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Do YOU think Corey should move on with Amber and leabe Leah behind?


  • Rachel - 12 years ago

    I think that Corey shouldn't of done what he did. He should of worked on the issues they had and not be with Amber. To be honest, I don't think Amber is that pretty and she does seem like a skank like Leah said. Leah deserves to be with Corey and for the sakes of it that he should be with her cause of the twins and one with a medical issue. So Corey since you did that, then that makes you look like a terrible person, another thing that makes you look bad is cause you left Leah for the skank. So Amber I hope you have a terrible life, Corey your dumb for leaving Leah, and Leah I love you to death and support you!

  • Amanda Dodson - 13 years ago

    I think that Leah and Corey should work on things to try to work it out for the girls.
    That Corey will realize what he lost and have to answer one day why he left. Leah had
    To always be the strong one in the relationship. That she really never had a man in her life
    For Leah the best thing that u could do is stand strong. When your upset your children can
    Always tell. My heart goes out to you girl. I was also a teen mom and married when I was 18 and divorce when I was 20. My husband ran out on me and my son to be with a woman that had a child. It was really hard to cope with. But if he had not made the mistake he made I would not have met my wonderful husband I have now. He had treated my son like his own. We now have three more wonderful kids together. It takes both of you giving a 100% and he is not giving that. I believe that with time your heart will heal. Your heart is like a vase because that vase breaks you can glue it back together but the cracks will always show. I believe that you are a wonderful teen mom that has two beautiful baby girls. Rather y'all make or go yalls seperate ways. You will fine happiness. Just know in your heart that you have done all you can do to make it work. He will be the one that has to answer to those girls for running out on them and rushing to raise another child that not his. I'm praying for all of you. Hang in there Leah.

  • Dallas - 13 years ago

    cory has twins and if he is going to leave leah for amber he is making a big mistake. and im a big fan for teen mom 2 and if he was cheating on her with amber before or after the marrige he is really stupid for that leach has really beautiful twins amd if corey wants to leave them behind he needs to think twice. he doesnt need to be tarting a new family when he already has one and if he makes that stupid decision its his fault. And if amber was friends with leah friends dont start dating ur ex-husband so really she wasnt a friend.

  • jamie - 13 years ago

    i'm a fan of teen mom 2 and i believe that corey and leah should stay together not for the wrong reasons but they already have twins together and he was wrong for having another child with another women and cheating on her, but i believe leah loved him more than anything and that's why they got married but he was so quick to have another child, but if leah still love him its a shame because he moved on "loving" that girl amber & that should show her how much he dnt care about her and the twins, but i love teen mom 2 and i think leah twins are so beautiful:) well thats it for now, i hope everything as well and the best.

  • jamie - 13 years ago

    i'm a fan of teen mom 2 and i believe that corey and leah should stay together not for the wrong reasons but they already have twins together and he was wrong for having another child with another women and cheating on her, but i believe leah loved him more than anything and that's why they got married but he was so quick to have another child, but if leah still love him its a shame because he moved on "loving" that girl amber & that should show her how much he dnt care about her and the twins, but i love teen mom 2 and i think leah twins are so beautiful:) well thats it for now, i hope everything as well and the best.

  • nena - 13 years ago

    i believe that they should stay together but not for the wrong reasons i believe that leah loves him more then anything and he is not being a man and providing and being there for his wife and kids i believe that cory is a total doosch bag and leah can find someone so much better then him that make s her happy and it will come back on him and he will feel what leah feels one day but leah if you read this you will find happiness in your life and your girls life you never need a man to succeed in life you worry about you and your girls and remember every thing happens for a reason and he is not that attractive anyways and he is quite the hill billy let him have that fat girl because we all know that you are so much prettier then her anyways stay strong you will be ok everything that you are going through will make you 100 percent stronger for you and your girls good luck sweetie you will be ok in the long run it always hurts then you move on and find a hotter guy and he will be crawling back on his hands and knees to you just turn to the people that love and support you and you can make it through anything .

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