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Rep. Anthony Weiner admitted Monday that he'd sent an explicit photo to a young woman via Twitter. Weiner had previously denied doing so. Should he resign?

Total Votes: 494

  • Karen, Rockland County NY - 13 years ago

    Why should he resign if he didn't use electronic devices that are provided for him as a Congressman? And, if he did it on his own time. If he hadn't told his wife about his seeking to be unfaithful, etc, then tell me what man wouldn't be truthful when confronted by the media? Most men would LIE LIE LIE. Ok? GET REAL PEOPLE! Stop putting elected officials on the same moral pedestal you put your own clergy on. And, remember, no one can say "I wouldn't lie" or "I wouldn't do that". Never say never. You don't truly know what you'd do until you're in the same situation. Easy to take a high moral ground when you're not having the rug pulled out from under you.

  • p sbarra - 13 years ago

    Integrity and honesty are interwoven into one's personalities. If Weiner behaves this way in his personal life, he will behave this way in his professional life. Who would ever take him seriously in government again? New Yorkers should expect more from their representatives. He should step down.

  • Joe Guzman - 13 years ago

    He should stay in office and become the Democrats poster child for family values, The Journal News loooove Democrats!

  • p casey - 13 years ago

    Rep Weiner participated in school boy behavior that is certainly not befitting a government official. That said, he has not committed any crime but has seriously embarassed himself. Consequently, I do not see the need for him to resign or loose his job.....Perhaps next election day his constituents will elect a candidate who practices more conservative photography!

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