the first time a pov has been thrown so someone else can win.
    *BB will lose a lot of fans?! *
    Hardly! either youre a fan or you aint!!
    It's the's how they(Adamn & Ryan) decided to play it's THEIR choice!

    GO RYAN!!!!

  • Albrainya - 16 years ago

    I am appalled that Ryan and Adam got away with cheating in the POV comp. I have watched BB since the first season and can't ever remember another contestant having the advantage of someone giving them the answers!!! I thought "game shows" were held to certain standards, and cheating was a definite no-no. Allowing that to happen maked BB look like a lame scripted reality show, instead of the unpredictable show it has always been. If this incident is not addressed by the producers, I fear that you will lose a lot of loyal fans.

  • WagMore BarkLess - 16 years ago

    Please do not "tailor" this HOH for Natalie to win as she is sure that it's gonna happen that way - (she's received devine assurance that she's already the winner). Let it play out naturally and see how it all goes down. We all might be pleasantly surprised.
    Check out that POV comp, too. There should not be any assistance with any answers being given to any competitor.

  • WagMore BarkLess - 16 years ago

    Please do not "tailor" this HOH for Natalie to win as she is sure that it's gonna happen that way - (she's received devine assurance that she's already the winner). Let it play out naturally and see how it all goes down. We all might be pleasantly surprised.
    Check out that POV comp, too. There should not be any assistance with any answers being given to any competitor.

  • Elissa - 16 years ago

    Adam or Ryan should be the one or ones to go for cheating in the POV comp with Adam telling Ryan answers because he did not want to win it himself. I have been a fan and watched BB since season 1 and am appalled that CBS and BB are going to let someone get away with blatant cheating which i am sure will be edited out for the show appears on air.

  • Kiaarra - 16 years ago

    Pleeease, a how bad do oyu want it comp !
    balllaaa needs some pink hair on the go :P

  • WAHMOM - 16 years ago

    I can't believe how boring this show is going to be without anyone interesting :( have had to cancel showtime and the live feeds because its just not worth the money to watch a bunch of boring people gossiping.

  • DB - 16 years ago

    PLEASE!!!! James is not THE best player! and the show WON'T get boring once he leaves..come on!!! What is everyone smoking?!
    He whines all the time..he acts like a 21 yo..and if he's gotten this far is only because he screwed people over time and time again!
    Ryan on the other hand is a great player..boring I'll admit..but a simple person just like you all are. He was on the block 3 times and made it back...STOP refering to James as a saint which he is far of being..I doubt God would of sucked dick for a few bucks when he was younger.
    Anyways...I like the show how it is...but BB is clearly doing everything they can to keep James in the house for GOD only knows what reason.

  • MW - 16 years ago

    Once James leaves the game will be B-O-R-I-N-G!!!

  • AmyK - 16 years ago

    Why do you insist on making James look like a saint? Why not show the pickle juice incident?

  • La - 16 years ago

    This group of HGs has been most disappointing. BB9 feels as though the season was rushed to cover the writer's strike and, as a result, those chosen have sullied the game. Following last season's "Bible Belt" with another this season has spoiled the competition and made this game something it's not--God's plan for us all.
    Most of all, however, I find it impossible to believe two other players could not have been found other than Shelia and Natalie--both of whom besmirch the name of women everywhere. Do young women today need these two as symbols of womanhood? Both have sold their bodies and, through their words and actions, have suggested this was the only option available to them. There are 45 year old single mothers the world over who did not become high class call girls and then turn around and claim it was not their "fault." I find them both without redeeming qualities--they will lie and cheat to get what they want and use their bodies as game pieces.

  • Kim Seibert - 16 years ago

    You make it too easy for Sheila to run to the DR everytime things don't go her way. She's a tattletale. Also, I think I can speak for most viewers when I say show Natalie and the other HG's some of the feeds to prove what a liar she is. She really looks like the fool she is. James is the best player in the house, he gives it his all, I feel that he should go further into the game. An Endurance comp would be good, we already know he would win it that is unless Nat is still there.

  • Laura - 16 years ago

    I'm glad James is finally going...they were stupid for allowing him to return to the BB house in the first place

  • Christie - 16 years ago

    You are doing an awesome job this season. I am so excited that James will finally get evicted. He deserves it. More endurance comps please!

  • Dan - 16 years ago

    Please AGP.. Make Sure James does not get evicted.. It will hurt your ratings.

  • jennifer - 16 years ago

    Dear AGP--Please return BB to what it used to be (and still is in every other country it airs) with real people, and have them nominate two HG's and have US vote them out. Also enough with the twists already.

  • Patti - 16 years ago

    hey DR guys, please find a way to let adam know he can now trust James and that Ryan and Nat are hoping for a double eviction to get rid of him and Shebot. Adam deserves better than those two. If James leaves, a lot of people on numerous sites and chat rooms are really not going to NOT watch for the rest of the season,including myself. Its your own fault for picking such a weak and spineless group of losers.I am a James fan and a BB fan, but I at least want to see someone with a little character win the money.


  • Teresa Shivers - 16 years ago

    Yall are doing a great job with the competitions. I would love to see a little more continuation through the week. For instance, it is cool when changes are made in the house or visitors show up and the house guests have to remember things about it later. Also, maybe more luxary comps and viewer involvement like last year. We also would love to see more of the sequester house. More of the "unexpected" I love Natalie but it would be really fun to plant "signs" that she can freak over and speculate over even if they mean nothing. You could also let the viewers vote on pranks to be played on the houseguests. Just a little more stuff to liven up the feeds and deviate from the ordinary every week. It would also be fun to hook up a lie detector test and let the housegusets decide on one question for each of them. You could also implement a different penalty system (maybe for cursing) and if someone gets too many penalties they could have to compete in a contest where they could keep their spot or be replaced by someone in sequester if they lose.

  • Teresa Shivers - 16 years ago

    Yall are doing a great job with the competitions. I would love to see a little more continuation through the week. For instance, it is cool when changes are made in the house or visitors show up and the house guests have to remember things about it later. Also, maybe more luxary comps and viewer involvement like last year. We also would love to see more of the sequester house. More of the "unexpected" I love Natalie but it would be really fun to plant "signs" that she can freak over and speculate over even if they mean nothing. You could also let the viewers vote on pranks to be played on the houseguests. Just a little more stuff to liven up the feeds and deviate from the ordinary every week. It would also be fun to hook up a lie detector test and let the housegusets decide on one question for each of them. You could also implement a different penalty system (maybe for cursing) and if someone gets too many penalties they could have to compete in a contest where they could keep their spot or be replaced by someone in sequester if they lose.

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