Which Big Brother 9 HG are you most rooting for now?


  • jamesFan - 16 years ago

    Wonder Twin... Wonderfully put! Totally agree with everything you said.. nataLIE makes my skin crawl too! I hope the bitch is backdoored this week!

    And hoping for Adam and Sharon in the final 2.

  • WONDER TWIN - 16 years ago


  • WONDER TWIN - 16 years ago

    How in the world!!!! can anyone want Natalie to win!!!

    She is a huge hypocrite!!!

    I have no problem with lying in this game...however...when she claims she's a Christian and talks about God, J.C., and being a good person (and calling ppl she personally has a vendetta against EVIL like she's some superior human being)....and then she goes around labeling ppl, judging ppl, lying about ppl, sucking dick within two days of meeting someone, lying about that, lying about being an NFL cheerleader to impress Matt....(so she could suck his twig and berries), altering her body with big fake boobs, showing off her tits and ass, plus she dresses like a 10 yr. old.

    She is gross, and a huge Christian hypocrite (the worst!!!!)

    She is obnoxious, she always has to talk, she always has to talk about herself and her voice sounds like Marge's twin sisters from the Simpsons.

    Gag me already if I have to watch this gross chick for the rest of the show and then have her ridiculous ass win....OMFG!!!!

  • Jamesee - 16 years ago

    James deserved to win.
    Natalie makes my skin crawl.
    No one that ignorant with such poor fashion sense should ever go far in life.

  • jimmy - 16 years ago

    Natalie is so HOT! She has played the game better than old SHEla, better than floater SHAREon, better than ADHD ADam, even better than my man RYEin! I can;t wait to see her in Playboy!

  • Kara - 16 years ago

    Right now my vote is tied between Sharon, Adam and Sheila. Worst-case scenario, anyone but Natalie.

    Surprise surprise, Sheila has the lowest votes. I didn't like her at first but I really do think She's a good person. She just (like every normal human being out there) has a few flaws to get rid off. I don't think she deserves the hate she's been getting from everyone. I mean, even James when interviewed by Julie admitted that they'd possibly stay friends after the show. I really like the fact that she's willing to admit when she's wrong and apologize. She did it with Adam and she did it with James. She's had to put up with a whole lot of flak from the house and, despite it all, has still managed to be a good sport about it.

    How anyone could like Natalie though is beyond me. She is two-faced, dishonest, manipulative and calculating. I know...this is Big Brother, but what upsets me the most is that she dares to assume that God is siding with her when she's the epitome of everything ungodly.

  • dOgGgY - 16 years ago

    Anyone but nasty Nat ... she nasty nasty nasty!!! Somebody please pass the Fabreeze ... it stinks o'Nasty Natty in here!!!

    ROTFLMFAO! ! ! !

  • may - 16 years ago

    I wish James was still in the game. But now I want Sharon to win.

  • hartless - 16 years ago

    Frankly I am surprised Sharon is in the lead. She is the ultimate floater and thrower of comps. She needs to go and she is loyal to all but natti. I want someone who has earned the title of playing hard not the ULTINMATE floater to go to the end. IMO

  • Adri - 16 years ago

    I would have LOVED to see James win it. But at this point, I want ANYONE but Natalie.

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