Miley Cyrus covering Nirvana ...


  • shruti - 13 years ago

    She is so stupid, i feel like laughing at her for covering one of the greatest rock song in the history, and that is not all she covered poison and godzilla so badly, i wanna fucking kill her for doing this

  • Assoú - 13 years ago

    She's a whore. First, i just hated her coz i thought well, she's a stupid popstar who doesnt knw what music means. Then i hated her more for her 'incident' with Radiohead. Now, i hate her to the maximum for this. Everyone in that concert should have walked away. And speaking of the 'dancing', wtf was that? She should be sued for this.

  • Creaturz - 13 years ago

    It's a tribute song. Not many female vocals could even touch grunge, let alone sing it decently. She did good, but its far from being perfect. Kudo's for the tribute.

  • Teddy T - 13 years ago

    Her terribleness is very underrated. It is so sad the number of talentless idiots that are popular.

  • the sun - 13 years ago

    well...vocals were ok but it was a really bad move on her part to cover Nirvana. All rock fans hate her so now she has just given them another reason.

    Yes agreed the "dancing" was disgusting and looked like some attempted head-banging.

    Overall terrible cover, bad idea by her, and no one can pull off Nirvana good.

  • The Moon - 13 years ago

    What is all the jerkin' around at the beginning of the song? Is that dancing or an epileptic fit? This girls ego is just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay outta control. But it's all Disney's fault according to daddy Cyrus. What a joke.

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