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Will you watch the American Idol finale on May 24th & 25th?

Total Votes: 368

  • Everton - 13 years ago

    I don't give a dam about the final two even though I love Scotty but I wasn't expecting him in the final, both winners are voted off Pia and Haley. This is getting far worst than where Simon left it.

  • Edna - 13 years ago

    I really enjoy the show and I hope Scotty will be the winner. Lauren has a good voice but seems to be off pitch at times and Scotty doesn't seem to have a problem. He sings the same way all the time ans I enjoy his singing. The young man has a wonderful voice.

  • John Lewis - 13 years ago

    Unfortunately AI has become a popularity contest and not a singing/talent competition. The best singer in the competition placed ninth while the second best singer, the most talented/versatile singer, and the best performer placed fourth. The results of the previous three years just reinforce that AI is now just a popularity contest devoid of talent consideration.The judges partially are at fault because they don't judge they just cheer lead by telling all the contestants that they are wonderful,amazing,in it to win and etc. notwithstanding how the individuals technically performed. The two contestants remaining are not the best singers, not the best performers, and not the most talented/versatile contestants which is a shame.

  • Fritzcall - 13 years ago

    James Durbin is my American Idol - I have heard rumors he will be performing on the Finale, if so, I may watch - otherwise, who cares??

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