Do you plan on getting the Mobile Feeds for BB13?


  • Jenna - 13 years ago

    I WANT to get the mobile live feeds but I can't figure out how!!! :-( Can anyone explain it to me of how I can get it and if it costs extra to get them on my phone? (I already have the live feeds on my computer.) Thanks very much!! :-)

    Jenna Spier

  • Sandy in Kailua - 13 years ago

    Why do we have to pay extra to get the mobil version? I already pay for the live feeds but when I try to accesss it on my iPad it tells me I need to subscribe to the mobil version. I could see paying if I didn't have the full version that I'm already paying $15/mo for. Who do we complain to? Does anyone even care? I'm sure the people who could do something about it don't want to know about unhappy masses.

  • beth trudeau - 13 years ago

    Can't afford a mobile phone, either.

  • beth trudeau - 13 years ago

    I would love to have it but I do not own a laptop. I use the internet at the library. Can't afford one.

  • joanna malloy - 13 years ago

    BB13 just hasn't been very good. From the idiocy of bringing back the vets to poor game play on the part of the newbies, this game has stunk. The newbies have been blinded by so-called star power and therefore, have stopped thinking on their own. Adam is following blindly. There are too many interruptions during the live feeds. I am tired of trivia and palm trees. I had enough of Brenchel last year, enough to last many lifetimes. It is painful to watch the two of them. Rachel needs to allow her puppet-master to pull all her strings and he needs to emotionally abuse her. How long before this turns physical? Almost canceled the live feed last week after Jeff won HOH. Once Dani leaves, I will have no reason to follow this dull presentation. I am sure production is manipulating happenings and outcomes, just wonder to what degree. Shelley has been interesting to watch but, let's face it, the vets will set their sights on her next. Adam is worthless---what a wuss!!! So, no from me on mobile feeds. It's just not attractive to me for all of the reasons I have stated.

  • Libby - 13 years ago

    We pay to watch 24/7 and you can be watching it for a few minutes and then they cut is off. Most of the time it is to yell at the houseguests and we already know what they did. Plus, we should be able to watch all of the comps including pov, food and anything else they have. We find out what they did and who won, so why not let us watch it? Very disappointed. Plus some houseguests like Dani get most of the feed time even if she is sleeping. Certain ones get by with things that others dont. Too much info sounds like is being given to the houseguests to change their minds on how they will be voting.

  • Libby Craney - 13 years ago

    We pay to watch 24/7 and you can be watching it for a few minutes and then they cut is off. Most of the time it is to yell at the houseguests and we already know what they did. Plus, we should be able to watch all of the comps including pov, food and anything else they have. We find out what they did and who won, so why not let us watch it? Very disappointed. Plus some houseguests like Dani get most of the feed time even if she is sleeping. Certain ones get by with things that others dont. Too much info sounds like is being given to the houseguests to change their minds on how they will be voting.

  • jwdoly15 - 13 years ago

    bbdish is tooooooo one sided!!

  • V F - 13 years ago

    They shouldn't charge even MORE for mobile feeds....otherwise yes I would.

  • Linda - 13 years ago

    I got the feeds again this year thinking it would be better. So this is my last year...Tired of the FISH...and now PALM TREES...I can understand once in awhile but it's all the time now. And depending on the production assistant, the finger is always hitting that button. So good bye live feeds...I am DISAPPOINTED!!! I want to see it all...THAT'S WHAT I PAID FOR!!

  • marcia - 13 years ago

    If you pay you should get to see everything 24/7.I got them last year and now I wish I would have kept track of how much time the screen was trivia or fish.Complete waste of money.

  • Bob - 13 years ago

    I just don't think it's fair to charge extra for it...we're paying for the CONTENT already...needing to develop additional software is YOUR job...a one-time payment would be more understandable and reasonable...but an extra monthly cost seems unreasonable (and why I won't get it). I'd only ever use it over wifi anyway so don't see why it's anything different than what i already pay for.

  • louise - 13 years ago

    I have Superpass on my desktop but don't think it is fair to have to pay extra to get the feeds on my iPad

  • Jess - 13 years ago

    I did only because I have an iPad. I wouldn't have gotten the mobile feeds for my phone.

  • Jailhouse Nurse - 13 years ago

    I also had them during BB11 and HATED the fish and I thought I would be able to see everything is is sooo not true. I wanted to see them get ready for comps, listen to production, and hear everything the HG said...this did not happen.

  • Brenda - 13 years ago

    I would love to have the mobile feeds, but just like everyone else, there is no Windows Phone 7 app. I hate that Windows Phone 7 users are always being left out, I can't afford to buy another $500 phone just so I can have the latest apps. Guess all I can do is keep watching Netflixs and playing Xbox since that is about all that can be done with this phone.

  • Dianna - 13 years ago

    Still waiting on the CBS app to work. It's getting frustrating. I wouldn't have addvertised it until it was up and working.

  • Vals - 13 years ago

    I finally got the feeds but there is no app for iPhone. I have to go to my browser eveytime I want to see the feeds...sort of annoying~Let me know if anyone knows a way around this.

  • Vals - 13 years ago

    I have been trying for 3 days and still can't get them. Tech keeps tellling me to wait another 24 hours!!!

  • Jailhouse Nurse - 13 years ago

    I did For BB11, I did not like the fact that the powers that be would put fish of the screen. I want to see everything!!! Hear about whatever they talk about, watch them get instructions about the HOH comps, etc.

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