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RSA tokens - what's the right action? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 443

  • bob beeman - 13 years ago

    I Echo Rogers' sentiment. Give us a reason to trust them, and act accordingly. If the original tokens are not comprimised, prove it. if they are, fix it & issue new ones. This is all that RSA can do. Customer options are as Rich D Said.

  • Rich D - 13 years ago


    Two factor authentication "RSA style" is still centralized. Control the server code, you control the access.

    Decentralized two factor is available today, and its cheaper than RSA.

    Use the TPM chips that are already in 500 million PC's! Just activate them and create a TNC environment.


  • Roger - 13 years ago

    The option missing is that RSA should be forthright about whether the seeds have been compromised so those using the RSA Securid tokens can know if they are exposed to additional risk or not.

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