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What do you think is the greater national security concern for the United States? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 64

  • Connie Jacobs - 10 years ago

    The U.S. does not make a serious effort to secure our boarders. If 12 million illegals can cross our boarders into the U.S. undetected, so can terrorists. I guess the American people will continue to bury their heads in the sand until there is actually war in their own little corner of the world. Also, I've lived in places where immigrant parents moved their children to other cities or states to get them away from gangs. Then those children started up their own gangs so they could now be the leader.

    The U.S. is like a boat; how many illegal immigrant passengers can we take on and support until we are overloaded and sink? We have more people on Medicaid and receiving free social services then we have U.S. citizens and corporations paying taxes. Our own government allowed American corporations and jobs to leave our country years ago to avoid taxes. How much longer can middle class Americans continue to support illegal immigrants? Where are the jobs? It's not a matter of if we have another serious financial collapse, it's a matter of when.

  • Kevin Vornheder - 10 years ago

    Immigration at our southern border us more a humanitarian crisis than a security issue.

    Israel and Gaza are simply continuing more of the same strife we've seen for years -- and is not likely to end well for the people launching rockets at the country that should have "Never Again" stitched on its flag.

    Russia's actions in the Ukraine represents a resurgence of historic Russian expansionism that neither began nor ended with the Soviets, and could eventually have serious ramifications for our NATO allies. Russia is also the only actor in the poll who could potentially be in a position to threaten the U.S. in the future. U.S. military action is not warranted at present (probably not this decade, given Russia's current reach), but this is where our diplomatic and intelligence efforts need to be directed.

  • BONNIE Bethke - 10 years ago

    The leaders in Washington D.C. are thr true threat to our security.

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