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Should Cheryl take Ashley back?


  • h - 13 years ago

    i agree its none of our business, none of us are personally involved in their life, so why do we feel we are able to judge? its up to them how they live their lives and who with... i wish them the best thats all i can do. not that my opinion matters to them, and why should it?

  • abz - 13 years ago

    i dont really care as long as cheryl is happy i hate to see her unhappy :)

  • kelsey - 13 years ago

    right here we go at the end of the day you have no say in what cheryl dose with ashley!so stop thinking you do!they can do what they like it's thier life,you wouldnt like it nethier dose cheryl&ashley so leve them alone&in fucking peace,much love:-).

  • geoff - 13 years ago

    none of our business

  • M - 13 years ago

    I think we should leave Cheryl and Ashley alone to get on with their lives either together or apart. We have judged their relationship very harshly, when there have been so many other footballers who have cheated on their partners and yet we have not blinked an eye when they stay together. We were not up in arms when Colleen stayed with Wayne. Abi Claney just married Peter Crounch and we thought nothing of it. John Terry's wife took him back and no one batted an eye lid. Yet for some reason we seem to have a reason to hate Ashley more for what he has done. None of the other are constantly called 'love rat' in the media.

    If they are going to get back together and they think they can make it work this time then good on them so many people give up on a relationship at the first hurdle. But instead of judging them maybe we should support them.

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