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Which music video is better?


  • Tanvi - 13 years ago

    I really loved Enrique's video! It had so much energy, the special effects were great and everyone did a great job in the video, not to mention the song is fantastic! It is peppy, a dance song and a great club song. Britney is doing the same old thing again and again and frankly, we're getting a little sick of it. Enrique not only has slow love songs but also great energetic songs, which clearly states that he has a lot of variety in his songs. If people haven't noticed, his last 3 songs( I Like It, Tonight I'm Loving You, Dirty Dancer) were consecutive hits. That's enough said. My vote definitely goes to Enrique!

  • karen anne - 13 years ago

    enrique is well better, he has so much energy in his videos, i can dance to his songs. i cant stand britney, he will always get my vote,plus he is damn sexy

  • donna - 13 years ago

    BRIT wins hands down already! enrique fans can keep voting but the poll shows how much popular she is then him even if enrique fans are voting away BRIT ALREADY WON!!!!

  • jeff - 13 years ago

    Britney most certainly wins hands down. The song may be typical pop for her but the video shows her fun side and that is something u don't always see in her videos. As always she looks amazing.

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