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Should law enforcement need search warrants to track vehicles (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 3,571

  • Doug - 14 years ago

    What people who don't object to this (like John) don't consider that if there was no requirement for a warrant then what is to prevent the government from automatically collecting this information from everyone..."just in case"? How long before new cars will be mandated to have GPS built in for just this purpose?

    Further, if you don't have a right to keep the government from attaching something to your property without your knowledge, then what property rights do you have?

    By the way the press comparison is silly. It may be legal to have a journalist follow you but it's not legal for them to attach a GPS tracker to your car. Why should it be legal for the police?

  • John - 14 years ago

    Apparently the people taking these polls do not understand that the fourth amendment only applies to search and seizure. Placing a GPS Tracker on a vehicle does not involve a search of of any kind because it is placed on the outside of the vehicle. Secondly a GPS only relays the location of the vehicle, nothing else. How is this different then a agents conducting surviellance of a suspect? What expectation of privacy do we have on public roads?

    It all comes back to a simply legal precedent "Right to be, right to see." If you are not within the confines of your home , or your car is not parked in your garage I do not see how any one can claim their movements on public roads and highways is protected. Cleary some of us here need to understand the fundementals of the 4th Amenedment which explicity states unreasonable search and seizure.

    And lastly do any of you know how man power exhaustive and time consuming it is to obtain a warrant? Our court systems are already strained beyond belief and yet people want to clog the courts with requirng a warrant for GPS Tracking... I know saying lets get a warrant makes you feel all good inside and seems easy but do your research people. I am all for people rights, but rights to privacy virtually disappear when you enter into the public. Does the press not have the right follow you all over the place? Should the press be required to get warrants to follow famous people or celebrites. Think about it

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