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Do you believe in ghosts and spirits? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 87

  • Jim Smith - 10 years ago

    I can't believe how many really gullible people there are in Baxter county. Could be why we have so many Republicans here.

  • Fire Eyes - 10 years ago

    Ghosts are demons NOT disembodied souls in transit.
    Hebrews 9:27King James Version (KJV) And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
    Why do demons manifest as ghosts? To deceive as many gullible people as they can. Their activity is on the rise because their time is running short and they know it.

  • I do believe in ghosts and demons. The demonic force is strong in Salesville tonight. I like the poll.

  • N. Marie - 10 years ago

    A "ghost" is a living being that has lost it's physical body, but retains it's ego and intelligence. It's a temporary situation, until they work out whatever it is they have to work out, to move on to eventually take birth in another physical body. The ghost lives in this "subtle" body for a certain amount of time. Most people do not have the eyes to see ghosts, or the sense perception to perceive them. Many ghosts do not have the "eyes" to see us, or the sense perception to know we are around, either. Kind of goes both ways. For a ghost to make itself known to us, it takes a tremendous amount of mental energy from that entity to manifest their presence to us, like to be able to move something, or "appear" as an apparition, or shadow. One may have to suffer in a ghostly environment due to attachment to the place, or situation, or person, they were involved with before they died. The ghost has physical desires, but no physical body to satisfy those desires, which may be why they try and take over certain living beings who are very vulnerable (like taking drugs or drinking alot), to try and satisfy their physical desires. Being a ghost is a very hellish situation.

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