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Did the right two contestants advance to the finale?


  • Chervern - 13 years ago

    You guys forgot one category in the latest poll....did they get the top two right..a resounding no...but it would have been interesting if you had of had a button for Haley and James to be the two....would have won hands down me thinks....

    As for the voting maybe the producers need to implement a way that once a vote has been registered from a certain phone number then that phone cannot submit another...and the same for web voting as well (which I am suprised they allowed this year as I cant see how they generate money from that.....and that my friends is what it is all about....all these texts amounts to a lot of genertated capitol for A TandT....just would like to know what the kickback is for the AI mob.....I hear all about conspiracy theories and the like....the producers dont give a toss who makes the finals....and at the moment they have 92 million real good reasons to stir up the public....As to the judges..well Randy can be mean ...he's not trying to sell records anymore....Jennifer had to cry everytime a crowd favourite got sent home...even as early back as Chris Medina....all crocodile tears though as the last thing she wants is the record buying public to turn on her because she helped a favourite lose their spot...and as for Steven...please....never had a bad thing to say about anybody....leered over every female contestant they had..and if his video that was shown the week before last was anything to go by...he wouldn't have said no to any of em I dont think......all he has really been missing all season is his raincoat....

    Roll on the finale....every year they give us a good wont be all country...I think they have realised that this years talent pool has completely surpassed previous years so watch for the whole top 13 to get a gig somewhere on finale night.....james will get his duet with Tyler that he so craves.....hopefully another duet with Casey and Haley is in the offing and I would love to see Paul come back and do a duet with Pai on something like Blackbirds that he did way early on....but they will give us a good show......losing Haley virtually makes Scotty a shoe in for winning...he has consistently rated at the the top of the polls at American like I said...the Producers have made their killing and they dont give a toss....feel sorry for Jimmy Iovine in all of this...I think he genuinely cared for those kids and tried to give of his best to them every week....

  • Ginger - 13 years ago

    I agree with all 3 previous comments except for one thing... Scotty's voice. It sounds like a bullfrog.

  • Sumaribrow - 13 years ago

    Week after week I’ve watched Idol and have become so deeply disappointed in what I had hoped would great technically superior season. While I couldn’t stand the sappiness of Paula Abdul, the caustic slicing and dicing of Simon Cowell, I thought Lopez & Tyler would surely be better judges with their extensive experience and expertise from all sides of the music industry, but mostly with being performers themselves. They have disappointed me week after week as they became totally ineffective as real judges serving up anything intelligent (and yes, unemotional), and meaningfully constructive. Instead, we get nonsensical comments, repetitive, and mediocre critique from them. From Tyler’s (typical) sleezy drooling over Lauren during tryouts, pretty much sealing her fate as a finalist by those masses in his camp, to Lopez’s motherly schmoozing with Scotty that essentially gathers her constituents squarely in his corner. My biggest disappointment is Randy. He’s become a late night joke – can’t say anything meaningful – has worn out (for me) those ridiculously lame phrases. From the beginning of the season, most flashbacks and clips were focused on Lauren and Scotty; the judges (and Seacrest) seem hell-bent on a 15- or 17-year old success. Every week, Jackson has had a problem with Haley. I am convinced he has sandbagged her (dare I say sabotaged) at every turn, especially when she delivered clear winning performances on several occasions. Other than James Durbin and Casey Abrams, Haley has been the only other contestant in the top 13 who performed technically difficult songs from different genre. This is something Lauren and Scotty don’t do – can’t do – because they in a narrow and predictable niche. I lost faith in the judges with their weak input and pointedly clear biases that do not address the important issues (technique, technical ability, appreciating movement OUT of comfort zones, stage presence, gutsy choices, talent with instruments); instead they focus on lightweight, cutesy stuff that has little to do with that certain edge that a solid singer/musician needs to stand the test of time. Lauren does not have stage presence – she’s trying to move her cowgirl boots around but doesn’t look very Idol-ish; she delivers nothing unique with her voice. No doubt, she has a good voice; however, there is nothing timeless in what she sings and how she sings it. Her quantity of makeup at age 15/16 seems over the top and contrary to her innocent, naïve behavior. There is, however, something a bit timeless in Scotty’s voice – I am not a country music fan but can see he definitely has something unique and I like it – technically - and it has a pleasant tonal sound quality. I find him genuinely refreshing and with a great budding sense of humor that seems to fit him very well, this could perhaps his own unique trademark. Bottom line, it appears that the show’s producers have orchestrated through record-breaking media hype, judges’ manipulation of audiences, and questionable voting process that the final outcome was choreographed so many weeks ago while we thought it was truly about who the absolute best singer, performer, stardom quality that would soar to the top of the charts, regardless of the genre. Lauren pales to Underwood, Scotty, however, does surpass Hicks, but the true talented Idols are not in the finale.

  • Jenny Willard - 13 years ago

    Why is Jennifer Lopez so jealous of Haley Reinhardt? J Lo moves better on stage than Haley, it can be argued that she is prettier than Haley, she is a successful actress, she is married to a wealthy man and I've been told she has some adorable children.

    Oh, I just realized--J Lo is jealous of Haley because Haley is a better singer than her.

    Haley's vocal range and use of vocal nuances from the yodel to the growl all in perfect pitch is a beauty to behold. J Lo can only dream of having such skill and doesn't understand what Haley is doing vocally. This lack of understanding could explain J Lo's lame critiques.

    Compare J Lo's one Idol vocal performance to Haley's many performances. Not only was J Lo lip syncing, her voice was highly electronically enhanced. Haley did live near perfect performance after live near perfect performance and needed no electronic enhancements (except of course a mic).

    America voted off the last unique and exciting performer of the season. So for the first time since I started watching Idol I won't be watching the Idol final. Even though Lauren and Scotty are very talented and I like country music I can't think of too many things more boring than watching this final. Besides, I already know who is going to win it!

  • Trevor Amon - 13 years ago

    Two weeks ago there was around 60 million votes - most for the season to that point - and Jacob went home and Lauren had fewer votes then Haley (and Scotty and James). Last week there were 72 million votes and never in Bottom 3 James went home. Last night there were 95 million votes, most ever for a non finale show. It would be nice to know the breakdown, but clearly Haley has a huge fan base now.

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