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Which HG would you most like to see Evicted this week?

Total Votes: 4,680

  • ss33 - 16 years ago

    hahaha.. and obviously Jimmy hasn't seen nataLIE on the morning feeds before she puts on her gallons of makeup.. now that's UGLY...

  • Beaver - 16 years ago

    Sounds like Jimmy is doing a whole lotta one-handed typing while watch'n the feeds. LMAO!!! The boy ain't think'n with his head, he's think'n with his little jimmy ... omg!

  • Misty - 16 years ago

    I totally agree... Natalie ROCKS! She's gotta win, she's over a really good person. Her bible thumping can get on my nerves, but I feel she has a truely good soul. She's a good egg!

  • jimmy - 16 years ago

    Must be a bunch of UGLY women voting cus Nat is the best player left! Plus she is HOT!

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