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PSA - Violence: Just another Number

Total Votes: 32

  • Cheryl - 16 years ago

    There have always been bullys and kids have always been made fun of. That's not to say it's okay, but rather, we have to ask ourselves what is causing students to resort to violence as the answer. I think it is incredibly sad. We used to shocked to hear about these crimes. Now they are just another news story. Nicely done clip.

  • Renee - 16 years ago

    This message was powerful enough in the short time that was given.

  • Donna - 16 years ago

    Message pretty well crafted but some of the slides with words moved too fast for me to read completely.

  • Matt - 16 years ago

    Few comments:

    - Like the choice of music. Very apt.
    - The cuts were a little too fast. I was having problems reading the entire slide before the next one cut in. If you had a time limit to work with, I would consider losing 2-3 slides so that can give the viewer a little more time to read it.
    - Need to make your choice of type front and formatting consistent. This might have been one of the reasons that I was having problems reading the text. You are forcing the user to constantly readjust to the new font and formatting. Also, sometimes the font color didn't contrast with the background image which could make it difficult to read.
    - There was a least one spelling mistake ("there" instead of "their" on the slide about Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris)
    - Last, I think your final slide needs more punch. Aside from having problems reading it, it didn't really have a strong hook to it.

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