Should the U.S. release photos of Osama bin Laden's body?


  • Good job Navy Seals - 13 years ago

    Until pictures of the dead Osama are made public, there will always be doubters particularly around the world. Unless it's against the Muslim faith, something our president is careful to respect, those pictures should be shown to Americans and the rest of the world.

  • Ooh-Rah - 13 years ago

    I dont know if you lost a loved one during that cowardly act on civilians, tens of thousands of mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, children, etc DID. As a proud New Yorker, Seeing Bin Deadman with a portion of his skull missing WOULD give me some peace and closure (just like the Hussein bro's dead photo's and their fathers capture, and subsequent hanging gave the iraqi's who feared them, which was most, some peace). I trust he's dead and now fishfood, but still want a photo! I wish i could've been that SEAl to squeeze off those rounds!!!!!!!! Then, i wouldnt need pictures, i'd have that beautiful image permanently engrained in my mind.

  • Jennifer Chee-A-Tow - 13 years ago

    I agree not to show those pictures. People are just curious. And to those who say they want closure there is no such thing. Your loved one is gone and seeing Bin Laden's dead body is not going to bring you peace. I think there will be too much backlash. He is gone, let's let him go.

  • manny - 13 years ago

    let them know he OSAMA was #1 soon we will get #2 #3 # 4 and who want's to be next?

  • Ooh-Rah - 13 years ago

    They show pictures of Udai Hussein and his brother all zipped up after we sent a few TOW missles into their lil hideout to prove they were dead. I also disagree after seeing "too many" Americans and others jump to their deaths, burned, and buried alive, crushed when towers fell from 9/11, BUT THEY WONT SHOW US A PHOTO OF BIN LADEN, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR it all??????? Does'nt America deserve better?????? Atleast, show those who want to see..............LIKE ME!!!!!!!!
    God Bless America and all those affected by this COWARD!

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