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The White House released the long form of President Obama's birth certificate. Has the issue been resolved to your satisfaction?


  • CJ - 13 years ago

    This is shameful for this country. Being Black in United States is a sin. No other presidents ever asked to release their birth certificate. I lived in Europe I only experienced such sillyness in this country. No one has the right to ask a president of USA to release his birth certificate. If Obama was Black and Republican, this will not even be an issue. United States should be ashamed.

  • Annie L. Brown - 13 years ago

    This country is unbelievable ,the things that's going on in this country Is unreal everytime we waist time with JUNK AND MORE JUNK, then we waist lives and the peoples in this country is suffering with the lack of food , housiing ,Jobs amd etc , if we had a team of Republicans that believed or thought of the rights of every American as they do their own ,then they would not be walking around like they own this country and nobody is better than an REPUBLICAN, I am surprised at my age how much the Republican party and the Tea Party make me feel like I am back in the 40's ,50's, 60's everytime I hear read or think of what is happening in this country now (2011). It makes me feel like that little black girl that was not allowed to go in front door of restraunts, movies, even Doctor office, not even drink at water fountains unless marked colored, to go to a park unless marked colored, If President Obama had to present his birth certificate then everyone in office need to prsent theirs. One last comment if I had to show my Birth certificate to the US, then It would have read COLORED, maybe that's what we all should do. Now for God sake GET OVER IT, GET OVER IT, GET OVER IT. and then tell Donald Trump to sit down and buy him a LIFE.

  • P. Clark - 13 years ago

    President Obama has been criticized, since being in Office, the Tea Party alone with Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and the entire Repulican party don't like Black ,that's how the Tea Party came about, its another word for the KKK.

  • Lindsey - 13 years ago

    I viewed the certificate and it doesn't appear to have any kind of official seal embossed on it.
    I have also viewed a video of the President saying he was born in Kenya and is of the Musllim faith. I just don't believe anything he says anymore.

  • christina montgomery - 13 years ago

    I believe that the president paid someone off to make a fake birth certificate. When we asked for this at the beginning of his term he refused to show it. Now that he is up for re-election for a 2nd term, he shows it. We may have more important things to handle at this time, but if he would have provided proof in the beginning, it would not be an issue now!

  • Phil - 13 years ago

    This is a topic for the truly idiotic. Like he wasn't fully vetted by the NSA upon his registration to run for the office. Durr . . .

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