Who are you rooting for in this week's (first - clarifying just in case there are 2) HoH?


  • Jess - 16 years ago

    Although I would love for things to get more interesting today in the BB house....I would be INFURIATED if they chose to do it on the day that James is supposedly going to be evicted. If they give that sorry boy another chance on this show I will go nuts! All of "Pinky's" fans go on and on about how he is the best player ever to be on BB......then why does Big Brother have to baby him through the whole game? Without the producers he would have been long gone!!!

  • Sanjiya - 16 years ago

    Big Brother always says expect the unexpected, however, with the exception of the initial "marriage" of couples and bring a house guest back into the house; everything has gone as expected.

    What would turn this house upside down is to hold an immunity contest today for the people on the block. Whomever, wins is safe, and hold the eviction right there and get rid of someone on the spot.

    Or, allow them to evict the new person on the block "live" Wednesday.

    Can you imagine the looks on their faces, If, because of, Ryan's injury
    the eviction was postponed and the people on the block were allowed
    to put the entire house on slop or worse for another chance to stay?

    Especially, now, with all of the lies and deals being exposed.

    Come on, Big Brother, make it interesting!


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