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Who will win American Idol 10?

Total Votes: 7,229

  • I HEART SCOTTY - 13 years ago

    i hope scotty wins. he truly deserves it. i heard they already siogned record deals for both alaina and soctty so the one who wins (which will b scotty :) ) will only have the satisfaction of sayin :hey, i won idol" they will both be extremely famous. but i promise i will have scotty posters and all of his CDS for sure i love him! hehe maybe they will make a movie about some country boy and have scotty star in it : ) i would die :) later! :)

  • tami mckenzie - 13 years ago

    i realy enjoy listening to scotty, i real hope he wins

  • Bill - 13 years ago

    Best of luck to Scotty,his traditional style of Country Music gets my votes.lauren is also so great.especially for just being 16.

  • Fritz - 13 years ago

    I hate this season so much! Lauren Alaina is so fake. Haley Reinhart deserves the place in the final than this stupid southern cow. Haley is unique and unbelievable talented. I hope scotty will win american idol, at least he's not fake. Last year I've predicted that without simon cowell, american idol would be a disaster. And yeppp once again it is correct. Last week they picked harder songs for haley. And gave the easy one for this cow. Arrgh i was so dissapointed with the result last week

  • Gordon - 13 years ago

    Such publicity stunts by Nigel and the judges. This freakin' country idol season is a joke. Hate JLO and Randy. Lauren is a chubby, pageanty little illiterate phony. I hope the boring Scotty wins so we can have another luke warm male singer for Idol. They should have had better jduging so the girls early on were not kicked off and got relevant feedback. But the judges pussied out. Sorry Nigel you didn't get your girl, unless you rig the voting system.

  • amy - 13 years ago

    I like both of these kids and think in their own ways each has more talent then many on stage at the moment. After watching tonights songs, I would have to say that while I think lauren will have her heart broken by the cruel harsh world, she did better then scotty. Once Scotty was told about his "cute look" he has over played that and lost his passion for the song. His focus is more on the cameras then on the words. He has an amazing voice but one I hear from every male country performer. Lauren while she wears weird outfits, and the whole hair issue... sings every song with heart. I would have to say Lauren won tonight and I hope the world is kind to her. Scotty for you write some songs of your own, put your own spin on re-recording, and get the hormones in check..

  • Donna - 13 years ago

    what a fricking joke, that stupid ugly cow lauren knew and so did the judges that she would perform its all rigged she whinned around and made everone feel sorry for her because of the tornados,, that cow doesnt give two flipps about any of those tornado victims.. its all a big show, i hate that fake cow.. it is all rigged especially when you go all over the web and see the bad comments lauren gets now somethings not right.. but the judges and the shows producer done knows shes the winner cause thats the way they fixed it..if she wins i swear to god almighty my tv will never see that show again..

  • Corbin - 13 years ago

    It's rigged for LAuren for sure! Anyone can see that down to J-Hos bashing Haley last week and always calling LAuren's so-so singing the best of the night. She sucks. Watch her mysteriously win.

  • Georgie - 13 years ago

    They want that fat chick Lauren but she aint that good even. Scotty has better control of his voice and is a better singer. Why does Idol have to manipulate Americans? Look what it did last year with Lee and now he is nothing. Fat Lauren is too inconsistent and needs to go home with her Tammy Faye mother. Scotty for the win.

  • C,C, - 13 years ago

    I think it will be very close but i do think its rigged for Lauren to win thats a shame cause SCOTTY is so dang AMERICAN

  • katie - 13 years ago

    Lauren was awesome and I hope she wins. All three of her songs were great. The songs Scotty sang were not his best I thought. All the polls say he will win. I wish the judges had not said Lauren won it, because that is just what Scotty fans need to motivate them to vote harder. I will buy everything Lauren records! Go Lauren!!!

  • Bella - 13 years ago

    /feeds sour grapes to Josie and Baba

    Go Scotty and Lauren! They are both great singers from the beginning of the show. I am looking forward to being a fan of both for many years!

  • Josie - 13 years ago

    By the way, the only fair judge was Steven Tyler. JLo and Randy openly played favorites all season, rather than equally helping and critiquing all. Last time I checked, Judges were supposed to be IMPARTIAL. I guess not on the fixed show American Idol. Disgusting! American Idol has lost all credibility with me. I won't watch again unless JLo and Randy are FIRED!

  • Josie - 13 years ago

    It's been rumored for WEEKS that the show is fixed for Scotty. So I voted for Scotty. I'm sure that's what we'll see. Even the judges have been letting the secret slip out if you can read between the lines.

  • shannon strole - 13 years ago

    shannon strole here saying that CASEY ABRAMS SHOULD HAVE WON!!!! He should have won the whole thing. I am furious that he got voted out. FURIOUS. I demand that casey gets a record deal!!! Cause he is FREAKING AWESOME and he will be famous,you here that casey you are the BEST!!!! casey i hope you become famous and i bet you will be famous!!!! GO CASEY. join me on facebook at casey abrahms from american idol fan club. thank you and GO CASEY.

  • Baba - 13 years ago

    Hillbilly hoedown! Hee-Haw! LOL--this is a worse final than last season. The relentless judge pimping brought us to this stage with these 2 inbred . If you are not a country music fan--don't watch! Not really believing that Lauren got more voter support than Haley...despite the relentless judges jabs and tilting the scales against Haley with song choice, copious negative comments (while neglecting to comment on Lauren and Scotty's negative performances), etc. HATE J-ho! These judges are THE WORST!

    X-Factor....HERE I COME!

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