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Do 'Bachelorette' producers have an obligation to tell Ashley about Bentley?


  • Walli - 13 years ago

    I love the comment above "are the producers dead or ignorant? How come the viewers have more brains then the producers?? The viewers have more common sense then those being paid to produce this show!

    And now, weeks later, Bentley is coming back and ticking off the other guys! Can't blame them! This could have all been handled appropriately when they saw Bentley's true colors. Your decision not to pull Bentley off the show and inform Ashley immediately of his character is very disrepectful and thoughtless of her. Now what a mess she's in! I hope you learn from this disaster - or you will be losing 95% of your viewers I predict! I've watched since the first show. What were you thinking - I don't believe you were!!!

  • flicker - 13 years ago

    honestly, this is the first time I've been interested in the show, however they should definately tell her.

  • Jessica - 13 years ago

    Umm....did anyone not read that she as informed over and over again that he was not a good guy? If she chooses not to listen and keep him week after week, that is obviously her stupidity and her problem. If this show is even FOR REAL, maybe they need to pick a bachelorette with some common sense who doesn't require so much hand holding.

  • ed - 13 years ago

    what you let that ass hole do last night gives good men a bad name and to hurt thay girl was wrong if i were her i would sue your ass off thats not good tv if that the kind shit your going to pull i will no longer watch your shows

  • ed davison - 13 years ago

    what you let that ass hole do last night gives good men a bad name and to hurt thay girl was wrong if i were her i would sue your ass off thats not good tv if that the kind shit your going to pull i will no longer watch your shows

  • Lyn. - 13 years ago

    I was shocked, at the overtly sadistic actions that the producers allowed to be perpetrated on the very vulnerable Bachelorette. Bentley, should have been asked to leave upon his first confession. They should have the responsibility to check out these guys for her Safety both physically and psychologically. It is well known that abuse is not just physical. Whose idea was it for a "Roast" (gang emotional rape, for those that went along with the Ashley bashing) that is quite inappropriate in the fragile dating stages for male or female. That audience didn't find it funny either! The camera crew and producers watched a sadistic plot being played out by a contestant to bring purposeful emotional harm. There is something dangerous about Bentley. Emily is spared!!!!

  • Susan - 13 years ago

    No they shouldn't tell her. Knowing how fragile she is innately, they should tell her family after she cuts her wrists. The producers behavior is bordering on criminal in my opinion. It's obvious she has an esteem problem and she only recently began recovering from being rejected on the Bachelor. I frankly think it is immoral on their part. I hope they lose all their sponsors and I intend to voice my opinion in this regard.

  • alma - 13 years ago

    this is unbelievable! he is a JERK and an ASHOLE!!!!!! how can you let somebody be so cruel and play with Ashleys heart? producers, are you dead or ignorant??? he is disgusting . he doesnt deserve a girlfriend ever after this. everything in life comes back. how can anyone go to that extent of public humiliation of another human being.

  • Michael Vecchione - 13 years ago

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If that jerk is there for the wrong reasons and Ashley keeps him week after week then he is taking the spot of someone that truely is there for the right reasons. Send him packing. Hello producers, get off your butts and tell Ashley, the show has plenty of ratings because of the Bachelorette herself.

  • Lynn - 13 years ago

    I can't believe ABC has let Bentley stay on this long! I think they should let Ashley see the video confessional and let her decide if he stays or leaves! Like Deb said, this show is supposed to be about finding true love. I don't feel it is fair to her or any of the other men who are there for the right reason. I think he is a complete a$$ and should be treated like one! I believe ABC is going to lose a bunch of followers of the show if they do not let Ashley know. They did it with Jake, so I think the obligation is there for them to do it this season as well!

  • Kim - 13 years ago

    I agree with Deb. Why would they even let him stay on the show. Hope ABC doesn't lose my interest in the show.

  • Deb - 13 years ago

    If the show is truly about finding true love and you have this guy (Bentley) on here saying right from the beginning that he is not interested in Ashley, then he shouldn't be allowed to remain on the show. There is a chance that she could fall in love with him with no chance of
    him feeling the same way. ABC should quit all their rating booster gimmicks and get back to the theme of the show.

  • paul budrow - 13 years ago

    I cannot believe that the producers think we are stupid enough to watch her go through this pain week after week from this insipid jerk. I for one am not. watching this ridiculous show.

  • Teresa - 13 years ago

    He's making HIMSELF look like a jerk.

  • Rory - 13 years ago

    Don't believe a word ABC is selling.. I know Bentley.. He is a good guy and a great dad. They make him sound like a jerk to improve ratings.

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