Will You Use PollDaddy For Twitter?


  • pkv vergleich - 14 years ago

    yeah we are using twitter, but not Polldaddy

  • Vergleich PKV - 14 years ago

    We dare not unsing poll daddy

  • PKV Vergleich - 14 years ago

    another annoying app...not my cup of tee :-/

  • kann schnell abnehmen - 14 years ago

    Not using it :-/

  • Kostenloses Girokonto - 14 years ago

    We use Twitter, but not Daddy!

  • PKV - 14 years ago

    We don't use poll daddy ;)

  • doris - 15 years ago

    the princple is just top, but if Google claimed twitter by a couple of billion bucks, eh. Nearly all becomes part of teh Google consortium...

  • Chris - 16 years ago

    Nice tool.thx

  • Marco - 16 years ago

    Yes thats a great Idee

  • TechTalk on WRLR 98.3FM - 16 years ago

    be great to poll listeners on the fly ... if it popped the poll inline at least on the web feed. As it stands with having to link out ... how is that really different from just setting up their regular poll and then shortlinking it?

    i already use polldaddy on our web site, works great there, so definitely can see this coming along and being valuable at some point. not today though.

  • Jason Bogovich - 16 years ago

    I've always said that communications was the fastest moving space in tech. We are seeing a communication highway form much like the information one of the late nineties. I believe we will see many more of these communication mashups in the future. It might out pace the document space in activity soon.

    PollDaddy is a nice addition, good thinking, will enable mass opinion sampling and make twitter an even richer research tool.

  • Jim McNelis - 16 years ago

    novel at best. they should forgo asking for account info and just provide a copy and paste interface. Why must they sign onto our twitter accounts JUST to post some text and a link?

  • jimmyc - 16 years ago

    great question...

  • Phil Bradley - 16 years ago

    I'd like to vote 'No', but clearly I'd then be using it. Neat little Catch 22. :)

  • Frank Williams - 16 years ago

    This is really great. I cant see how it will end up annoying. Its a pretty clean implementation of the Twitter API. We need more of this on Twitter.

  • Polldaddy for Twitter may be as useful as they come , but it might end up as just another very annoying app.

  • Martin Jamieson - 16 years ago

    Looking at it a bit more... I love these results pages - I'll definitely be voting on these polls, being able to leave comments against them is an awesome idea and if you take the time to vote, is well worth the extra minute or so to comment on it IMHO.

  • _nath - 16 years ago

    I like it, loic did it, techcrunch followed so it's gotta take off :p

  • Martin Jamieson - 16 years ago

    Neat little idea, love the concept... I've got a thing about giving my password up to 3rd party apps at the moment though, once I get over that I'll probably use it ;)

    Although if the responses don't also tweet back @ the poster, then maybe that limits a little? not sure yet.

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