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Should Reggie Bush give up his Heisman Trophy?

Total Votes: 8,528

  • steve - 13 years ago

    I believe the colleges should leave the NCAA and let the NFL sort of be the sanctioning body for college football. It would be well regulated and the players would get some sort of money and It would be run by a better organization..let put the NCAA out of the football business

  • Steve - 13 years ago

    Hell no!!! he was the best damn player that year. If I was second best i would not even accept it. Pay these college players and they won't have to take under the table money..dammit.

  • Bob - 13 years ago

    It was given to him for his performance on the field, if "The Committee" failed in their due diligence before awarding it, so be it.
    REPEAT IT WAS's now his.
    He has no more responsibility to return it than he has to REPAY USC for the scholarship $$$ they gave him.

  • Tom - 13 years ago

    Reggie Bush continues to embarrass USC by showing himself to be of low character. Won't surprise me if NO finally figures out he is a liability and cuts him. Off the track but given that the NCAA gave USC such a whacking over 1 Guy, What does that mean for Ohio State who has at least 15 players with multiple violations? Sounds like a Death Penalty Case to Me.

  • Martell Thompson - 13 years ago

    Reggie Bush, C Web and now Pryor have been taking advantage of by one of the most corrupt organizations out there. First they prey on these kids and feed off of the revenue generated by "student athletes" and then they hang them out to dry for the smallest of infractions.

    Tell me the last time one of these lawyers/agents/boosters or other parasites were held accountable for breaking the rules?

    There are athletes and others out there who ought not to be called role models but I am not about to bash Bush for working his ass off at USC and generating a lot-o-cash for the school, university and local economy. We all seen him play and he should have won two Heismans and kept both of them.

  • mar - 13 years ago

    Screw the NCAA. Why should he give it back if the NCAA continues to placate the schools that bring most revenue? It's supposed to be about the student-athlete, but everything is all about $$$$$$$. It's become clear that punishments for cheating seem to be subjectively put upon schools by the NCAA. On top of all that, you have the BCS, another unfair system that keeps smaller schools for having an opportunity compete for the top prize. When asked about this, the NCAA only throws up its hands and tell people to speak to the BCS about that. I don't even care for USC, but I believe they got screwed by the NCAA. Its a collusion-like system currently in place by the NCAA and BCS entities for maximizing profit. They don't actually care about the student athlete in the least. Again, so why should Reggie give back his Heisman? He won it because of his achievements on the field. Done. Screw the NCAA.

  • felipe a - 13 years ago

    Kids look up to him he should do the
    Right thing . He used to be that kid to looking
    Up to an NFL star to.

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