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Who should Fujimura pick

Total Votes: 4,848

  • Loony - 12 years ago

    Helmet dude actually has more votes than Imouto. rofl Go helmet!

  • cruxe - 12 years ago

    Harem FTW

  • Ariel - 12 years ago

    Baka-president! She's my favorite among them.

  • star peak - 13 years ago

    Damn mannnn..., of course.., i like harem!!! but if ending with someone.., it's alright whoever he is chose!!!! xD

  • Brad Pitt - 13 years ago

    Helmet dude for the win!!! Yeah!!!
    No srsly. It would be hilarious.

  • harem ftw - 13 years ago

    harems make every1 happier since no ones heart is broken. but baka president is the hottest XD. eri is hot tho too. the innocent prez is just too cute though

  • Relaxer - 13 years ago

    helmet dude vs imouto (i chosed helmet dude)

  • James Rye - 13 years ago

    Holy *biep*! o.O

    Bakachou has 700 votes!? (YAY!!!)

    And Helmet dude almsot ties with Imouto?? (LOL!)

    That poll really needs to be sent to the creator of Fujimura-kun Mates. Am sure heĀ“ll laugh and put it somehow in his manga in an extra chapter. XD

  • bob - 13 years ago

    is justice the half jap chick?

  • lolhelmetdude - 13 years ago


  • Liquid_Huk(fake) - 13 years ago

    I voted for Baka Pres she's just too cute, if not posible i'm ok with Harem ending =P

  • Fanatic fans - 13 years ago

    Lol . I really like them all so i put my choice to harem end XD

  • lol - 13 years ago

    Baka prez all the way xD!!! and btw I find it surprising Imouto is only 10 votes ahead of helmet dude xD

  • Renzan - 13 years ago

    Baka prez XD

    She's cute XD

    But harem end would be nice for fujimura too

  • gravewolf - 13 years ago

    I voted for a harem end! I wanted to vote for Eri, but having them all for Fujimura just seems right hehe.

  • gravewolf - 13 years ago

    I voted for a harem end! I wanted to vote for Eri, but having them all for Fujimura just seems right hehe.

  • AldieFA - 13 years ago

    seriously, lol helmet dude defeat 2 girls

  • doki doki - 13 years ago

    helmet guy gets more votes than vice prez and "Justice". Hopefully newer chapters will help them

  • Baka - 13 years ago

    I knew the baka president and harem end would be the best. lol helmet dude.

  • Fax - 13 years ago

    harem end top in poll? not surprised at all XD

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